FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  8.2.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
ICaretAnnotationSummary Interface Reference

Summaries of caret type annotation. More...

Inheritance diagram for ICaretAnnotationSummary:
IMarkupAnnotationSummary IAnnotationSummary

Public Attributes

string fringe
 Diff of inner rectangle and outer rectangle.
- Public Attributes inherited from IMarkupAnnotationSummary
string creationdate
 Creation time, format: D:yyyyMMddhhmmssTZ.
string inreplyto
 Represents a related annotation id. The relationship between the two annotations shall be specified by the replyType entry.
string intent
 Intent name.
number opacity
 Opacity value of an markup annotation.
IPopupAnnotationSummary popup
 The popup anontation summaries.
string replyType
 (Meaningful only if inreplyto is present). A name specifying the relationship between this annotation and on specified by inreplyto. Value values are: More...
number rotation
 Roation angle of this annotation.
string subject
 Subject string.
string title
 The title string, By convention, annotation's title can be used to identify the user who added current annotation.
- Public Attributes inherited from IAnnotationSummary
string color
 border color, format: #RRGGBB
string contents
 text content.
Object< string, any > customEntries
 custom dictionary entries More...
string dashes
 This property is available when style is 'dashed'.
number dashPhase
 This property is available when style is 'dashed'.
string date
 Last modified time. format: D:yyyyMMddhhmmssTZ.
string flags
 annotation flag names, multiple flags are separated by commas
number indensity
 This property is available when style is 'cloudy'.
string name
 Unique id. More...
number objectNumber
 Unique id.
number page
 Page index.
string rect
 Annotation rectangle in PDF coordinate system. format: "${left},${bottom},${right},${top}".
string style
 border style, It could be one of these values: 'solid', 'dashed', 'underline', 'beveled', 'inset', 'cloudy'
Annot_Type type
 Annotation type flag.
number width
 The border width (unit: pt).

Detailed Description

Summaries of caret type annotation.

The style, width, dashPase and intensity properties defined in IMarkupAnnotationSummary are meaningless for caret annotation and can be ignored.

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