Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Enumerations | |
enum | Action_Trigger { click =-1, keyStroke =7, format =8, validate =9, calculate =10, mouseEnter =11, mouseExit =12, mouseDown =13, mouseUp =14, onFocus =15, onBlur =16 } |
Enumeration for action trigger. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Action_Type { goto ="TypeGoto", launch ="TypeLaunch", uri ="TypeURI", named ="TypeNamed" , submitForm ="TypeSubmitForm", resetForm ="TypeResetForm", javaScript ="TypeJavaScript", importData ="TypeImportData", hide ="TypeHide" } |
Enumeration for action type. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Additional_Permission { download = 1 } |
Enumeration for additional permission. More... | |
enum | Alignment { left, center, right } |
Enumeration for text alignment. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | AnnotUpdatedType { contentUpdated ="content-updated", borderInfoUpdated ="borderInfo-updated", borderStyleUpdated ="borderStyle-updated", borderWidthUpdated ="borderWidth-updated", borderColorUpdated ="borderColor-updated", modifiedDateTimeUpdated ="modifiedDateTime-updated", uniqueIDUpdated ="uniqueID-updated", flagsUpdated ="flags-updated", rectUpdated ="rect-updated", innerRectUpdated ="innerRect-updated", iconNameUpdated ="iconName-updated", rotationUpdated ="rotation-updated", defaultAppearanceUpdated ="defaultAppearance-updated", calloutLineEndingStyleUpdated ="calloutLineEndingStyle-updated", calloutLinePointsUpdated ="calloutLinePoints-updated", fillColorUpdated ="fillColor-updated", textColorUpdated ="textColor-updated", alignmentUpdated ="alignment-updated", inkListUpdated ="inkList-updated", endPointUpdated ="endPoint-updated", startPointUpdated ="startPoint-updated", endingStyleUpdated ="endingStyle-updated", enableCaptionUpdated ="enableCaption-updated", leaderCaptionOffsetUpdated ="leaderCaptionOffset-updated", styleFillColorUpdated ="styleFillColor-updated", leaderLineLengthUpdated ="leaderLineLength-updated", leaderLineExtendUpdated ="leaderLineExtend-updated", leaderLineOffsetUpdated ="leaderLineOffset-updated", measureRatioUpdated ="measureRatio-updated", measureUnitUpdated ="measureUnit-updated", measureConversionFactorUpdated ="measureConversionFactor-updated", removeAction ="remove-action", actionDataUpdated ="actionData-updated", addAction ="add-action", highlightingModeUpdated ="highlightingMode-updated", subjectUpdated ="subject-updated", titleUpdated ="title-updated", createDateTimeUpdated ="createDateTime-updated", opacityUpdated ="opacity-updated", intentUpdated ="intent-updated", vertexesUpdated ="vertexes-updated", applyFillColorUpdated ="applyFillColor-updated", overlayTextUpdated = "overlayText-updated", overlayTexAlignmentUpdated = "overlayTextAlignment-updated", repeatUpdated = "repeat-updated", autoFontSizeUpdated = "autoFontSize-updated", redactDefaultAppearanceUpdated = "redactDefaultAppearance-update", redactOpacityUpdated = "redactOpacity-updated", quadPointsUpdated ="quadPoints-updated", reviewStateUpdated = 'review-state-updated', markedStateUpdated = 'marked-state-updated', statesCleared = 'state-cleared', replyAdded = 'add-replies', richTextUpdated = 'rich-text-updated', richTextRemoved = 'rich-text-removed', addDictionary = 'add-dictionary', formFieldValueUpdated = 'form-field-value', formFieldsMaxLengthUpdated = 'maxLength', formFieldItemsUpdated = 'setItems', formFieldIconUpdated = 'icon', formFieldInsertedItem = 'insertItemAt', formFieldExportValueUpdated = 'form-field-export-value', formFieldMKPropertyUpdated = 'form-field-mk-property', formFieldAlternateName = 'form-field-alternate-name', formFieldActionUpdated = 'form-field-action' } |
The type of the annot attribute update. More... | |
enum | Border_Style { solid = 0, dashed = 1, underline = 2, beveled = 3, inset = 4, cloudy = 5 } |
