Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Use PDFViewCtrl for the entry file. More...
Public Member Functions | |
activateAnnotation (options) | |
Jumps to and activates a specified annotation with an option determining if to expand the comment list. More... | |
activateElement (element) | |
Activates an activatable object;. More... | |
addAnnotationIcon (icon) | |
Add an annotation icon. [Not support in Server] More... | |
addFontMaps (fontMaps) | |
Sets a custom font in the viewer for editing PDF text/form field. Before using this function, you should call setJRFontMap() to map the available fonts. More... | |
close (before=this.customs.closeDocBefore, after=this.customs.closeDocAfter) | |
Close the open document. More... | |
collaborate (action, data) | |
Sends collaboration data to another clients in same share id. The data parameter can be passed an asynchorounous callback function, so that data will be generated only when the collaboration is enabled, which is beneficial to the performance when the collaboration is not enabled. More... | |
constructor ({ preloadJR=true, preloadSR=false, libPath, jr, sr, i18n, i18nOptions, eventEmitter=new EventEmitter(), minScale=0.01, maxScale=10, defaultScale='fitWidth', scaleFrequency=0, tileSize=1200, tileCache=true, getTileSize=null, StateHandlers=[], customs={}, keymap={}, Viewmodes=[], enableJS, enableSafeMode, stateHandlerConfig, watermarkConfig, actionOptions={}, defaultViewMode=continuousViewModeName, snapshotServer=new SnapshotServer({ uploadSnapshotAPIPath:'snapshot/upload' }), collaboration={ enable:false, annotationFormat:'fdf', communicator:null, handlerClasses:[], continueToConnect:(retryTimes, shareId)=> {return retryTimes< 15;} }, highPerformance=false, annotRenderingMode, defaultKeyboardEventBinder=VIEWER_BINDER, defaultAnnotConfig, enableSignature, enableShortcutKey=true, engineMode=JR, sharedWorker=false, noJSFrame=false, showCommentList=false, showAnnotTooltip=false, showFormFieldTooltip=false, viewerUI, applicationContext, instanceId='pdf_viewer_'+(PDF_VIEWER_INSTANCE_ID_SEQUENCE++) }={}) | |
Create a PDFViewer. More... | |
convertClientCoordToPDFCoord ({clientX=0, clientY=0}) | |
An API to get coordinate information for the PDF coordinate system from device coordinates. More... | |
convertImageToPDFDoc (file, url, title="untitled.pdf", author="", options={}, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Convert image to PDF document from file or url, supported image types are bmp/jpeg/png/gif. [Not support in Server] More... | |
copyAnnots (annots) | |
Copy Annotations. No copy in the clipboard Not support strikeout, highlight, squiggly, underline, redact, caret, screen, sound, popup annotations, and signature field. More... | |
copySnapshot (dataURL) | |
Copy image data to clipboard via dataURL. More... | |
createNewDoc (title="untitled.pdf", author="", pageSize={height:842, width:595}, options={isRenderOnDocLoaded:true}, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Create a new pdf document. [Not support in Server] More... | |
deactivateElement (element) | |
Deactives an activatable object;. More... | |
getAllActivatedElements () | |
Obtains all activable elements. More... | |
getAnnotAuthorityManager () | |
Obtains the AnnotationAuthorityManager. More... | |
getAnnotManager () | |
Get annotation component manager. More... | |
getAnnotRender (pageIndex, name) | |
Get annot render. PDFPageRender::getAnnotRender. More... | |
getCurrentPDFDoc () | |
Get current pdf doc object. More... | |
getEnableJS () | |
Checks if PDF js can be executed. [Not support in Server] More... | |
getEventEmitter () | |
Get event emitter. More... | |
getFormHighlightColor () | |
getInkSignList () | |
Get ink signature list. More... | |
getPDFDocFromImageFile (file, url, title="untitled.pdf", author="") | |
getPDFDocRender () | |
GetPDFDocRender. More... | |
getPDFPageRender (index) | |
GetPDFPageRender PDFDocRender::getPDFPageRender. More... | |
getReadAloudService () | |
Obtains the ReadAloudService instance. More... | |
getRotation () | |
Obtains the rotation degree of curremt document. The result returned is one of these values: 0, 90, 180, 270. More... | |
getScrollWrap () | |
Obtains the scroll wrap instance. More... | |
getSnapMode (stateHandlerName) | |
Obtains the snap mode by state handler name. More... | |
getStateHandlerManager () | |
Get state handler manager. More... | |
getViewModeManager () | |
Get view mode manager. More... | |
highlightForm (highlight) | |
init (selector) | |
Initialize PDFViewer. More... | |
initAnnotationIcons (icons) | |
Set initialized annotation icons. Refer to PDFPage.addAnnot to use those icons. [Not support in Server] More... | |
isShortcutKeyEnabled () | |
Get shortcut key settings. More... | |
killFocus () | |
Kill the focus of activated element. More... | |
loadPDFDocByFile (file, options={}) | |
Loads and parses the PDF document stream into PDFDoc instance. More... | |
loadPDFDocByHttpRangeRequest (request, options={}) | |
Loads either a URL document by HTTP range requests or an entire file depending on if the server enables range request or not. More... | |
offShortcutKey (shortcut, handler) | |
Remove an event handler for the given shortcut. More... | |
onShortcutKey (shortcut, handler, preventDefaultImplementation=false) | |
