Foxit PDF SDK for Web
This is the complete list of members for PDFDoc, including all inherited members.
addAnnot(pageIndex, annotJson) | PDFDoc | inline |
addAnnotGroup(pageIndex, annotJsons, headerIndex) | PDFDoc | inline |
addHeaderFooter(headerFooter) | PDFDoc | inline |
applyRedaction() | PDFDoc | inline |
createRootBookmark() | PDFDoc | inline |
drmEncrypt(drmOptions) | PDFDoc | inline |
exportAnnotsToFDF(fileType=0, annots=null) | PDFDoc | inline |
exportAnnotsToJSON(annotArray) | PDFDoc | inline |
exportFormToFile(fileType=0) | PDFDoc | inline |
extractPages(pageRange) | PDFDoc | inline |
flatten(option) | PDFDoc | inline |
getAllBoxesByPageIndex(index) | PDFDoc | inline |
getAnnots() | PDFDoc | inline |
getBookmarksJson() | PDFDoc | inline |
getComparisonFilterCountSummary() | PDFDoc | inline |
getEmbeddedFileNames() | PDFDoc | inline |
getFile({ flags=0, fileName=this.getFileName() }={ flags:0, fileName:this.getFileName() }) | PDFDoc | inline |
getFontsInfo() | PDFDoc | inline |
getHeaderFooter() | PDFDoc | inline |
getId() | PDFDoc | inline |
getInfo() | PDFDoc | inline |
getLayerNodesJson() | PDFDoc | inline |
getMetadata() | PDFDoc | inline |
getOriginalStream() | PDFDoc | inline |
getPageAnnots(index) | PDFDoc | inline |
getPageByIndex(index) | PDFDoc | inline |
getPageCount() | PDFDoc | inline |
getPageLabels(pageIndexes) | PDFDoc | inline |
getPasswordType() | PDFDoc | inline |
getPDFForm() | PDFDoc | inline |
getPermission() | PDFDoc | inline |
getPermissions() | PDFDoc | inline |
getRootBookmark(forceRefresh=false) | PDFDoc | inline |
getStream(writeChunk, flag=0) | PDFDoc | inline |
getText(pages) | PDFDoc | inline |
getTextSearch(pattern, flags) | PDFDoc | inline |
getUserPermissions() | PDFDoc | inline |
hasForm() | PDFDoc | inline |
importAnnotsFromFDF(fdf, escape=true) | PDFDoc | inline |
importAnnotsFromJSON(annotsJson) | PDFDoc | inline |
importFormFromFile(file, format, encoding='UTF-8') | PDFDoc | inline |
insertBlankPages(pageRange, width, height) | PDFDoc | inline |
insertPage(pageIndex, width, height) | PDFDoc | inline |
insertPages({destIndex, file, password="", flags=0, layerName="", startIndex, endIndex}) | PDFDoc | inline |
isCompareDoc() | PDFDoc | inline |
isDocModified() | PDFDoc | inline |
isLinearized() | PDFDoc | inline |
loadPDFForm() | PDFDoc | inline |
loadThumbnail(options) | PDFDoc | inline |
makeRedactByPages(pages) | PDFDoc | inline |
mergePDFDoc(options) | PDFDoc | inline |
movePagesTo(pageRange, destIndex=0) | PDFDoc | inline |
movePageTo(pageIndex, destIndex) | PDFDoc | inline |
removeAllEmbeddedFiles() | PDFDoc | inline |
removeEmbeddedFileByName(name) | PDFDoc | inline |
removeHeaderFooter() | PDFDoc | inline |
removePage(pageIndex) | PDFDoc | inline |
removePages(pageRange) | PDFDoc | inline |
rotatePages(pageRange, rotation) | PDFDoc | inline |
searchText(pages, words, options={}) | PDFDoc | inline |
setLayerNodeVisible(layerId, visible) | PDFDoc | inline |
setMetadataValue(key, value) | PDFDoc | inline |
setPagesBox({ indexes, width, height, offsetX, offsetY, boxes, removeWhiteMargin }={}) | PDFDoc | inline |
setPasswordAndPermission(userPassword, ownerPassword, permission=0xfffffffc, cipher=cipherType.AES256, isEncryptMetadata=true) | PDFDoc | inline |
sign(signInfo, DigestSignHandler) | PDFDoc | inline |
signForESignUS(signInfo, esignFieldList, hashSignFun) | PDFDoc | inline |
updateHeaderFooter(headerFooter) | PDFDoc | inline |