Enumeration for border style. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Box_Type { MediaBox = 0, CropBox = 1, TrimBox = 2, ArtBox = 3, BleedBox = 4 } |
Enumeration for page box type. More... | |
enum | Calc_Margin_Mode { CalcContentsBox =0, CalcDetection =1 } |
Enumeration for calculating margin mode. More... | |
enum | Cipher_Type { cipherNone = 0, cipherRC4 = 1, cipherAES = 2 } |
Enumeration for Encryption Algorithm. More... | |
enum | DataEvents { annotationUpdated = 'annotation-updated' , annotationAppearanceUpdated = 'annotation-appearance-updated', annotationReplyAdd = 'annotation-reply-add', annotationReplyAdded = 'annotation-reply-add', annotationReviewStateAnnotAdd = 'annotation-review-state-annot-add', annotationReviewStateAnnotAdded = 'annotation-review-state-annot-add', annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdd = 'annotation-marked-state-annot-add', annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdded = 'annotation-marked-state-annot-add', annotationStatesCleared = 'annotation-states-cleared', annotationRemoved = 'annotation-removed', annotationMovedPosition = 'annotation-moved-position', annotationPositionMoved = 'annotation-moved-position', annotationAdded = 'annotation-add' , annotationImported = 'annotation-imported' , actionUpdated ='action-updated', actionAdd ='action-add', actionAdded ='action-add' , layerVisibleChange = 'layer-visible-change', layerVisibleChanged = 'layer-visible-change' , bookmarkAdded = 'bookmark-added' , bookmarkUpdated = 'bookmark-updated', bookmarkRemoved = 'bookmark-removed', stateAnnotNameUpdated = 'state-annot-name-updated', pageInfoChange = 'page-info-change', pageInfoChanged = 'page-info-change', pageRotationChange = 'page-rotation-change', pageRotationChanged = 'page-rotation-change', imageAdded ="image-added", watermarkAdded ="watermark-added", graphicsUpdated ="graphics-updated" , docPasswordChanged = "doc-password-changed", drmEncryptSuccess = "drm-encrypt-success", drmEncryptSucceeded = "drm-encrypt-success", drmEncryptFailed = "drm-encrypt-failed", removePwdAndPerm = "remove-password-and-permission", pwdAndPermRemoved = "remove-password-and-permission" , pageMoved = "page-moved", pageRemoved = "page-removed", pageAdded = "page-added", insertPages ="import-pages", pagesInserted ="import-pages" , applyRedaction ="apply-redaction", redactionApplied ="apply-redaction", removeReviewState ="remove-review-state", reviewStateRemoved ="remove-review-state" , formValueChanged = "form-value-changed", metaDataChanged = "meta-data-changed", docModified = "doc-modified", flattened = "flattened", headerFooterUpdated ="headerFooterUpdated", headerFooterAdded ="headerFooterAdded" , pagesMoved ="pages-moved", pagesRemoved ="pages-removed", pagesRotated ="pages-rotated", pageMeasureScaleRatioChanged =" page-measure-scale-ratio-changed" , pagesBoxChanged = 'pages-box-changed' } |
PDF data engine's event type. More... | |
enum | date_Format { MSlashD, MSlashDSlashYY, MSlashDSlashYYYY, MMSlashDDSlashYY, MMSlashDDSlashYYYY, DSlashMSlashYY, DSlashMSlashYYYY, DDSlashMMSlashYY, DDSlashMMSlashYYYY, MMSlashYY, MMSlashYYYY, MDotDDotYY, MDotDDotYYYY, MMDotDDDotYY, MMDotDDDotYYYY, MMDotYY, DDotMDotYYYY, DDDotMMDotYY, DDDotMMDotYYYY, YYHyphenMMHyphenDD, YYYYHyphenMMHyphenDD } |
Enumeration for date format type. More... | |
enum | Ending_Style { None, Square, Circle, Diamond, OpenArrow, ClosedArrow, Butt, ReverseOpenArrow, ReverseClosedArrow, Slash } |
