FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  8.5.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CActionPDF action object
 CActionCallbackAn interface represents a action callback class for performing PDF actions. Users can implement only part of the callbacks according to actual requirements
 CActivatableDefines methods for activatable objects. The activatable object need to override its methods to implement the activation and deactivation operations
 CActivationGroupActivationGroup class is extended from Activatable and used to implement multiple activation operations. Example:

var activatable1 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 1>').getComponent();
var activatable2 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 2>').getComponent();
var activatable3 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 3>').getComponent();
var group = new PDFViewCtrl.ActivationGroup();
pdfViewer.activateElement(group); // both activatable1 and activatable2 are going to be activated!
group.add(activatable3); // activatable3 will also be activated!
group.remove(activatable2); // activatable2 will be unactivated!
pdfViewer.deactivateElement(group) // All activatables in group are going to be unactivated!
 CAddMarkedStateCollaborationDataDescribes the data format of add marked state collaboration action
 CAddMarkedStateOperationDataDescribes the details of add marked state operation
 CAddReplyCollaborationDataDescribes the data format of add reply collaboration action
 CAddReplyOperationDataDescribes the detail of add reply
 CAddReviewStateCollaborationDataDescribes the data format of add review state collaboration action
 CAddReviewStateOperationDataDescribes the details of add review state operation
 CAlertOptionsAn interface represents all options of alert callback
 CAnnotPDF annot object
 CAnnotationAuthorityManagerAnnotation Authority manager class, It used to control the permission of each annotations in the PDF document. It can be obtained via Viewer.PDFViewer::getAnnotAuthorityManager() method
 CAnnotationPermissionDescribes the annotation permission informations
 CAnnotFlagClass with a flag number used to detect permissions
 CAnnotOperationControllerIt's a abstract controller class provides an easy way for sub-controller classes to take control the contextmenu-item's visibility and usability before contextmenu shown
 CAnnotRenderPDF annot render
 CAnnotTooltipDefines methods for annotation objects. The AnnotTooltip object need to override its methods to implement the show and hide operations
 CAppearanceAn appearance like a packed theme. It provides a layout template and also allows to do things related to UE in beforeMounted or afterMounted method. When the layout template is rewritten, it is best to inherit this class and override the disableAll and enableAll methods to handle associated logic
 CCollaborationCommunicatorAn interface defines several methods that user should follow to implement custom CollaborationCommunicator. Collaboration communicator is used to process and generate collaboration sessions, synchronize collaboration data, send collaboration data, and receive collaboration data from other clients
 CCollaborationDataThe format of all built-in collaboration data and user-customize data
 CCollaborationDataHandlerA collaboration data handler used to process collaboration data received from server
 CCollaborationSessionInfoAn interface defines the session info including shareId and the parameters to open PDF file
 CComparePageRangeRange of pages for comparison
 CComponentPDFUI allows you to define a component as a class inherit from Component and register that into a module to provide UI features. Each component has several 'lifecycle methods' that you can override to run code at particular times in the process
 CComponentOptionsAn interface that describes all basic configuration options of a component
 CCreateAnnotAddonAnnotation creates the add-on entry
 CCreateAnnotationCollaborationDataDescribe the collaboration data format of create annotation action
 CCreateAnnotationOperationDataThe data used to create annotation that includes annotation information and page index
 CCreateAnnotationServiceThis is a service interface that defines the function of creating Annotation, and classes that create specific Annotations should inherit it
 CDevicePointThe DevicePoint interface is the point information defined in px, and DevicePoint {x:0,y:0} is in the left-top corner
 CDeviceRectDeviceRect is a definition of a rectangular range in units of physical pixels of the device. Point (0,0) is at the left-top conner
 CDivScrollWrapA basic class to create custom ScrollWrap with specified element.
I'm going to rename it from CustomScrollWrap to DivScrollWrap
 CDocTextSearchThis class can construct text search in a PDF document
 CDownloadFileServiceA service to download files
 CFontMapPDF page range object
 CGlyphsFont glyphs object
 CHeaderFooterPDF HeaderFooter object
 CIAnnotationSummaryBasic annotation summary
 CIContextMenuThis is an abstract contextmenu class. The various behaviors of the user-customized contextmenu can be encapsulated in its subclasses, and then its subclasses should be created in the XViewerUI::createContextMenu to complete the contextmenu customization.
 CIContextMenuItemThis is an abstract contextmenu-item class. The various behaviors of the user-customized contextmenu-item can be encapsulated in its subclasses, and then its subclasses should be obtained from IContextMenu::getItem by the name to complete the contextmenu customization
 CIFloatingTooltipAn abstract class used to implement floating box components displayed after text selection or other operations
 CILayerNodeDescribes the PDF layer node
 CImportAnnotationsFileCollaborationDataAn interface describes the collaboration data format of import annotation fdf,xfdf files
 CImportAnnotationsFileOperationDataThe data used to import annotations that includes base64 format data of the fdf, xfdf file
 CIPopupAnnotationSummaryPopup annotation summary
 CIStateHandlerInterface of StateHandler
 CIViewerUIThis class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module, that stuffs should be customized like the example:

