FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  8.5.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 UIExtensionA module based on the PDFViewCtrl module that contains customizable UI components and APIs.
In this module, without clear declaring, APIs default to be supported in both JR and SR.
 componentsA module Including all UI layers service classes, all of these service instances can be obtained by pdfui.getserviceInstance method
 widgetsA module that contains all UI widgets inherited from the Component class, all of which are pure UI components and do not contain any business logic
 businessA module contains classes and interfaces of business logic. All members in this module cannot be accessed directly, yet can be called by getting an instance through event callback parameters as follows
 optionsThe module that contains interfaces used to describe the configuration of some APIs' parameter
 controllersThe controllers module contains serveral classes that inherit from Controller
 UIConstsUIConsts module is an Object, All current available constants of UIExtension module are mount to this object. You can access the constant like this examples in the following:
 appearancesA module contains supported UI themes across devices
 PDFViewCtrlThe namespace that controls the drawing and rendering of PDF. PDF is used to modifying PDF data.
In this module, without clear declaring, APIs default to be supported in both JR and SR.
 sharedIt's a module that contains some utility classes which encapsulates common operations such as Unit object processor
 add-onsA module includes all PDFViewerCtrl's add-ons
 PDFViewCtrl_CreateAnnotAddonModuleA add-on that contains the PDFViewer annotation created.
When introduced with a script tag, the global object PDFViewCtrl_CreateAnnotAddonModule is exposed
 FacingContinuousViewModeFacing continuous page mode
It needs to be used in conjunction with DivScrollWrap
 FacingPageViewModeFacing page mode
It needs to be used in conjunction with DivScrollWrap
 HContinuousViewModeHorizontal continuous page mode
It needs to be used in conjunction with DivScrollWrap
 renderersPlease access these objects by getter functions of PDFViewer or other object instead of their constructors
 constantsA module includes all PDFViewerCtrl's constants
 annotCompontentsThis module contains some interface types used to declare AnnotComponent, these types will be used in the callback parameter of ViewerAnnotManager.registerMatchRule to customize some behaviors
 PDFThe namespace that contains PDF objects like PDFDoc, PDFPage, PDFForm. These objects can ONLY be accessed by the getter functions of PDFDocRender or PDFViewer instead of those constructors.
In this module, Only APIs with tag [Support in Server] are available in SR.
 coordinatesCollection of coordinates
 utilThe module that contains interfaces used to describe the configuration of some APIs' parameter
 summariesThis module contains interfaces for describing json format exported from different Annot types
 comparisonComparison Namespace
 progressNormal font style

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