Add an event handler for the given shortcut. Currently we support shortcut keys: Esc: Close dialog or exit edit mode or exit search panel. Home: Jump to the first page. End: Jump to the last page. Delete: Delete selected object. Edit mode: delete the selected text object, non-edit mode: delete the selected annot object. Ctrl+MouseWheelUp: Zoom in the page. Ctrl+MouseWheelDown: Zoom out the page. PageUp: Move current view up. When there is a vertical scroll bar. PageDown: Move current view down. When there is a vertical scroll bar. UpArrow: Move scroll bar up. When there is a vertical scroll bar. DownArrow: Move scroll bar down. When there is a vertical scroll bar. LeftArrow: Move scroll bar the left. When there is a horizontal scroll bar. RightArrow: Move scroll bar to the right. When there is a horizontal scroll bar. Enter: Confirm or continue. Ctrl+Z: Undo. Cmd+Z for Mac. Ctrl+Y: Redo. Cmd+Shift+Z for Mac. Ctrl+MouseLeft: Select multiple objects, annotation, path, text edit. Ctrl+F: Open Search Panel. Cmd+F for Mac. Ctrl+P: Open Print Panel. Cmd+P for Mac. Ctrl+RightArrow: Open Left Navigation Panel. Cmd+RightArrow for Mac. Ctrl+LeftArrow: Close Left Navigation Panel. Cmd+LeftArrow for Mac. Ctrl+C: Copy annotation(path, text edit,image). Cmd+C for Mac. Ctrl+X: Cut annotation(text). Cmd+X for Mac. Ctrl+V: Paste annotation(path, text edit,image). Cmd+V for Mac. . More... | |
openFileByShareId (shareId) | |
After obtains the collaborative link, the share id can be parsed to open the file that shared from other client. More... | |
openPDFByFile (file, options={}, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Open the local document. More... | |
openPDFByHttpRangeRequest (request, options={fileName:''}, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Open either a URL document by HTTP range requests or an entire file depending on if the server enables range request or not. More... | |
openPDFById (id, options={fileName:''}) | |
Open a document that exists on the server [Server Only]. More... | |
pasteAnnots (datas) | |
Paste annotations into the lower right corner of the center. Not support strikeout, highlight, squiggly, underline, redact, caret, screen, sound, popup annotations, and signature field. More... | |
async | print ({ isPortfolio, rangeType, pages=[], printType=['page'], progress=this.printProgress, printer, showHeaderFooter=this.getPrintSetting('showHeaderFooter'), quality=this.getPrintSetting('quality')||100, }, callback=noop) |
Prints the current document with specified options. Example: pdfViewer.print({ pages: [0, 1], printType: ['page', 'annot'], quality: 100, showHeaderFooter: false }, function(message) { switch(message.state) { case 'start': console.log('Start generating page images') break; case 'progress': console.log('Page image URI has been generated', message.pageIndex, message.imageURI, break; case 'end': console.log('Finish generating page images') break; } }) . More... | |
printCurrentView () | |
print the currently displayed screen content. Note: If the printed content is spread across pages, calling this interface can't print any content. More... | |
redraw (force) | |
Redraw the currently visible page(s). More... | |
registerCollabDataHandler (action, handler) | |
registerSignatureHandler (filter, subfilter, handler) | |
Register a signature handler. [Not support in Server] More... | |
removeAnnotationIcon (type, category, name) | |
Remove an annotation’s icon. [Not support in Server] More... | |
renderDoc (pdfDoc, scale=this.config.defaultScale) | |
Render a loaded PDF document. More... | |
reopenPDFDoc (pdfDoc, options={}) | |
When a document fails to open, you can call this method and reproduce the passing parameters to reopen the file that failed to open. More... | |
rotateTo (degree) | |
Rotate the current document to specified degree. This method only changes the rendering effect of the view and does not change the PDF document data. More... | |
setActionCallback (ActionCallbackClass) | |
Set an ActionCallback class to Web SDK, in aid of performing PDF actions. User should implement a class and call this function to set the action callback to Web SDK. More... | |
setAutoCalculateFieldsFlag (autoCalculate) | |
Provide API to set Automatically Calculate Field Values. More... | |
setDefaultAnnotConfig (fn) | |
Set the default configured callback function for the annotation.See PDFPage::addAnnot for the return object format. More... | |
setDefaultPrintSetting (printSetting) | |
Configures printing parameters. More... | |
setDocReadColors (colors) | |
Sets the background and foreground colors for viewing documents. [Not support in Server] More... | |
setEnableJS (enable) | |
Set whether JavaScript is allowed or not. More... | |
setEnableShortcutKey (enable) | |
Set whether shortcut key is enabled or disabled. More... | |
setEraserSize (width) | |
Sets the width of the eraser. More... | |
setFormatOfDynamicStamp (sperator, timeFormat) | |
Set dynamic information of stamps. [Not support in Server] More... | |
setFormCreationContinuously (isContinuous) | |
Sets whether to keep the current form field to be created continuously. More... | |
setFormFieldFocusRectangleVisible (isVisible) | |
Set whether form field focus rectangle is visible or not. More... | |
setFormHighlightColor (color, requiredColor) | |
setInkSignList (inkSignList) | |
Set ink signature list. More... | |
setJRFontMap (fontMaps) | |
Set JR custom font. [Not support in Server] More... | |
setPencilDrawingTimeOut (millseconds) | |
Sets the timeout for the pencil drawing. A new pencil is created beyond the timeout period. More... | |
setSnapMode (stateHandlerName, mode) | |
Set the snap mode that will be used to calculate the point position. More... | |
setUserConfig (config, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Set the global config. More... | |
setUserName (userName, pdfEngine=this.pdfEngine) | |
Set the global username. More... | |
takeSnapshot (pageIndex, left, top, width, height) | |
Capture the picture of the specified area on the page. More... | |
uploadImage (blob) | |
Upload image blob data to the snapshot server, and then returns a same-origin image URL, which can be used to break some browser's limitations. More... | |
zoomTo (scale, position) | |
Zoom to the given scale. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
HTMLElement | element |
A DOM element used to render the stuffs generated in PDFViewer. This element is the DOM node passed by PDFViewer.init method. More... | |
Use PDFViewCtrl for the entry file.
