Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Public Member Functions | |
addAnnot (pageIndex, annotJson) | |
Add an annotation into a specified page. [Support in Server] More... | |
addAnnotGroup (pageIndex, annotJsons, headerIndex) | |
Add a group annotation [Support in Server] More... | |
addHeaderFooter (headerFooter) | |
Add new header-footer. More... | |
applyRedaction () | |
Apply redaction in marked areas: remove the text or graphics under marked areas permanently. [Support in Server] More... | |
createRootBookmark () | |
Create the root bookmark of the document. More... | |
drmEncrypt (drmOptions) | |
exportAnnotsToFDF (fileType=0, annots=null) | |
Export annotation data in a document to a file. [Support in Server] More... | |
exportAnnotsToJSON (annotArray) | |
Export the document's annotation data to Json. [Support in Server] More... | |
exportFormToFile (fileType=0) | |
Export document form data to file. More... | |
extractPages (pageRange) | |
Export the given page(s) from the current document. More... | |
flatten (option) | |
Flatten all annotations and interactive form fields in a PDF. More... | |
getAnnots () | |
Get an array of all annotations of the current document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getBookmarksJson () | |
Get the document's bookmarks to JSON format. More... | |
getFile ({ flags=0, fileName=this.getFileName() }={ flags:0, fileName:this.getFileName() }) | |
Export the PDF document object to the File object. More... | |
getFontsInfo () | |
Get fonts info. More... | |
getHeaderFooter () | |
Get HeaderFooter of document. More... | |
getId () | |
Gets the id of the PDF document [Support in Server] More... | |
getInfo () | |
Get the information dictionary of the pdf document. More... | |
getLayerNodesJson () | |
Get the document's layer nodes. More... | |
getMetadata () | |
Get metadata of PDF document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageAnnots (index) | |
Get all annotations in a specified page by page index. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageByIndex (index) | |
Get the document page [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageCount () | |
Gets the number of document pages [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageLabels (pageIndexes) | |
Get the page labels of the pdf document. More... | |
getPasswordType () | |
Get the type of current used password. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPDFForm () | |
Get form object of PDF Document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPermission () | |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server] If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions. . More... | |
getPermissions () | |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server] If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions. . More... | |
getRootBookmark (forceRefresh=false) | |
Get the root bookmark of the document. More... | |
getStream (writeChunk, flag=0) | |
Gets a PDF file stream that can be used to download documents [Support in Server] More... | |
getText (pages) | |
Gets the text content of the specified pages XFA documents are not supported. More... | |
getTextSearch (pattern, flags) | |
Get text search object. [Support in Server] More... | |
getUserPermissions () | |
hasForm () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document contains pdf form. More... | |
importAnnotsFromFDF (fdf, escape=true) | |
Import data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. [Support in Server] More... | |
importAnnotsFromJSON (annotsJson) | |
Import data from Json. [Support in Server] More... | |
importFormFromFile (file, format, encoding='UTF-8') | |
Import form data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. More... | |
insertBlankPages (pageRange, width, height) | |
Insert a new blank PDF page to the specified pages, by indexes. More... | |
insertPage (pageIndex, width, height) | |
Insert a new blank PDF page to document, by index. [Support in Server] More... | |
insertPages ({destIndex, file, password="", flags=0, layerName="", startIndex, endIndex}) | |
Start to import pages from another PDF document. More... | |
isDocModified () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document is modified if modified return true, false otherwise. [Support in Server] More... | |
isLinearized () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document is represented in linearized (fast web view) format. More... | |
loadPDFForm () | |
Load form data of PDF document. [Support in Server] More... | |
makeRedactByPages (pages) | |
Mark pages which are to be redacted. More... | |
movePagesTo (pageRange, destIndex=0) | |
Move the specified pages to a new index position. More... | |
movePageTo (pageIndex, destIndex) | |
Move a specified page to a new index position. [Support in Server] More... | |
removeHeaderFooter () | |
Revmove all headers and foonters of document. More... | |
removePage (pageIndex) | |
Remove a PDF page by page index. [Support in Server] More... | |
removePages (pageRange) | |
Remove the specified pages by page indexes. More... | |
rotatePages (pageRange, rotation) | |
Set the specified pages rotation. More... | |
setLayerNodeVisible (layerId, visible) | |
Set the visibility of a specified layer node. More... | |
setMetadataValue (key, value) | |
Set metadata value. More... | |
setPasswordAndPermission (userPassword, ownerPassword, permission=0xfffffffc, cipher=cipherType.AES256, isEncryptMetadata=true) | |
Set document password and permission. More... | |
sign (signInfo, DigestSignHandler) | |
Get signature file stream without signed data. More... | |
updateHeaderFooter (headerFooter) | |
Modify header or footer of documents. If there is no header or footer, this function will add one. More... | |
verifySignature (field, VerifyHandler) | |
Verify signature's status. More... | |
PDF document object
inline |
Add an annotation into a specified page. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | {number} Specifies target page. |
annotJson | {object} Annotation's json object. |
inline |
Add a group annotation [Support in Server]
pageIndex | {number} - Specifies target page. |
annotJsons | {object} - Annotation's json object. |
headerIndex | {number} - Indicates the header annotation's index. |
inline |
Add new header-footer.