new PDFViewer({
viewerUI: class extends PDFViewCtrl.IViewerUI {
 CIViewModeLayout of page view interface
 CMatrixPDF matrix for coordinate transformation
 CModularModular is an singleton class, you can access that instance by UIExtension.modular
 CMoveAnnotsBetweenPageCollaborationDataDescribes the data format used to collaborate the moving annotation action
 CMoveAnnotsBetweenPageOperationDataDescribes the the fromPageIndex, toPageIndex and annotation's data for move annotation operation
 COpenFileParameterParameters to open file
 COperationValuesThe marking color(in 0xRRGGBB format) of each compare type objects
 CPageRangePDF page range object
 CPDFDocRenderThe class that controls PDF document rendering
 CPDFPageRenderPDF page renderer
 CPDFPointThe PDFPoint interface is the point information defined in pt, and PDFPoint {x:0,y:0} is in the left-bottom corner of the PDF page
 CPDFRectPDFRect is a definition of a rectangular range in units of point. Point (0,0) is at the left-bottom conner
 CPDFTextToSpeechSynthesisThe interface of the speech synthesizer. You need to implement all the methods and properties declared below when customizing the speech synthesizer
 CPDFTextToSpeechSynthesisTemplateTemplate methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers
 CPDFTextToSpeechUtteranceThe PDFTextToSpeechUtterance represents a speech request, It contains a piece of text content and the page number of the text content in the PDF document, as well as other relevant information
 CPDFViewerUse PDFViewCtrl for the entry file
 CPPOInsertPageCollaborationDataDescribes the format of ppo insert page collaboration action
 CPPOInsertPageOperationDataDescribes the information for PPO_INSERT_PAGE action
 CPPOMovePageCollaborationDataDescribes the collabroation data format of move page action
 CPPOMovePageOperationDataDescribes the format of ppo move page collaboration action
 CPPORemovePageCollaborationDataDescribes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action
 CPPORemovePageOperationDataDescribes which pageIndex need be removed
 CPPORemovePagesCollaborationDataDescribes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action
 CPPORemovePagesOperationDataDescribe the page range that needs to be removed
 CPPORotatePageCollaborationDataDescribes the format of ppo roate page collaboration action
 CPPORotatePageOperationDataDescribes the detail of rotate page operation
 CPreConfiguredComponentIt's a simple & pre-configured high-order component
 CPrintProgressBarAn interface class represents a progress bar
 CReadAloudOptionsInterface describing the options of the speech synthesizer, including volume, rate, etc
 CReadAloudServiceRead aloud feature service
 CReadAloudTextInformationDefines an interface for text content page number and text rectangle boundary information
 CRemoveAnnotationCollaborationDataDescribes the data format used to collaborate remove annotation action
 CRemoveAnnotationOperationDataDescribes the data format for remove annotation
 CRemoveReplyCollaborationDataDescribes the data format of remove reply collaboration action
 CRemoveReplyOperationDataDescribes the details of remove reply operation
 CSeniorComponentFactoryFactory class used to create high-order components
 CSeniorComponentSuperclassOptionsAn interface describes configuration options to generate a senior component superclass
 CSnapshotServerCustom screenshot image storage service
 CStampStateHandlerParamsAn interface represents the parameter of STATE_HANDLER_CREATE_STAMP
 CStatefulControllerThis Controller class encapsulates the implementation logic for IStateHandler registration and toggle event listening. A customization example:

class MyStateHandlerClass extends PDFViewCtrl.IStateHandler {
// ...
class MyStateController extends UIExtension.controllers.StatefulController {
constructor(component) {
super(component, MyStateHandlerClass);
 CTaskProgressThe TaskProgress interface defines a process manager
 CTaskProgressDataThe TaskProgressData interface which defines the data in the progress of the task
 CTextSearchMatchThe match result of text search
 CTextSelectionToolThis class is used in text selection tools in <tooltip-layer>. For more details on usage please refer to this example: -examples{UIExtension/customize-text-selection-tool/index.html}
 CTypingInkSignImageGeneratorAn ink signature image generator that generates image data url from specific text content and font. This class provides importFontFamily API to import thirdparty fonts globally from remote what you needed
 CUIFragmentOptionsAn interface describe configuration options of UI fragment
 CUIXAddonUIXAddon, an addon that relies on the UIExtension of Foxit PDF SDK for Web, is packaged separately into a JS file. The applications can load this addon as needed. This class defines the method templates what a UIXAddon needs to implement
 CUIXModuleA module constructed by Modular.module is collection of components and controllers. You can register a component class or a controller class into a module then you can use your component in template. An example for registering component class and usage:
 CUnitUnit object
 CUpdateAnnotationCollaborationDataDescribes the data format for update annotation action
 CUpdateAnnotationOperationDataThe data used to update annotations
 CUpdateAnnotContentCollaborationDataDescribe the data format of update annotation content collaboration action
 CUpdateAnnotContentOperationDataDescribes the details of update annotation content operation
 CUserCustomizeCollaborationDataThe format of user cusomize collaboration data
 CUserPermissionAssist in determining the permissions of the User_Permissions
 CViewerAnnotManagerViewer Annot Manager.
The behavior of the default annot can be reset by registerMatchRule
 CViewModeControllerIt is an abstract template class for the view mode switching controllers
 CViewModeManagerView Mode Manager
The default contains the following two viewmode
continuous-view-mode: Continuous page mode
single-page-view-mode: Single page mode
 CXViewerUIThis class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module. You should customize that stuffs like the following example:

new PDFUI({
viewerOptions: {
viewerUI: new class extends UIExtension.XViewerUI {
createContextMenu(owner, anchor, config) {
// ...

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