inline |
Jumps to and activates a specified annotation with an option determining if to expand the comment list.
options | {Object} |
options.annotationId | {string|number} - The annotation ID. It is recommended to use object number. |
options.pageIndex | {number} - The page index where the annotation exists. |
[options.showCommentList=false] | {boolean} - Sets whether the comment list should initially open. True value is to open the comment list. This option is only valid for annotations associated with a Popup entry. |
inline |
Activates an activatable object;.
element | Activatable |
inline |
Add an annotation icon. [Not support in Server]
{icon} | {object} - The annotation’s icon. |
[icon.fileType] | {string} - The icon’s type. It supports png, jpeg, jpg, pdf, bmp. |
[icon.url] | {string} - The icon file’s URL. It supports HTTP, blob url and base64 url. |
[icon.annotType] | {string} - The annotation’s type. |
[icon.category] | {string} - The icon's category. |
[] | {string} - The icon’s name. |
[icon.width] | {width} - The icon’s width. |
[icon.height] | {height} - The icon’s height. |
inline |
Sets a custom font in the viewer for editing PDF text/form field. Before using this function, you should call setJRFontMap() to map the available fonts.
fontMaps | {Array<fontMap>} - Custom fonts. |
fontMap | {object} - The font information | | {string} - The font face name. | | {number} - The font styles. Please refer to Font_Styles . |
fontMap.charset | {number} - The charset of the font. Please refer to Font_Charset or Font_CIDCharset . |
inline |
Close the open document.
{function} | before - Callback before closing the document, support Promise, do not close the document when returning false. The default value is the PDFViewer initialization parameter customs.closeDocBefore. |
{function} | after - The callback after closing the document. The default value is the PDFViewer initialization parameter customs.closeDocAfter. |
inline |
Sends collaboration data to another clients in same share id. The data parameter can be passed an asynchorounous callback function, so that data will be generated only when the collaboration is enabled, which is beneficial to the performance when the collaboration is not enabled.
action | string|COLLABORATION_ACTION action type |
data | Function|Object|AddReplyOperationData|AddReviewStateOperationData|CreateAnnotationOperationData|PPOInsertPageOperationData|PPOMovePageOperationData|PPORemovePageOperationData|PPORotatePageOperationData|RemoteAnnotationOperationData|RemoveReplyOperationData|UpdateAnnotationOperationData|UpdateAnnotContentOperationData|ImportAnnotationsFileCollaborationData|AddMarkedStateCollaborationData |
inline |
Create a PDFViewer.
options | {object} - The configuration required to create the PDFViewer. |
options.jr | {object} - JR engine config. [Not support in Server] |
options.jr.licenseKey | {string} - String of licenseKey information. |
options.jr.licenseSN | {string} - String of licenseSN information. |
options.jr.l | {string} - String of license information. If he is assigned a value, neither jr.licenseKey nor jr.licenseSN is valid |
[options.jr.workerPath=options.libPath] | {string} - The JR engine worker path. If it's a relative path, it's relative to "options.libPath". If it's url, it's url. |
[options.jr.enginePath=options.libPath+'jr-engine'] | {string} - The JR engine path. If it's a relative path, it's relative to "options.libPath". If it's url, it's url. |
[options.jr.fontPath='../external/brotli'] | {string} - The JR engine render fonts path. If it's a relative path, it's relative to "options.libPath". If it's url, it's url. If you don't want the font resources under external/brotil, you can use the fonts on our server by configuring |
[options.jr.readBlock=8192] | {number} Size of each read block. default 8192 = 8 *1024 = 8KB |
[options.jr.brotli] | {object} - brotli config |
[options.jr.brotli.core] | {boolean} - This parameter is used to set whether to use brotli compression or not. This is specially useful on a legacy browser but with high-speed network. True is the default value which means to enable the brotli loading. |
[options.preloadJR=true] | {boolean} - Proload JR engine. [Not support in Server] |
[options.libPath] | {string} - The PDFViewer lib package path. The default is the current page path. |
[options.minScale=0.01] | {number} - Minimum magnification |
[options.maxScale=10] | {number} - Maximum magnification |
[options.defaultScale='fitWidth'] | {number|string} - Multiple of the default display. string enum: fitWidth, fitHeight |
[options.scaleFrequency=0] | {number} - Set integers greater than or equal to 0. It will affect page rendering. The default value is 4, then 1/4=0.25, such as 1.1 times, is 1.25 times the size of the picture to reduce drawing overhead. The larger the value, the clearer it is, but the higher the performance penalty. If the value is set to 0, it is rendered in raw multiples, not scaled. The biggest performance penalty. |
[options.tileSize=1200] | {number} - Size of tile display. The unit pixel. When the display area is larger than tileSize, it will be cut into tiles for display. The recommended range is 500-3000. The more blocks cut, the less efficient the display. |
[options.tileCache=true] | {boolean} - If the tile caching is enabled, tiles that scroll outside the viewport are retained, while if disabled, tiles scrolling outside the viewport will be cleared and need to be re-rendered. Clearing the cache can reduce the rendering quality, but save memory. |
[options.getTileSize=null] | {Function} - Get tile size when rendering page. |
