FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  9.0.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Deprecated List
Member actionAdd
since 8.3 using actionAdded instead
Class AddMarkedStateCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class AddMarkedStateOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class AddReplyCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class AddReplyOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class AddReviewStateCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class AddReviewStateOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdd
since 8.3 using annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdded instead.
Member annotationMovedPosition
since 8.3 using annotationPositionMoved instead
Member annotationReplyAdd
since 8.3 using annotationReplyAdded instead.
Member annotationReviewStateAnnotAdd
since 8.3 using annotationReviewStateAnnotAdded instead.
Member AnnotRender::active (e)
Member AnnotRender::unActive ()
Member applyRedaction
since 8.3 using redactionApplied instead
Module collab
Deprecated after 8.5.2, The built-in collaboration API is no longer recommended and may be removed in the future. Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CollaborationCommunicator
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CollaborationDataHandler
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CollaborationSessionInfo
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CreateAnnotationCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class CreateAnnotationOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member CustomScrollWrap
Member disableScroll
Member drmEncryptSuccess
since 8.3 using drmEncryptSucceeded instead.
Class DropdownButtonComponent

since 7.1.1, using <xbutton> instead.

Member Hidden
Member IAnnotationSummary::name
In some special documents, this may be repeated
Class ImportAnnotationsFileCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class ImportAnnotationsFileOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member insertPages
since 8.3 using pagesInserted instead
Member layerVisibleChange
since 8.3 using layerVisibleChanged instead
Class MoveAnnotsBetweenPageCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class MoveAnnotsBetweenPageOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class OpenFileParameter
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member pageInfoChange
since 8.3 using pageInfoChanged instead
Member pageRotationChange
since 8.3 using pageRotationChanged instead
Member PDFDoc::getBookmarksJson ()
Member PDFDoc::getPermission ()
Use PDFDoc::getPermissions instead
Member PDFViewer::collaborate (action, data)
After version 8.5.2, The options.collaboration will be deprecated and is not recommended for use. Please refer to
Member PDFViewer::registerSignatureHandler (filter, subfilter, handler)
Class PPOInsertPageCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPOInsertPageOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPOMovePageCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPOMovePageOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORemovePageCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORemovePageOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORemovePagesCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORemovePagesOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORotatePageCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class PPORotatePageOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class RemoveAnnotationCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class RemoveAnnotationOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member removePwdAndPerm
since 8.3 using pwdAndPermRemoved instead
Class RemoveReplyCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class RemoveReplyOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Member removeReviewState
since 8.3 using reviewStateRemoved instead
Class TabItemComponent
Use GTabComponent instead
Class TabsComponent
use GTabComponent
Class UpdateAnnotationCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class UpdateAnnotationOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class UpdateAnnotContentCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class UpdateAnnotContentOperationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class UserCustomizeCollaborationData
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference
Class WebSocketCommunicator
Deprecated after version 8.5.2, Please refer to the new collaboration solution: collab-developer-guide , collab_client_api_reference and collab_server_api_reference

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