Foxit PDF SDK for Web
This is the complete list of members for ReadAloudService, including all inherited members.
onReadPageEnd(callback:(pageIndex:number)=> void) | ReadAloudService | inline |
onReadPageStart(callback:(pageIndex:number)=> void) | ReadAloudService | inline |
onStatusChange(callback:(status:PDFTextToSpeechSynthesisStatus)=> void) | ReadAloudService | inline |
pause() | ReadAloudService | inline |
readPages(pageIndexes:number[], options?:Partial< ReadAloudOptions >) | ReadAloudService | inline |
readText(info:ReadAloudTextInformation, options?:Partial< ReadAloudOptions >) | ReadAloudService | inline |
resume() | ReadAloudService | inline |
setRate(rate:number) | ReadAloudService | inline |
setSpeechSynthesis(speechSynthesis:PDFTextToSpeechSynthesis) | ReadAloudService | inline |
setVolume(volume:number) | ReadAloudService | inline |
status() | ReadAloudService | inline |
stop() | ReadAloudService | inline |
supported() | ReadAloudService | inline |
updatePlayingOptions(options:Partial< ReadAloudOptions >) | ReadAloudService | inline |