Enumeration for line ending style. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Error_Code { success =0, file =1, format =2, password =3, handle =4, certificate =5, unknown =6, invalidLicense =7, param =8, unsupported =9, outOfMemory =10, securityHandler =11, notParsed =12, notFound =13, invalidType =14, conflict =15, unknownState =16, dataNotReady =17, invalidData =18, xFALoadError =19, notLoaded =20, invalidState =21, notCDRM =22, canNotConnectToServer =23, invalidUserToken =24, noRights =25, rightsExpired =26, deviceLimitation =27, canNotRemoveSecurityFromServer =28, canNotGetACL =29, canNotSetACL =30, isAlreadyCPDF =31, isAlreadyCDRM =32, canNotUploadDocInfo =33, canNotUploadCDRMInfo =34, invalidWrapper =35, canNotGetClientID =36, canNotGetUserToken =37, invalidACL =38, invalidClientID =39, OCREngineNotInit =40, diskFull =41, OCRTrialIsEnd =42, filePathNotExist =43, complianceEngineNotInit =44, complianceEngineInvalidUnlockCode =45, complianceEngineInitFailed =46, timeStampServerMgrNotInit =47, LTVVerifyModeNotSet =48, LTVRevocationCallbackNotSet =49, LTVCannotSwitchVersion =50, LTVCannotCheckDTS =51, LTVCannotLoadDSS =52, LTVCannotLoadDTS =53, needSigned =54, complianceResourceFile =55, timeStampServerMgrNoDefaltServer =56, defaultTimeStampServer =57, noConnectedPDFModuleRight =58, noXFAModuleRight =59, noRedactionModuleRight =60, noRMSModuleRight =61, noOCRModuleRight =62, noComparisonModuleRight =63, noComplianceModuleRight =64, noOptimizerModuleRight =65, noConversionModuleRight =66 } |
Enumeration for error code. More... | |
enum | File_Type { fdf = 0, xfdf = 1, xml = 2, csv = 3, txt = 4 } |
Enumeration for file type. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | FileAttachment_Icon { graph ="Graph", pushPin ="PushPin", paperclip ="Paperclip", tag ="Tag" } |
Enumeration for file attachment annot icons. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Flatten_Option { all =0x0000, field =0x0001, annot =0x0002 } |
Enumeration for flatten option. Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination. More... | |
enum | Font_Charset { ANSI, Default, Symbol, Shift_JIS, Hangeul, GB2312, ChineseBig5, Thai, EastEurope, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, Baltic } |
Enumeration for font charset. More... | |
enum | Font_CIDCharset { Unknown, GB1, CNS1, JAPAN1, KOREA1, UNICODE } |
Enumeration for CID font charset. More... | |
enum | Font_Descriptor_Flags { FixedPitch = 1, Serif = 2, Symbolic = 4, Script = 8, Nonsymbolic = 32, Italic = 64, AllCap = 65536, SmallCap = 131072, ForceBold = 262144 } |
Enumeration for page number format type. More... | |
enum | Font_StandardID { Courier, CourierB, CourierBI, CourierI, Helvetica, HelveticaB, HelveticaBI, HelveticaI, Times, TimesB, TimesBI, TimesI, Symbol, ZapfDingbats } |
Enumeration for standard font ID. More... | |
enum | Font_Style { normal = 0, italic = 1, bold = 2 } |
Enumeration for font style. More... | |
enum | Font_Styles { x0001, x0002, x0004, x0008, x0020, x0040, x10000, x20000, x40000 } |
Enumeration for font styles. More... | |
enum | Graphics_FillMode { None, Alternate = 1, Winding = 2 } |
Enumeration for filling mode type, mainly for path graphics object. More... | |
enum | Graphics_ObjectType { All, Text, Path, Image, Shading, FormXObject } |
Enumeration for PDF graphics object type. More... | |
enum | Highlight_Mode { none =0, invert =1, outline =2, push =3, toggle =4 } |
Enumeration for highlight mode. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | MK_Properties { borderColor, fillColor, normalCaption } |
Enumeration for PDF MK property. More... | |
enum | Note_Icon { Check ="Check", Circle ="Circle", Comment ="Comment", Cross ="Cross", Help ="Help", Insert ="Insert", Key ="Key", NewParagraph ="NewParagraph", Note ="Note", Paragraph ="Paragraph", RightArrow ="RightArrow", RightPointer ="RightPointer", Star ="Star", UpArrow ="UpArrow", UpLeftArrow ="UpLeftArrow" } |
Enumeration for note annot icons. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | page_Number_Format { default, numberOfCount, numberSlashCount, pageNumber, pageNumberOfCount } |
Enumeration for font styles. More... | |
enum | Point_Type { moveTo = 1, lineTo = 2, lineToCloseFigure = 3, bezierTo = 4, bezierToCloseFigure = 5 } |