[options.annotRenderingMode] | {object} - Defines the rendering mode of each annotation type, currently supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.annotRenderingMode.highlight='canvas'] | {string} - rendering mode of area-highlight and text-highlight, it supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.annotRenderingMode.pushButton='native'] | {string} - rendering mode of push button, it supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.annotRenderingMode.textField='native'] | {string} - rendering mode of text field, it supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.annotRenderingMode.comboBox='canvas'] | {string} - rendering mode of comboBox field, it supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.annotRenderingMode.freetext='canvas'] | {string} - rendering mode of freetext, it supports 'native' and 'canvas'. |
[options.i18n] | {i18next} - i18next instance |
[options.i18nOptions] | {object} - If options.i18n does not exist, options.i18n is generated through the options.i18nOptions configuration |
[options.i18nOptions.initOption={ns:'viewer_'}] | {object} - Multilingual config. |
[options.i18nOptions.path=options.libPath+'locales'] | {string} - Multilingual path. If it's a relative path, it's relative to options.lib. If it's url, it's url. |
[options.eventEmitter] | {EventEmitter} - default: new EventEmitter(); eventemitter3 |
[options.Viewmodes=[]] | {IViewMode[]} - View mode compontent. |
[options.defaultViewMode='continuous-view-mode'] | {string} - The default view mode to display PDF pages. Available view mode name literals: 'continuous-view-mode','single-page-view-mode', and the name of options.Viewmodes. 'facing-page-view-mode', 'h-continuous-view-mode' and 'facing-continuous-page-view-mode' are defined in h-continuous uix addon, it works in UIExtension module only! |
[options.defaultAnnotConfig=function(type,intent){}] | {Function} - Gets the default configured callback for the annotation.See PDFPage::addAnnot for the return object format. |
[options.customs] | {object} - Custom component. |
[options.customs.closeDocBefore=function(){}] | {Function} - Callback before closing the document, support Promise, do not close the document when returning false. |
[options.customs.closeDocAfter=function(){}] | {Function} - Callback after closing the document, support Promise. |
[options.customs.getDocPermissions=function(doc){return-1}] | {Function} - Get custom user access permissions. -1 represents all permissions. Please refer to User_Permissions |
[options.customs.getAdditionalPerm=function(doc){return-1}] | {Function} - Get additional permissions. Please refer to Additional_Permission. |
[options.customs.getAnnotPermissions=function(annot){return | Promise.resolve();}] {Function} - A function used to generate a permission list(Refer to PDFViewCtrl.constants.ANNOTATION_PERMISSION ) base on the annotation information. The application can control the permissions of each annotation according to actual needs through this function. |
[options.customs.ScrollWrap=ScrollWrap] | {ScrollWrap} - The component that controls the roll. |
[options.customs.PDFViewerRendering] | {PDFViewerRendering} - Called when the viewer rendering. |
[options.customs.PDFDocRendering] | {PDFDocRendering} - Called when the doc rendering. |
[options.customs.PDFPageRendering] | {PDFPageRendering} - Called when the page rendering. |
[options.customs.beforeRenderPDFDoc] | {(pdfDoc)=>Promise<void>} - Called before render PDF document when opening file. |
[options.StateHandlers=[]] | {IStateHandler[]} - pdf viewer state handler. |
[options.enableShortcutKey=true] | {boolean} - Enable or disable shortcut key. |
[options.noJSFrame=false] | {boolean} - Specifies whether using a iframe DOM to run PDF JS. True means PDF JS is running in a separated iframe DOM. Otherwise running in same frame. |
[options.showCommentList=false] | {boolean} - Specifies whether commentList pops up after add a new markup annotation. |
[options.showAnnotTooltip=false] | {boolean} - Specifies whether a Tooltip is used or not used. |
[options.showFormFieldTooltip=false] | {boolean} - Specifies whether a Tooltip is used or not used for form fields. |
[options.collaboration] | object - Specify collaboration parameters |
[options.collaboration.enable] | boolean - Whether to enable collaboration |
[options.collaboration.communicator] | CollaborationCommunicator - A communicator used to communicat with the server |
[options.collaboration.continueToConnect] | (retryTimes, shareId)=>boolean - A callback used to detect whether to reconnect more times on connection losted! |
[options.viewerUI] | IViewerUI - Used to customize the UI components that needed within the PDFViewer |
[options.snapshotServer] | {SnapshotServer} - Used to customize screenshot image storage service |
inline |
An API to get coordinate information for the PDF coordinate system from device coordinates.
clientX | {number} - the X-axis offset in the upper-left corner of the browser view. |
clientY | {number} - the Y-axis offset in the upper-left corner of the browser view. |
inline |
Convert image to PDF document from file or url, supported image types are bmp/jpeg/png/gif. [Not support in Server]
file | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer} - File stream of image file, if it is null or undefined, the parameter 'url' will be used. |
url | {*} - {string} Request the url of the file, this parameter would be ignore if parameter 'file' is valid. It's the second parameter to,this URL is relative to the path of your HTML page. |
title | {*} - {string} New pdf title, default value is "untitled.pdf". |
author | {*} - {string} New Pdf author. |
[options] | {} - reserved. |
[pdfEngine] | {*} - If you have a custom engine, pass it here. |
inline |
Copy Annotations. No copy in the clipboard Not support strikeout, highlight, squiggly, underline, redact, caret, screen, sound, popup annotations, and signature field.
