FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  8.3.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web

A module based on the PDFViewCtrl module that contains customizable UI components and APIs.
In this module, without clear declaring, APIs default to be supported in both JR and SR. More...


 A module Including all UI layers service classes, all of these service instances can be obtained by pdfui.getserviceInstance method.
 The controllers module contains serveral classes that inherit from Controller.
 UIConsts module is an Object, All current available constants of UIExtension module are mount to this object. You can access the constant like this examples in the following:
 A module contains supported UI themes across devices.


class  Modular
 Modular is an singleton class, you can access that instance by UIExtension.modular. More...
class  PDFUI
class  SeniorComponentFactory
 Factory class used to create high-order components. More...
class  UIXAddon
 UIXAddon, an addon that relies on the UIExtension of Foxit PDF SDK for Web, is packaged separately into a JS file. The applications can load this addon as needed. This class defines the method templates what a UIXAddon needs to implement. More...
class  UIXModule
 A module constructed by Modular.module is collection of components and controllers. You can register a component class or a controller class into a module then you can use your component in template. An example for registering component class and usage: More...
class  XViewerUI
 This class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module. You should customize that stuffs like the following example:

new PDFUI({
viewerOptions: {
viewerUI: new class extends UIExtension.XViewerUI {
createContextMenu(owner, anchor, config) {
// ...

. More...



enum  UIEvents { ,
  fullscreenchange = 'fullscreenchange' , appendCommentListComment = 'append-commentlist-comment', appendCommentListReply = 'append-commentlist-reply', destroyCommentListComment = 'destroy-commentlist-comment',
  destroyCommentListReply = 'destroy-commentlist-reply', InkImageSelected = "ink-image-selected" , addContentSuccess = "add-content-success" , initializationCompleted = 'pdfui-intialization-completed' ,
  bookmarkSelected = 'bookmark-selected'
 The event enumerations of PDFUI. All event in this enumeration must be registered via PDFUI.addUIEventListener API. More...


import modular from modular

Detailed Description

A module based on the PDFViewCtrl module that contains customizable UI components and APIs.
In this module, without clear declaring, APIs default to be supported in both JR and SR.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ UIEvents

enum UIEvents

The event enumerations of PDFUI. All event in this enumeration must be registered via PDFUI.addUIEventListener API.


Triggered after fulscreen state changed

@param isFullscreen {boolean} represents current viewport is or not in fullscreen mode
pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.fullscreenchange, function(isFullscreen) {
// do something here

Triggered after a comment card appended:

@param commentCardComponent CommentCardComponent
pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.appendCommentListComment, function(commentCardComponent, annot) {
// do something such as add a button into commentCardComponent

Triggered after a reply card appended into a comment card in left sidebar:

@param replyCardComponent ReplyCardComponent
pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.appendCommentListReply, function(replyCardComponent, annot) {
// do something such as add a button into replyComponent

Triggered after a comment card in left sidebar has been destroyed:

@param commentCardComponent CommentCardComponent
pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.destroyCommentListComment, function(commentCardComponent, annot) {
// do something

Triggered after a reply card in left sidebar has been destroyed:

@param replyCardComponent ReplyCardComponent
@param replyAnnot Annot
pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.destroyCommentListReply, function(replyCardComponent, replyAnnot){
// do something

An event to receive the user selected ink signature image.

imageURLThe URL of the ink signature image.

Triggered after commit the changes of the annotation's content in comment-list pane.

pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.addContentSuccess, function (annot, oldContent, newContent) {
// do somthing



Trggered after all resources are prepared completly.

pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.initializationCompleted, function () {
// do somthing

If bookmark has been selected, an event with this type will be triggered.

pdfui.addUIEventListener(UIExtension.UIEvents.bookmarkSelected, (bookmark) => {
//do something.
{Promise.<PDFBookmark>} - Selected bookmark.

Variable Documentation

◆ modular

Modular modular

This object is used to create and manage all UIXModule instances, You can use this instance like the following:

const _module = UIExtension.modular.module('my-module', []); // Create new UIXModule
const myModule = UIExtension.modular.module('my-module');
See also

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