Enumeration for point type in path. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Position { topLeft ="TopLeft", topCenter ="TopCenter", topRight ="TopRight", centerLeft ="CenterLeft", center ="Center", centerRight ="CenterRight", bottomLeft ="BottomLeft", bottomCenter ="BottomCenter", bottomRight ="BottomRight" } |
Enumeration for position. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | PosType { first, last, after, before } |
Enumeration for PDF graphics object position Type. More... | |
enum | Range_Filter { all, even, odd } |
Enumeration for range filter. More... | |
enum | Relationship { firstChild =0, lastChild =1, previousSibling =2, nextSibling =3, firstSibling =4, lastSibling =5 } |
Enumeration for Relationship. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Rendering_Content { page, annot, form } |
Enumeration for PDF rendering content. More... | |
enum | Rendering_Usage { print ='print', view ='view' } |
Enumeration for PDF rendering usage. More... | |
enum | Rotation { rotation0 =0, rotation1 =1, rotation2 =2, rotation3 =3 } |
Enumeration for rotation. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Rotation_Degree { rotation0 =0, rotation90 =90, rotation180 =180, rotation270 =270 } |
Enumeration for rotation. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Saving_Flag { normal = 0, incremental =0x0001, noOriginal =0x0002, XRefStream =0x0008, linearized =0x1000, removeRedundantObjects = 0x0010 } |
Enumeration for PDF document saving flags. More... | |
enum | Search_Flag { caseSensitive =1, wholeWord =2, consecutively =4 } |
Enumeration for search flag. Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination. More... | |
enum | Signature_Ap_Flags { showTagImage, showLabel, showReason, showDate, showDistinguishName, showLocation, showSigner, showBitmap, showText } |
Enumeration for signature ap flag. More... | |
enum | Signature_State { verifyChange, verifyIncredible, verifyNoChange, stateVerifyIssueUnknown, verifyIssueValid, verifyIssueUnknown, verifyIssueRevoke, verifyIssueExpire, verifyIssueUncheck, verifyIssueCurrent, verifyTimestampNone, verifyTimestampDoc, verifyTimestampValid, verifyTimestampInvalid, verifyTimestampExpire, verifyTimestampIssueUnknown, verifyTimestampIssueValid, verifyTimestampTimeBefore, verifyChangeLegal, verifyChangeIllegal } |
Enumeration for signature state. More... | |
enum | Sound_Icon { speaker ="Speaker", mic ="Mic", ear ="Ear" } |
Enumeration for sound annot icons. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Standard_Font { courier =0, courierBold =1, courierBoldOblique =2, courierOblique =3, helvetica =4, helveticaBold =5, helveticaBoldOblique =6, helveticaOblique =7, timesRoman =8, timesBold =9, timesBoldItalic =10, timesItalic =11, symbol =12, zapfDingbats =13 } |
Enumeration for font id. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
enum | Text_Mode { Fill, Stroke, FillStroke, Invisible, FillClip, StrokeClip, FillStrokeClip, Clip } |
Enumeration for text mode. More... | |
enum | User_Permissions { print = 0b100, modify = 0b1000, extract = 0b10000, annotForm = 0b100000, fillForm = 0b100000000, extractAccess = 0b1000000000, assemble = 0b10000000000, printHigh = 0b100000000000 } |
Enumeration for user access permissions in a PDF document. More... | |
enum | Watermark_Flag { asContent =0, asAnnot =1, onTop =2, unprintable =4, display =8 } |
Enumeration for watermark flag. Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination. More... | |
enum | ZoomMode { ZoomXYZ ="ZoomXYZ", ZoomFitPage ="ZoomFitPage", ZoomFitHorz ="ZoomFitHorz", ZoomFitRect ="ZoomFitRect" } |
Enumeration for zoom mode. Values of this enumeration should be used alone. More... | |
pdf related constants
enum Action_Trigger |
Enumeration for action trigger. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Action_Type |
Enumeration for action type. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Alignment |
enum AnnotUpdatedType |
The type of the annot attribute update.