{ | <Array<Annot> } - Annots. |
inline |
Copy image data to clipboard via dataURL.
dataURL | image URL |
inline |
Create a new pdf document. [Not support in Server]
title | {*} - {string} New pdf title, default value is "untitled.pdf". |
author | {*} - {string} New Pdf author. |
pageSize | {*} - {object} {height:842, width:595}. |
options={isRenderOnDocLoaded:true} | {object} - Whether to render the document when it has been loaded. |
[options.isRenderOnDocLoaded=true] | {boolean} |
[pdfEngine] | {*} - If you have a custom engine, pass it here |
inline |
Deactives an activatable object;.
element | Activatable |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Get annotation component manager.
inline |
Get annot render. PDFPageRender::getAnnotRender.
pageIndex | {number} - page index |
name | {string|number} - annotation name, It is recommended to use object number. |
inline |
Get current pdf doc object.
inline |
Checks if PDF js can be executed. [Not support in Server]
inline |
Get event emitter.
inline |
Get the highlight color for form field.
inline |
Get ink signature list.
inline |
Convert image file to PDFdoc object supported image types are bmp/jpeg/png/gif.
inline |
inline |
GetPDFPageRender PDFDocRender::getPDFPageRender.
index | {number} page index |
inline |
inline |
Obtains the rotation degree of curremt document. The result returned is one of these values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
inline |
inline |
Obtains the snap mode by state handler name.
stateHandlerName | string State handler name which supports snap mode:
inline |
Get state handler manager.
inline |
Get view mode manager.
inline |
Sets if to highlight the form or not. [Not support in Server]
highlight | {boolean} - Specifies whether the form field should be highlighted or not. true for showing highlight color. false for not showing. |
inline |
inline |
Set initialized annotation icons. Refer to PDFPage.addAnnot to use those icons. [Not support in Server]
{Object} | icons - Icons for annotations. For example: { stamp:{ // annot type, currently only 'stamp' available. category1:{// Collection of icons name1: { // name of icon url:"xxx://xxx.png",//url for icon. It supports HTTP, file, blob url and base64 url. fileType:"png",//Icon file type. 'bmp','jpg','jpeg','png' and 'pdf' available. For 'PDF', it should be a svg file (displayed as stamp list) url with same prefix with the 'PDF' file. width:150,//icon's width in PDF coordernary, default:150, height:45//icon's height in PDF coordernary, default:45, } name2:{ ... } } category2:{ ... } } } |
inline |
Get shortcut key settings.
inline |
Kill the focus of activated element.
inline |
Loads and parses the PDF document stream into PDFDoc instance.
file | File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | TypeArray | ViewData - File stream of PDF document |
options | object |
[options.password] | string - document password |
[options.encryptPassword] | string - The document's password is encrypted again. You can refer to the logic of path 'server/encrypt-password' to get your encryptPassword [Not support in Server] |
[options.fileName=''] | string - document filename |
[options.readBlock] | number - Size of each read block. default equals options.jr.readBlock. [Not support in Server] |
[options.errorHandler] | {(doc, options, error, retry: (options) => Promise<PDFDoc>): Promise<PDFDoc>} - An optional callback function for handling exceptions. When a password error occurs, you can use this callback function to accept a new password and continue to open the document. |
[options.drm] | object - When this value is set, the DRM decryption process is invoked. [Not support in Server] |
[options.drm.isEncryptMetadata] | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
[options.drm.subFilter] | string - The sub filter of PDF document. |
[options.drm.cipher] | number - Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone. |
[options.drm.keyLength] | number - The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
[options.drm.isOwner] | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. |
[options.drm.userPermissions] | number The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
[options.drm.fileId] | string - The file identity string. |
[options.drm.initialKey] | string The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[options.fileOpen] | object - When this value is set, the fileOpen decryption process is invoked. [Not Support in Server] |
[options.fileOpen.encryptKey] | array Decrypt an array of charcodes for the key |
[options.fileOpen.cipher] | array The cipher type. Default: Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 , Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone |
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter function - Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
inline |
Loads either a URL document by HTTP range requests or an entire file depending on if the server enables range request or not.
request | object |
request.range | object - HTTP range requests, responseType = 'arraybuffer' |
request.range.url | string - Request the url of the file. The second parameter to, default request.range.url, this URL is relative to the path of your HTML page. |
[request.range.type='GET'] | - number The first parameter to, default GET |
[request.range.user] | number - The fourth parameter to |
[request.range.password] | number - The fifth parameter to |
[request.range.headers] | object - Set the request header for XMLHttpRequest. eg: XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(x, request.header.headers.x) |
[request.range.chunkSize=131072] | number - Size of each Range sharding request. default 131072 = 128 *1024 = 128KB [Not support in Server] |
[request.range.extendOptions] | string - Set the response header to get additional options [Not support in Server] |
[request.size] | number - The size of the document [Not support in Server] |
options | object |
[options.password] | string - document password |
[options.encryptPassword] | string - The document's password is encrypted again. You can refer to the logic of path 'server/encrypt-password' to get your encryptPassword [Not support in Server] |
[options.fileName=''] | string - document filename |
[options.readBlock] | number - Size of each read block. default equals options.jr.readBlock. [Not support in Server] |
[options.errorHandler] | {(doc, options, error, retry: (options) => Promise<PDFDoc>): Promise<PDFDoc>} - An optional callback function for handling exceptions. When a password error occurs, you can use this callback function to accept a new password and continue to open the document. |
[options.drm] | object - When this value is set, the DRM decryption process is invoked. [Not support in Server] |
[options.drm.isEncryptMetadata] | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
[options.drm.subFilter] | string - The sub filter of PDF document. |
[options.drm.cipher] | number - Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone. |
[options.drm.keyLength] | number - The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
[options.drm.isOwner] | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. |
[options.drm.userPermissions] | number The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
[options.drm.fileId] | string - The file identity string. |
[options.drm.initialKey] | string The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[options.fileOpen] | object - When this value is set, the fileOpen decryption process is invoked. [Not Support in Server] |
[options.fileOpen.encryptKey] | array Decrypt an array of charcodes for the key |
[options.fileOpen.cipher] | array The cipher type. Default: Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 , Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone |
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter function - Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
inline |
Remove an event handler for the given shortcut.
shortcut | {string} - A keyboard shortcut key. |
[handler] | {function|object} - If not passed, all handlers of the given shortcut will be removed. |
inline |
Add an event handler for the given shortcut. Currently we support shortcut keys:
Esc: Close dialog or exit edit mode or exit search panel.