A PDF document can be added header-footer sereral times. When a new header-footer is added, the old ones will not be removed but be covered by the new one if the old ones appear in the same place as new one.
headerfooter | {HeaderFooter} A valid header-footer object to be added to current document. |
inline |
Apply redaction in marked areas: remove the text or graphics under marked areas permanently. [Support in Server]
inline |
Create the root bookmark of the document.
inline |
This class represents a Foxit DRM(Digital Right Management) security handler, used for Foxit DRM encryption.
drmOptions | {object} |
[drmOptions.isEncryptMetadata=false] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
drmOptions.subFilter | {string} The sub filter of PDF document. |
drmOptions.cipher | {number} Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type::cipherNone. |
drmOptions.keyLength | {number} The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
drmOptions.isOwner | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. Default: false. |
drmOptions.userPermissions | {number} The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
drmOptions.fileId | {string} The file identity string. |
drmOptions.initialKey | {string} The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[drmOptions.values] | {object} Set the DRM value for a specified parameter. A parameter string as the key name. It should not be an empty string. Followings are pre-defined key names: Issuer: issuer name. Creator: creator of this file. FileID: file ID. FlowCode: flow code for application control. Order: order number. User: user name. ServiceURL: service URL for remote server. Vender: vender name. |
inline |
Export annotation data in a document to a file. [Support in Server]
fileType | {number} - Specify data file type. File_Type.xfdf or File_Type.fdf. The default is File_Type.fdf. |
[annots] | {Annot[]} - Specifies particular annots to be exported. If it's null, all annotations will be exported. [Not support in Server] |
inline |
Export the document's annotation data to Json. [Support in Server]
annots | {Array<Annot>} - An array with annots that will be exported. All annots will be exported with "null" parameters. |
inline |
Export document form data to file.
fileType | {number} - Specify data file type. Please refer to File_Type. The default is File_Type.fdf. |
inline |
Export the given page(s) from the current document.
pageRange | {Array} - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which woulb be extracted. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be extracted. |
inline |
Flatten all annotations and interactive form fields in a PDF.
option | {number} - Specify which objects will be flattened. Please Refer to Flatten_Option |
inline |
Get an array of all annotations of the current document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the document's bookmarks to JSON format.
inline |
Export the PDF document object to the File object.
[options] | object |
[options.flags] | number - Document saving flags. Please refer to Saving_Flag. Default: Saving_Flag::normal. |
[options.fileName] | string - PDF file name |
inline |
Get fonts info.
inline |
Get HeaderFooter of document.
inline |
Gets the id of the PDF document [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the information dictionary of the pdf document.
inline |
Get the document's layer nodes.
inline |
Get metadata of PDF document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get all annotations in a specified page by page index. [Support in Server]
index | {number} - page index |
inline |
inline |
Gets the number of document pages [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the page labels of the pdf document.
pageIndexes | {[number]} - Could be undefined or page number indexes array. If it's undefined, then all the page labels are returned. |
inline |
Get the type of current used password. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get form object of PDF Document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server]
If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions.
inline |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server]
If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions.
inline |
Get the root bookmark of the document.
inline |
Gets a PDF file stream that can be used to download documents [Support in Server]
writeChunk | {Function} - Callbacks in the form of fragment flows: function ({arrayBuffer, offset, size}) {} - arrayBuffer: fragment stream, offset: fragment offset, size: fragment size |
flag | number - Document saving flags. Please refer to Saving_Flag. Default: Saving_Flag::normal. |
inline |
Gets the text content of the specified pages XFA documents are not supported.
pages | {Array} - The page index where content will be extracted. |
inline |
Get text search object. [Support in Server]
pattern | {string} - Specifies text to search. |
flags | {number} - The following bit of flags can be used individually or in combination. 0: No special searching options. 1: If set, match the case of keyword when searching. 2: If set, match the whole word of keyword when searching. 4: If set, match the key word consecutively when searching. For example, "CC" will be matched twice in "CCC". |
inline |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server]
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document contains pdf form.
inline |
Import data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. [Support in Server]
fdf | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify fdf file's stream. |
escape | {boolean} - Skip annotationImportedEx event |
inline |
Import data from Json. [Support in Server]
annotsJson | {IAnnotationSummary[]} - Specify annots' json array. |
inline |
Import form data from an FDF file specified by array buffer.
file | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify fdf file's stream. |
format | {number} - File format. Please refer to File_Type. |
encoding | {string} - File encoding. Available values are same as second parameter of FileReader.readAsText . |
inline |
Insert a new blank PDF page to the specified pages, by indexes.