Enumerator | |
contentUpdated | Annotation's Content was updated. |
borderInfoUpdated | Annotation's borderInfo was updated. |
borderStyleUpdated | Annotation's borderStyle was updated. |
borderWidthUpdated | Annotation's borderWidth was updated. |
borderColorUpdated | Annotation's borderColor was updated. |
modifiedDateTimeUpdated | Annotation's modifiedDateTime was updated. |
uniqueIDUpdated | Annotation's uniqueID was updated. |
flagsUpdated | Annotation's flags was updated. |
rectUpdated | Annotation's rect was updated. |
innerRectUpdated | Annotation's innerRect was updated. |
iconNameUpdated | Annotation's iconName was updated. |
rotationUpdated | Annotation's rotation was updated. |
defaultAppearanceUpdated | Annotation's defaultAppearance was updated. |
calloutLineEndingStyleUpdated | Annotation's calloutLineEndingStyle was updated. |
calloutLinePointsUpdated | Annotation's calloutLinePoints was updated. |
fillColorUpdated | Annotation's fillColor was updated. |
textColorUpdated | Annotation's fillColor was updated. |
alignmentUpdated | Annotation's alignment was updated. |
inkListUpdated | Annotation's inkList was updated. |
endPointUpdated | Annotation's endPoint was updated. |
startPointUpdated | Annotation's startPoint was updated. |
endingStyleUpdated | Annotation's endingStyle was updated. |
enableCaptionUpdated | Annotation's enableCaption was updated. |
leaderCaptionOffsetUpdated | Annotation's leaderCaptionOffset was updated. |
styleFillColorUpdated | Annotation's styleFillColor was updated. |
leaderLineLengthUpdated | Annotation's leaderLineLength was updated. |
leaderLineExtendUpdated | Annotation's leaderLineExtend was updated. |
leaderLineOffsetUpdated | Annotation's leaderLineOffset was updated. |
measureRatioUpdated | Annotation's measureRatio was updated. |
measureUnitUpdated | Annotation's measureUnit was updated. |
measureConversionFactorUpdated | Annotation's measureConversionFactor was updated. |
removeAction | Remove the action of the annotation. |
actionDataUpdated | Annotation's actionData was updated. |
addAction | Add the action of the annotation. |
highlightingModeUpdated | Annotation's highlightingMode was updated. |
subjectUpdated | Annotation's subject was updated. |
titleUpdated | Annotation's title was updated. |
createDateTimeUpdated | Annotation's createDateTime was updated. |
opacityUpdated | Annotation's opacity was updated. |
intentUpdated | Annotation's intent was updated. |
vertexesUpdated | Annotation's vertexes was updated. |
applyFillColorUpdated | redaction's applyFillColor was updated |
overlayTextUpdated | redaction's overlayText was updated |
overlayTexAlignmentUpdated | redaction's overlay text alignment was updated |
repeatUpdated | redaction's repeat was updated |
autoFontSizeUpdated | redaction's auto font size was updated |
redactDefaultAppearanceUpdated | redaction's default appearance was updated |
redactOpacityUpdated | redaction's opacity was updated |
quadPointsUpdated | Annotation's quadPoints was updated. |
reviewStateUpdated | add/remove review state |
markedStateUpdated | add/remove marked state |
statesCleared | cleared review/marked states |
replyAdded | add reply annotation |
richTextUpdated | update rich text |
richTextRemoved | remove rich text |
addDictionary | add dictionary |
formFieldValueUpdated | value of a form field changed |
formFieldsMaxLengthUpdated | MaxLength updated. |
formFieldItemsUpdated | items of a form field updated |
formFieldIconUpdated | Icon updated. |
formFieldInsertedItem | inserted new item to form field |
formFieldExportValueUpdated | export-value of a form field(radio button or checkbox) changed |
formFieldMKPropertyUpdated | MKProperty of a form field changed. |
formFieldAlternateName | Alternate name of a form field changed. |
formFieldActionUpdated | Action of a form field changed. |
enum Border_Style |
Enumeration for border style. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
Enumerator | |
solid | Solid border. |
dashed | Dashed border. |
underline | Underline border. |
beveled | Beveled border. |
inset | Inset border. |
cloudy | Cloudy border. |
enum Box_Type |
Enumeration for page box type.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Calc_Margin_Mode |
enum Cipher_Type |
Enumeration for Encryption Algorithm.
enum DataEvents |
PDF data engine's event type.