Home: Jump to the first page.
End: Jump to the last page.
Delete: Delete selected object. Edit mode: delete the selected text object, non-edit mode: delete the selected annot object.
Ctrl+MouseWheelUp: Zoom in the page.
Ctrl+MouseWheelDown: Zoom out the page.
PageUp: Move current view up. When there is a vertical scroll bar.
PageDown: Move current view down. When there is a vertical scroll bar.
UpArrow: Move scroll bar up. When there is a vertical scroll bar.
DownArrow: Move scroll bar down. When there is a vertical scroll bar.
LeftArrow: Move scroll bar the left. When there is a horizontal scroll bar.
RightArrow: Move scroll bar to the right. When there is a horizontal scroll bar.
Enter: Confirm or continue.
Ctrl+Z: Undo. Cmd+Z for Mac.
Ctrl+Y: Redo. Cmd+Shift+Z for Mac.
Ctrl+MouseLeft: Select multiple objects, annotation, path, text edit.
Ctrl+F: Open Search Panel. Cmd+F for Mac.
Ctrl+P: Open Print Panel. Cmd+P for Mac.
Ctrl+RightArrow: Open Left Navigation Panel. Cmd+RightArrow for Mac.
Ctrl+LeftArrow: Close Left Navigation Panel. Cmd+LeftArrow for Mac.
Ctrl+C: Copy annotation(path, text edit,image). Cmd+C for Mac.
Ctrl+X: Cut annotation(text). Cmd+X for Mac.
Ctrl+V: Paste annotation(path, text edit,image). Cmd+V for Mac.
shortcut | {string} - A keyboard shortcut key. |
handler | {function|object} - If it is a function, it will be called on keyup. If it is an object, it should have the format of { keydown: func1, keyup: func2 } or { keydown|keyup: func }. |
[preventDefaultImplementation] | {boolean} - If true, prevent default implementation. The default is false. |
inline |
After obtains the collaborative link, the share id can be parsed to open the file that shared from other client.
shareId | string - The shareId, parsed from collaborative link. |
inline |
Open the local document.
file | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - File stream of PDF document.
| ||||||||||||
options={fileName:''} | {object} | ||||||||||||
[options.isRenderOnDocLoaded=true] | {boolean} - Whether to render the document once it has been loaded. | ||||||||||||
[options.beforeRenderPDFDoc] | {(pdfDoc)=>Promise<void>} - A callback function used to load/import data before render PDF file. If this option is passed, the isRenderOnDocLoaded will be ignored. The default value is this.customs.beforeRenderPDFDoc | ||||||||||||
[options.password] | {string} - document password | ||||||||||||
[options.encryptPassword] | {string} - The document's password is encrypted again. You can refer to the logic of path 'server/encrypt-password' to get your encryptPassword [Not support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.fileName=''] | {string} - document filename | ||||||||||||
[options.readBlock] | {number} Size of each read block. default equals options.jr.readBlock. [Not support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.annotsJson] | {object} - Json format data for the initial annotation [Not support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.fdf] | {object} - FDF file containing the initial annotation data. [Not support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.fdf.file] | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify fdf file's stream for the initial annotation. | ||||||||||||
[options.fdf.type] | {number} - Specify data type which will be imported: 1 for form data, 2 for annotations. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm] | {object} When this value is set, the DRM decryption process is invoked. [Not support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.isEncryptMetadata] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.subFilter] | {string} The sub filter of PDF document. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.cipher] | {number} Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.keyLength] | {number} The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.isOwner] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.userPermissions] | {number} The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.fileId] | {string} The file identity string. | ||||||||||||
[options.drm.initialKey] | {string} The user specified initial key for encryption. | ||||||||||||
[options.fileOpen] | {object} When this value is set, the fileOpen decryption process is invoked. [Not Support in Server] | ||||||||||||
[options.fileOpen.encryptKey] | {array} Decrypt an array of charcodes for the key | ||||||||||||
[options.fileOpen.cipher] | {array} The cipher type. Default: Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 , Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone | ||||||||||||
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter{function} Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
inline |
Open either a URL document by HTTP range requests or an entire file depending on if the server enables range request or not.
