Foxit PDF SDK for Web
The controllers module contains serveral classes that inherit from Controller
Classes | |
class | AddImageController |
class | AnnotOperationController |
It's a abstract controller class provides an easy way for sub-controller classes to take control the contextmenu-item's visibility and usability before contextmenu shown. More... | |
class | ApplyAllRedactController |
class | ApplyRedactController |
class | CancelCreatingMeasurementController |
class | CompleteCreatingMeasurementController |
class | ContinuousFacingPageModeController |
class | ContinuousPageModeController |
class | Controller |
Controller is a base class used to implement UI component business logic. It contains the entire life cycle process of UI components. In these lifecycle methods, you can implement style adjustments to UI components, event monitoring, and destruction. The Controller provides a special handle method. The triggering behavior of the handle is defined by the component itself. It is suitable for simple component event processing, such as the click event of the xbutton and the change event triggered after the file-selector selects a file; Controller provides a special method: handle, The triggering behavior of handle is defined by the component itself, for example: the <xbutton> triggers handle on mouse click and the <file-selector> triggers handle on change event. There's two ways to reference a Controller to a Component: More... | |
class | CopyAnnotTextController |
class | CreateAreaController |
class | CreateAreaHighlightController |
class | CreateArrowController |
class | CreateCalloutController |
class | CreateCaretController |
class | CreateCircleAreaController |
class | CreateCircleController |
class | CreateDistanceController |
class | CreateFileAttachmentController |
class | CreateHighlightController |
class | CreateImageController |
class | CreateLineController |
class | CreateLinkController |
class | CreatePencilController |
class | CreatePerimeterController |
class | CreatePolygonCloudController |
class | CreatePolygonController |
class | CreatePolylineController |
class | CreateReplaceController |
class | CreateSquareController |
class | CreateSquigglyController |
class | CreateStrikeoutController |
class | CreateTextboxController |
class | CreateTextController |
class | CreateTypewriterController |
class | CreateUnderlineController |
class | DeleteAnnotController |
class | DownloadFileController |
class | FacingPageModeController |
class | GotoFirstPageController |
class | GotoLastPageController |
class | GotoNextPageController |
class | GotoPageController |
class | GotoPrevPageController |
class | HandController |
class | LoupeController |
class | MarqueeToolController |
class | MediaDownloadController |
class | MediaPauseController |
class | MediaPlayController |
class | OpenLocalFileController |
class | OpenRemoteFileController |
class | SelectTextAnnotationController |
class | ShowActionsController |
class | ShowAnnotFormPropertiesController |
class | ShowAnnotPropertiesController |
class | ShowAnnotReplyController |
class | ShowRedactPlaceDialogController |
class | ShowSearchPanelController |
class | SignPropertyController |
class | SinglePageModeController |
class | StatefulController |
This Controller class encapsulates the implementation logic for IStateHandler registration and toggle event listening. A customization example: . More... | |
class | TotalPageTextController |
class | ViewModeController |
It is an abstract template class for the view mode switching controllers. More... | |
The controllers module contains serveral classes that inherit from Controller