Enumerator | |||
annotationUpdated | If an annotation is updated, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST //do something with annotations updated. }) | ||
annotationAppearanceUpdated | If an annotation's appearance is updated, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationAppearanceUpdated, (annots) => { //do something with annotations updated. }) | ||
annotationReplyAdd | If an reply annotation is added, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationReplyAdd, (replyAnnot) => { //do something with reply annot added. })
| ||
annotationReplyAdded | If an reply annotation is added, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationReplyAdded, (replyAnnot) => { //do something with reply annot added. })
| ||
annotationReviewStateAnnotAdd | This event will be triggered after an review state added. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationReviewStateAnnotAdd, (stateAnnot, targetAnnot) => { // do something after review state annot added })
| ||
annotationReviewStateAnnotAdded | This event will be triggered after an review state added. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationReviewStateAnnotAdded, (stateAnnot, targetAnnot) => { // do something after review state annot added })
| ||
annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdd | This event will be triggered after an marked state added. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdd, (stateAnnot, targetAnnot) => { // do something after marked state annot added })
| ||
annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdded | This event will be triggered after an marked state added. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationMarkedStateAnnotAdded, (stateAnnot, targetAnnot) => { // do something after marked state annot added })
| ||
annotationStatesCleared | This event will be triggered after all states removed. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationStatesCleared, (targetAnnot) => { // do something after all states removed }) | ||
annotationRemoved | If some annotations are removed, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationRemoved, (removedAnnots) => { //do something with annotations removed. }) | ||
annotationMovedPosition | If annotations are moved, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationMovedPosition, (movedAnnots, page, trigger) => { //do something with annotations moved. })
| ||
annotationPositionMoved | If annotations are moved, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationPositionMoved, (movedAnnots, page, trigger) => { //do something with annotations moved. })
| ||
annotationAdded | If an annotation is added, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.annotationAdd, (annotations) => { //do something with annotations added. }) | ||
annotationImported | If annotations are imported, an event with this type will be triggered.
| ||
actionUpdated | If the action of the annotation is updated, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.actionUpdated, (annot) => { //do something with annotation. }) | ||
actionAdd | If annotation added an action, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.actionAdd, (annot) => { //do something with annotation. })
| ||
actionAdded | If annotation added an action, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.actionAdded, (annot) => { //do something with annotation. })
| ||
layerVisibleChange | If visibility of a layer node is changed, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.layerVisibleChange, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. })
| ||
layerVisibleChanged | If visibility of a layer node is changed, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.layerVisibleChanged, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. })
| ||
bookmarkAdded | If bookmark has been added, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.bookmarkAdded, (bookmark) => { //do something. }) | ||
bookmarkUpdated | If bookmark has been updated, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.bookmarkUpdated, (bookmark) => { //do something. }) | ||
bookmarkRemoved | If bookmark has been removed, an event with this type will be triggered. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.bookmarkRemoved, (removedBookmarkId) => { //do something. }) | ||
stateAnnotNameUpdated | This event will be triggered when name of a state annotation been updated. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.stateAnnotNameUpdated, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. }) | ||
pageInfoChange | Triggered when the page info changes. eg: width, height, rotation. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageInfoChange, (PDFPage) => { //do something. })
| ||
pageInfoChanged | Triggered when the page info changes. eg: width, height, rotation. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageInfoChanged, (PDFPage) => { //do something. })
| ||
pageRotationChange | Triggered when the page Angle changes. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageRotationChange, (PDFPage, newRotaion, oldRotaion) => { //do something. })
| ||
pageRotationChanged | Triggered when the page Angle changes. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageRotationChanged, (PDFPage, newRotaion, oldRotaion) => { //do something. })