request | {object} |
request.range | {object} HTTP range requests, responseType = 'arraybuffer' |
request.range.url | {string} Request the url of the file. The second parameter to, default request.range.url, this URL is relative to the path of your HTML page. |
[request.range.type='GET'] | {number} The first parameter to, default GET |
[request.range.user] | {number} The fourth parameter to |
[request.range.password] | {number} The fifth parameter to |
[request.range.headers] | {object} Set the request header for XMLHttpRequest. eg: XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(x, request.header.headers.x) |
[request.range.chunkSize=131072] | {number} Size of each Range sharding request. default 131072 = 128 *1024 = 128KB [Not support in Server] |
[request.range.extendOptions] | {string} Set the response header to get additional options [Not support in Server] |
[request.size] | {number} the size of the document [Not support in Server] |
options={fileName:''} | {object} |
[options.isRenderOnDocLoaded=true] | {boolean} - Whether to render the document once it has been loaded. |
[options.beforeRenderPDFDoc] | {(pdfDoc)=>Promise<void>} - A callback function used to load/import data before render PDF file. If this option is passed, the isRenderOnDocLoaded will be ignored. The default value is this.customs.beforeRenderPDFDoc |
[options.password] | {string} - document password |
[options.encryptPassword] | {string} - The document's password is encrypted again. You can refer to the logic of path 'server/encrypt-password' to get your encryptPassword. [Not support in Server] |
[options.fileName=''] | {string} - document filename |
[options.readBlock] | {number} Size of each read block. default equals options.jr.readBlock. [Not support in Server] |
[options.annotsJson] | {object} - Json format data for the initial annotation [Not support in Server] |
[options.fdf] | {object} - FDF file containing the initial annotation data. [Not support in Server] |
[options.fdf.file] | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify fdf file's stream for the initial annotation. |
[options.fdf.type] | {number} - Specify data type which will be imported: 1 for form data, 2 for annotations. |
[options.drm] | {object} When this value is set, the DRM decryption process is invoked. [Not support in Server] |
[options.drm.isEncryptMetadata] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
[options.drm.subFilter] | {string} The sub filter of PDF document. |
[options.drm.cipher] | {number} Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone. |
[options.drm.keyLength] | {number} The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
[options.drm.isOwner] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. |
[options.drm.userPermissions] | {number} The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
[options.drm.fileId] | {string} The file identity string. |
[options.drm.initialKey] | {string} The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[options.fileOpen] | {object} When this value is set, the fileOpen decryption process is invoked. [Not support in Server] |
[options.fileOpen.encryptKey] | {Array<number>} Decrypt an array of charcodes for the key |
[options.fileOpen.cipher] | {array} The cipher type. Default: Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 , Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone |
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter{function} Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
inline |
Open a document that exists on the server [Server Only].
id | {string} - The document ID stored by the server |
options={fileName:''} | {object} |
[options.isRenderOnDocLoaded=true] | {boolean} - Whether to render the document once it has been loaded. |
[options.password] | {string} - document password |
[options.fileName=''] | {string} - document filename |
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter{function} Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
inline |
Paste annotations into the lower right corner of the center. Not support strikeout, highlight, squiggly, underline, redact, caret, screen, sound, popup annotations, and signature field.
{ | Array } datas - Annots information. |
inline |
Prints the current document with specified options. Example:
options | object |
options.pages | Array<number | { pageIndex: number; rect?: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number } }> - If the type is number, will be printed specified pages by parameter. If the parameter type is object and the rect attribute isn't empty, print the specified area on page, else rect attribute is empty, same as parameter type is number. |
options.printType | string[] - Represents the content type to print. It includes "page" and "annot". The default one is "page" |
options.progress | PrintProgressBar | boolean - Represents the print progress bar. True is the default value which means to show the progress bar. False is the opposite. To customize the progress bar UI, you can pass a custom PrintProgressBar object. |
options.quality | number - Represents the print quality which is calculated in percentage. The valid range is 100~1000. |
options.showHeaderFooter | boolean - Represents to show or hide the Header&Footer. True is the default value which means to print with header & footer. False means the opposite. This option is only available on Chrome, FireFox and Chromium Edge. |
callback | function({state: 'start'} | {state: 'progress', pageIndex, total, imageURI} | {state: 'end', result}) - This callback will be triggered when the print state got changed! |
inline |
print the currently displayed screen content. Note: If the printed content is spread across pages, calling this interface can't print any content.
inline |
Redraw the currently visible page(s).
[force=false] | - {booleam} true: This will also refresh the cache. |
inline |
action | string | () => CollaborationDataHandler |
handler | (data: CollaborationData,handlerObj: CollaborationDataHandler) => Promise<void> |
inline |
Register a signature handler. [Not support in Server]
filter | {string} - Filter of signature handler. |
subfilter | {string} - Subfilter of signature handler. |
handler | {object} - An object specify http api to sign and verify signatures. |
[handler.sign] | {string} - An object specify server api to sign and verify signatures. |
[handler.verify] | {string} - An object specify server api to sign and verify signatures. |
inline |
Remove an annotation’s icon. [Not support in Server]
{type} | {string} - The annotation’s icon type. Currently only ‘stamp’ is available. |
{category} | {string} - The category’s icon. If null, all icons will be removed. |
{name} | {string} - The icon’s name. If null, all icons in specified category will be removed. |
inline |
Render a loaded PDF document.
pdfDoc | {PDFDoc} - The PDF document object, which is returned by open functions such as openPDFByFile and openPDFById etc. |
scale | {number|string} - The multiple of the default display. String enum:fitWidth and fitHeight. |
inline |
When a document fails to open, you can call this method and reproduce the passing parameters to reopen the file that failed to open.
