Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Summaries of squiggly annotation. More...
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
string | coords |
The quad points of this text markups (Unit: pt). Please refer to TextMarkup::getQuadPoints. | |
![]() | |
string | creationdate |
Creation time, format: D:yyyyMMddhhmmssTZ. | |
string | inreplyto |
Represents a related annotation id. The relationship between the two annotations shall be specified by the replyType entry. | |
string | intent |
Intent name Some example intent: More... | |
number | opacity |
Opacity value of an markup annotation. | |
IPopupAnnotationSummary | popup |
The popup anontation summaries. | |
string | replyType |
(Meaningful only if inreplyto is present). A name specifying the relationship between this annotation and on specified by inreplyto. Value values are: More... | |
number | rotation |
Roation angle of this annotation. | |
string | subject |
Subject string. | |
string | title |
The title string, By convention, annotation's title can be used to identify the user who added current annotation. | |
![]() | |
string | color |
border color, format: #RRGGBB | |
string | contents |
text content. | |
Record< string, any > | customEntries |
custom dictionary entries More... | |
string | dashes |
A dash array that represents the dash patterns. This property is available when style is 'dashed'. format:"2,2,2,2". | |
number | dashPhase |
This property is available when style is 'dashed'. | |
string | date |
Last modified time. format: D:yyyyMMddhhmmssTZ. | |
string | flags |
annotation flag names, multiple flags are separated by commas. Please refer to Annot_Flags | |
number | indensity |
Intensity of the cloudy effect. This property is available when style is 'cloudy'. | |
string | name |
Unique id. More... | |
number | objectNumber |
Unique id. | |
number | page |
Page index. | |
string | rect |
Annotation rectangle in PDF coordinate system. format: "${left},${bottom},${right},${top}". | |
string | style |
border style, It could be one of these values: 'solid', 'dashed', 'underline', 'beveled', 'inset', 'cloudy' | |
Annot_Type | type |
Annotation type flag. Please refer to Annot_Type. | |
number | width |
The border width (unit: pt). | |
Summaries of squiggly annotation.