| ||
imageAdded | Triggered after an image buffer adds to PDFPage.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.imageAdded, (PDFPage) => { //do something. }) | ||
watermarkAdded | Triggered after a page watermark added.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.watermarkAdded, (PDFPage) => { //do something. }) | ||
graphicsUpdated | Triggered after any property of a graphics object has been changed // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.graphicsUpdated, (PDFPage) => { //do something. }) . | ||
docPasswordChanged | Triggered when the document password (ownerPassword or userPassword) changed success. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.docPasswordChanged, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. }) | ||
drmEncryptSuccess | Triggered when the document DRM encryption is successful. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.drmEncryptSuccess, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. })
| ||
drmEncryptSucceeded | Triggered when the document DRM encryption is successful. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.drmEncryptSucceeded, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. })
| ||
drmEncryptFailed | Triggered when the document DRM encryption is fail. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.drmEncryptFailed, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. }) | ||
removePwdAndPerm | Triggered after the password and permission are removed from a document successfully. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.removePwdAndPerm, (PDFDoc) => { // do something })
| ||
pwdAndPermRemoved | Triggered after the password and permission are removed from a document successfully. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pwdAndPermRemoved, (PDFDoc) => { // do something })
| ||
pageMoved | Triggered after the page moved.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageMoved, (fromPageIndex, destPageIndex) => { // do something }) | ||
pageRemoved | Triggered after page removed.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pageRemoved, (removedPageIndex) => { // do something }) | ||
pageAdded | Triggered after a page object inserted into the PDFDoc instance via PDFDoc.insertPage.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST // do something }) | ||
insertPages | Triggered after pages inserted into PDFDoc instance via PDFDoc.insertPages API.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.insertPages, (pages: Array<PDFPage>) => { // do something })
| ||
pagesInserted | Triggered after pages inserted into PDFDoc instance via PDFDoc.insertPages API.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.pagesInserted, (pages: Array<PDFPage>) => { // do something })
| ||
applyRedaction | Triggered after the redaction annotations are applied.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.applyRedaction, (result: Array<{pageIndex, removedAnnots}>) => { // do something })
| ||
redactionApplied | Triggered after the redaction annotations are applied.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.redactionApplied, (result: Array<{pageIndex, removedAnnots}>) => { // do something })
| ||
removeReviewState | Triggered after a review state annotation of a MarkupAnnot is removed. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.removeReviewState, (annot: MarkupAnnot) => { // do something }) .
| ||
reviewStateRemoved | Triggered after a review state annotation of a MarkupAnnot is removed. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.reviewStateRemoved, (annot: MarkupAnnot) => { // do something }) .
| ||
formValueChanged | Triggerd after form field value changed. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.formValueChanged, () => { // do something }) . | ||
metaDataChanged | Triggered after any of the metadata value changed via PDFDoc.setMetadataValue API;.
// GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.metaDataChanged, (doc: PDFDoc) => { // do something }) | ||
docModified | Triggered when the document is modified all events in web-pdf-engine except drmEncryptFailed and layerVisibleChange. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.docModified, (PDFDoc) => { //do something. }) | ||
flattened | Triggered when the document is flattened.
| ||
headerFooterUpdated | Triggered when update header or footer. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.headerFooterUpdated, (pageRanges) => { //do something. }) | ||
headerFooterAdded | Triggered when update header or footer. // GET pdfViewer OBJECT FIRST pdfViewer.eventEmitter.on(DataEvents.headerFooterAdded, (pageRanges) => { //do something. }) | ||
pagesMoved | Triggered after pages moved via PDFDoc.movePagesTo API.
| ||
pagesRemoved | Triggered after pages removed via PDFDoc.removePages API.
| ||
pagesRotated | Triggered after pages rotated via PDFDoc.rotatePages API.
| ||
pageMeasureScaleRatioChanged | Triggered when the page measurement scale ratio changes.
| ||
pagesBoxChanged | Triggered after the page box has been changed.
enum date_Format |
Enumeration for date format type.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone.
enum Ending_Style |
Enumeration for line ending style. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Error_Code |
Enumeration for error code.
