Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- h -
- handle()
: Controller
- has()
: AnnotationPermission
- has3DAnnots()
: PDFDoc
- hasCaption()
: Circle
, Line
, Polygon
, PolyLine
- hasChild
: BookmarkData
- hasForm()
: PDFDoc
- hasKey()
: PDFDictionary
- hasLayer
: ILayerNode
- hasOwnerPassword()
: PDFDoc
- head
: IFreeTextCalloutAnnotationSummary
, ILineAnnotationSummary
, IPolylineAnnotationSummary
- height
: DigitalStampSize
, DigitalStampTemplate
, ImageData
, PPOInsertPageOperationData
, StampInfo
, StampStateHandlerParams
- hide()
: AnnotTooltip
, Component
, IFloatingTooltip
, ISignedSignaturePropertiesDialog
, ISignVerifiedResultDialog
, ProgressComponent
- hidePopup()
: MarkupAnnotComponent
- hidePropertiesDialog()
: MarkupAnnotComponent
- hideReplyDialog()
: MarkupAnnotComponent
- highlightForm()
: PDFViewer