pageRange | {Array} - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be inserted. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be inserted. |
width | {number} - Width of new page. |
height | {number} - Height of new page. |
inline |
Insert a new blank PDF page to document, by index. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | {number} - The page index for new page. |
width | {number} - Width of new page. |
height | {number} - Height of new page. |
inline |
Start to import pages from another PDF document.
insertOptions | {object} - Options for inserting pages. |
insertOptions.destIndex | {number} - A page index in current PDF document. Default value:0. If less than 0 or more than total page, will throw error. |
insertOptions.file | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify PDF file's stream where pages will be exported from. |
insertOptions.password | {string} - Specify document's password. It can be left empty. |
insertOptions.flags | {number} - Options for importing pages.0:Import pages normally.1:Import pages with layers. Default value:0. |
insertOptions.layerName | {string} - The name of non-selectable label or the prefix name of the non-selectable label to be shown in layer panel of application.If parameter flags is 1, this should not be empty and should be a valid string. If parameter flags is not 1, this string will be ignored. |
insertOptions.startIndex | {number} - The start index of a range segment. Default value:0. Support negative number, but if total page is 11, the -12 will throw error. |
insertOptions.endIndex | {number} - The end index of a range segment. Default value:0. Support negative number, but if total page is 11, the -12 will throw error. |
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document is modified if modified return true, false otherwise. [Support in Server]
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document is represented in linearized (fast web view) format.
inline |
Load form data of PDF document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Mark pages which are to be redacted.
pages | {Array[number]} - page index array which pages to be redacted. |
inline |
Move the specified pages to a new index position.
pageRange | {Array} - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be moved. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be moved. |
destIndex | {number} - A page index in current PDF document. Default value:0. If less than 0 or more than total page, will throw error. |
inline |
Move a specified page to a new index position. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | {number} - Index of the specified page. |
destIndex | {number} - Index of the destination position. |
inline |
Revmove all headers and foonters of document.
inline |
Remove a PDF page by page index. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | {number} - Index of the specified page. |
inline |
Remove the specified pages by page indexes.
pageRange | {Array} - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be removed. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be removed. |
inline |
Set the specified pages rotation.
pageRange | {Array} - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be rotated. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be rotated. |
rotation | {number} - Rotation to be set. Please refer to Rotation. |
inline |
Set the visibility of a specified layer node.
layerId | {string|number} - string ID of a layer node. |
visiable | {boolean} - true means visible, and false means invisible. |
inline |
Set metadata value.
key | {string} - Metadata key string. It should not be an empty string. Currently it can be one of the following keys: "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", "Producer", "Trapped", "CreationDate", "ModDate", "pdfaid". It can also be some other custom information keys if they're supported by the PDF file. |
value | {string} - An string value of metadata value. |
inline |
Set document password and permission.
userPassword | {string} - user password. |
ownerPassword | {string} - owner password. |
permission | {number} - User_Permissions 32bit numbers, Print PDF document with normal mode. (Bit 3 ); Modify PDF contents. (Bit 4);Extract PDF contents. (Bit 5);Operate text annotations and fill in interactive form fields. (Bit 6);Fill PDF form. (Bit 9);Disabilities support. (Bit 10);Assemble PDF document. (Bit 11);Print PDF document with higher qualities. (Bit 12); |
cipher | {string} - Cipher type string. Available values: "none", "rc4", "aes128", "aes256" |
isEncryptMetadata | {boolean} - true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata |
inline |
Get signature file stream without signed data.
signInfo | {object} - Specifies signature info. |
signInfo.filter | {object} - Specifies signature info. |
signInfo.subfilter | {object} - Specifies signature info. |
[signInfo.rect] | {PDFRect} - (Required if fieldName is absent)Position of signature. |
[signInfo.pageIndex] | {number} - (Required if fieldName is absent) Specify a page index on which this signature will appear. |
[signInfo.flag=0x100] | {number} - The appearance flag for signing. Please refer to Signature_Ap_Flags. |
[signInfo.signer] | {string} - The signer of the signature. |
[signInfo.reason] | {string} - The reason for signing. |
[] | {string} - The email of the signing. |
[signInfo.image] | {string} - (e.g. BLOB URL, HTTP, HTTPS, and Base64URL)The image for singing. |
[signInfo.distinguishName] | {string} - The distinguished name of signing. |
[signInfo.location] | {string} - The location of signing. |
[signInfo.text] | {string} - The signing descriptive information. |
[signInfo.fieldName] | {string} - (Required if rect and pageIndex are absent) Specifies which field to be signed. |
DigestSignHandler | {(signInfo,plainBuffer)=>Promise<ArrayBuffer>} - The digest and sign handler. |
inline |
Modify header or footer of documents. If there is no header or footer, this function will add one.
headerFooter | {HeaderFooter} - HeaderFooter object. |
inline |
Verify signature's status.
field | {PDFField} - The signature field to be verified. |
VerifyHandler | {(signatureField,plainBuffer,signedData,hasDataOutOfScope)=>Promise<number>} - Verify handler which is used to check signature's validity. |