enum File_Type |
enum FileAttachment_Icon |
enum Flatten_Option |
enum Font_Charset |
Enumeration for font charset.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Font_CIDCharset |
Enumeration for CID font charset.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
Enumeration for page number format type.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
Enumerator | |
FixedPitch | All glyphs have the same width (as opposed to proportional or variablepitch fonts, which have different widths). Bit position: 1. |
Serif | Serif Glyphs have serifs, which are short strokes drawn at an angle on the top and bottom of glyph stems. (Sans serif fonts do not have serifs.). Bit position: 2. |
Symbolic | Symbolic Font contains glyphs outside the Standard Latin character set. This flag and the Nonsymbolic flag shall not both be set or both be clear. Bit position: 3. |
Script | Script Glyphs resemble cursive handwriting. Bit position: 4. |
Nonsymbolic | Font uses the Standard Latin character set or a subset of it. This flag and the Symbolic flag shall not both be set or both be clear. Bit position: 6. |
Italic | Glyphs have dominant vertical strokes that are slanted. Bit position: 7. |
AllCap | Font contains no lowercase letters; typically used for display purposes, such as for titles or headlines. Bit position: 17. |
SmallCap | Font contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. The uppercase letters are similar to those in the regular version of the same typeface family. The glyphs for the lowercase letters have the same shapes as the corresponding uppercase letters, but they are sized and their proportions adjusted so that they have the same size and stroke weight as lowercase glyphs in the same typeface family. Bit position: 18. |
ForceBold | See description after Note 1 in this subclause. Bit position: 19. |
enum Font_StandardID |
Enumeration for standard font ID.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Font_Style |
enum Font_Styles |
Enumeration for font styles.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
enum Graphics_FillMode |
Enumeration for filling mode type, mainly for path graphics object.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Graphics_ObjectType |
Enumeration for PDF graphics object type.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Highlight_Mode |
enum MK_Properties |
enum Note_Icon |
Enumeration for note annot icons. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
Enumerator | |
Check | Check icon. |
Circle | Circle icon. |
Comment | Comment icon. |
Cross | Cross icon. |
Help | Help icon. |
Insert | Insert icon. |
Key | Key icon. |
NewParagraph | New paragraph icon. |
Note | Note icon. |
Paragraph | Paragraph icon. |
RightArrow | Right arrow icon. |
RightPointer | Right pointer icon. |
Star | Star icon. |
UpArrow | Up arrow icon. |
UpLeftArrow | Up left arrow icon. |
enum page_Number_Format |
Enumeration for font styles.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone.
enum Point_Type |
Enumeration for point type in path. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
Enumerator | |
moveTo | Indicates that the point is the first point of a. |
lineTo | Indicates that a line is drawn from the previous point to this point. |
lineToCloseFigure | Indicates that a line is drawn from the previous point to this point, and this point will also be connected to the nearest POINT_TYPE.moveTo point before this point, in order to close current figure. |
bezierTo | Indicates that this point is a control point or ending point for a Bezier spline. |
bezierToCloseFigure | Indicates that this point is the ending point for a Bezier spline, and this point will also be connected to the nearest POINT_TYPE.bezierTo point before this point, in order to close current. |
enum Position |
Enumeration for position. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum PosType |
enum Range_Filter |
enum Relationship |
enum Rendering_Content |
enum Rendering_Usage |
enum Rotation |
enum Rotation_Degree |
enum Saving_Flag |
Enumeration for PDF document saving flags.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
Enumerator | |
normal | Normal font style. Save document normally, without using any special flag. This can only be used alone. |
incremental | Save document incrementally. This can be used alone or be combined with other saving flags except PDFDoc::normal. Especially, if this is combined with PDFDoc::noOriginal, only the increment data will be saved. |
noOriginal | Save document without original data or unchanged objects. This can be used alone or be combined with other saving flags except PDFDoc::Normal. Especially, if this is combined with PDFDoc::incremental, only the increment data will be saved. |
XRefStream | Save document by using XRef stream. This can be used alone or be combined with other saving flags except PDFDoc::normal. |
linearized | Save document as a linearized file. This should be used alone and cannot be used with other saving flags. |
removeRedundantObjects | Save document with removing redundant PDF objects. This can be used alone or be combined with PDFDoc::noOriginal or PDFDoc::XRefStream. |
enum Search_Flag |
Enumeration for search flag. Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
enum Signature_Ap_Flags |
Enumeration for signature ap flag.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
enum Signature_State |
Enumeration for signature state.
Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
enum Sound_Icon |
enum Standard_Font |
Enumeration for font id. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum Text_Mode |
Enumeration for text mode.
Values of this enumeration should be used alone.
enum User_Permissions |
Enumeration for user access permissions in a PDF document.
enum Watermark_Flag |
Enumeration for watermark flag. Values of this enumeration can be used alone or in combination.
Enumerator | |
asContent | If set, the watermark will be a part of page content when inserted to a PDF page. |
asAnnot | If set, the watermark will be an annotation when inserted to a PDF page (Watermark_Flag.asContent will be disabled). |
onTop | If set, show watermark above other page content. |
unprintable | If set, do not print a watermark. |
display | If set, do not display a watermark. |
enum ZoomMode |
Enumeration for zoom mode. Values of this enumeration should be used alone.