pdfDoc | - {PDFDoc} |
options | - {object} |
options={fileName:''} | {object} |
[options.isRenderOnDocLoaded=true] | {boolean} - Whether to render the document once it has been loaded. |
[options.beforeRenderPDFDoc] | {(pdfDoc)=>Promise<void>} - A callback function used to load/import data before render PDF file. If this option is passed, the isRenderOnDocLoaded will be ignored. The default value is this.customs.beforeRenderPDFDoc |
[options.password] | {string} - document password |
[options.encryptPassword] | {string} - The document's password is encrypted again. You can refer to the logic of path 'server/encrypt-password' to get your encryptPassword [Not Support in Server] |
[options.fileName=''] | {string} - document filename |
[options.annotsJson] | {object} - Json format data for the initial annotation [Not Support in Server] |
[options.fdf] | {object} - Json format data for the initial annotation [No Support in Server] |
[options.fdf.file] | {File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypeArray|ViewData} - Specify fdf file's stream for the initial annotation. |
[options.fdf.type] | {number} - Specify data type which will be imported: 1 for form data, 2 for annotations. |
[options.jwt] | Invalid parameter{function} Must be filled when JWT calibration is enabled. [Server Only] |
[options.drm] | {object} When this value is set, the DRM decryption process is invoked. [Not Support in Server] |
[options.drm.isEncryptMetadata] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
[options.drm.subFilter] | {string} The sub filter of PDF document. |
[options.drm.cipher] | {number} Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type.cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type::cipherNone. |
[options.drm.keyLength] | {number} The key length, in bytes. For SecurityConstsPDF::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For SecurityConstsPDF::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
[options.drm.isOwner] | {boolean} A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. |
[options.drm.userPermissions] | {number} The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
[options.drm.fileId] | {string} The file identity string. |
[options.drm.initialKey] | {string} The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[options.fileOpen] | {object} When this value is set, the fileOpen decryption process is invoked. [Not Support in Server] |
[options.fileOpen.encryptKey] | {number[]} Decrypt an array of charcodes for the key |
[options.fileOpen.cipher] | {array} The cipher type. Default: Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 , Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type.cipherNone |
inline |
Rotate the current document to specified degree. This method only changes the rendering effect of the view and does not change the PDF document data.
degree | number - Rotation degree value, It should be 0,90,180, 270 or any angle value in multiples of 90 degrees. |
inline |
Set an ActionCallback class to Web SDK, in aid of performing PDF actions. User should implement a class and call this function to set the action callback to Web SDK.
ActionCallbackClass | function(new::ActionCallback) A customized ActionCallback class. null/undefined means not use any action callback. Users can implement only part of the callbacks according to actual requirements. The custom ActionCallback class will be instantiated internally and will receive an app object for easy invocation of the internal implementation. |
inline |
Provide API to set Automatically Calculate Field Values.
autoCalculate | {boolean} - Specifies whether to set automatically calculate field values. |
inline |
Set the default configured callback function for the annotation.See PDFPage::addAnnot for the return object format.
fn | {Function} - The default configured callback function. |
inline |
Configures printing parameters.
[printSetting={}] | {object} - Specifies print setting. |
[printSetting.showHeaderFooter=false] | {boolean} - Sets whether to print the current document with the Header&Footer or not. False means to print without Header&Footer, otherwise is true. This option is only available on Chrome, FireFox and Chromium Edge. |
[printSetting.quality=100] | {number} - Specifies the printing quality percentage. Valid range: 100 ~ 1000. |
inline |
Sets the background and foreground colors for viewing documents. [Not support in Server]
colors | {Object} - The object includes the background and foreground. |
inline |
Set whether JavaScript is allowed or not.
enable | {boolean} True allows JavaScript to execute, and false does the opposite |
inline |
Set whether shortcut key is enabled or disabled.
enable | {boolean} True to enable shortcut key. False to disable shortcut key. |
inline |
Sets the width of the eraser.
width | {number} - The width of the eraser. |
inline |
Set dynamic information of stamps. [Not support in Server]
sperator | {string} - Seperator character between user name and time. |
timeFormat | {string} - Time format same as parameter of Date.Format. |
inline |
Sets whether to keep the current form field to be created continuously.
isContinuous | {Boolean} Specifies whether to keep the current form field. True to stick to the current form field. False to exit the current form field. function example (pdfViewer) { pdfViewer.setFormCreationContinuously(false); } |
inline |
Set whether form field focus rectangle is visible or not.
isVisible | {boolean} - Specifies whether to show form field focus rectangle. |
inline |
Set form highlight color. [Not support in Server]
color | {number} - Specify highlight color. Format: 0xAARRGGBB. |
requiredColor | {number} - (optional). Specify highlight color for the required field. Format: 0xAARRGGBB. |
inline |
Set ink signature list.
inkSignList | {Array<Object>} - An array of ink signature. |
inline |
Set JR custom font. [Not support in Server]
fontMaps | {Array<FontMap>} - Custom fonts. The Settings are valid before opening the document. |
inline |
Sets the timeout for the pencil drawing. A new pencil is created beyond the timeout period.
millseconds | {number} - The timeout period, millseconds. |
inline |
Set the snap mode that will be used to calculate the point position.
stateHandlerName | string State handler name which supports snap mode:
mode | PDFViewCtrl.constants.SNAP_MODE[] |
inline |
Set the global config.
config | {string} Set the global config that will be used when create annotation |
inline |
Set the global username.
userName | {string} Set the global username that will be used for the annotation title |
inline |
Capture the picture of the specified area on the page.
pageIndex | {number} - index of the page |
left | {number} - The X-axis offset in the upper-left corner of the page in device pixels. |
top | {number} - The Y-axis offset in the upper-left corner of the page in device pixels. |
width | {number} - Area width in device pixels. |
height | {number} - Area width in device pixels. |
inline |
Upload image blob data to the snapshot server, and then returns a same-origin image URL, which can be used to break some browser's limitations.
blob | Blob - image data |
inline |
Zoom to the given scale.
{number|string} | scale - Greater than zero. If it's a string, only 'fitWidth' and 'fitHeight' are valid. |
{object} | [position] - Position of zoom point which will be center position after zoom. Default: current view center. |
{index} | position.pageIndex - Page index of target page. |
{number} | position.x - Horizen axis of target position in PDF coordernary. |
{number} | position.y - Vertical axis of target position in PDF coordernary. |
HTMLElement element |
A DOM element used to render the stuffs generated in PDFViewer. This element is the DOM node passed by PDFViewer.init