FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  9.0.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
PDFTextToSpeechSynthesisTemplate Class Referenceabstract

Template methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers. More...

Inheritance diagram for PDFTextToSpeechSynthesisTemplate:

Protected Member Functions

abstract void doPause ()
 This method is used to implement the actions that should be handled after the state is switched to paused.
abstract void doResume ()
 This method is used to implement the actions that should be handled after resume the speech synthesis.
abstract void doStop ()
 This method is used to implement the actions that should be handled after the state is switched to stop.
void init ()
 Method used to initialization.
abstract void onCurrentPlayingOptionsUpdated ()
 This method is used to implement options updates.
abstract Promise< void > speakText (text:string, options?:ReadAloudOptions)
 This method is used to synthesize a speech based on the received parameters and play it back. More...

Detailed Description

Template methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers.


Member Function Documentation

◆ speakText()

abstract Promise<void> PDFTextToSpeechSynthesisTemplate::speakText ( text:string  ,
protectedpure virtual

This method is used to synthesize a speech based on the received parameters and play it back.

textstring - The text content to be read.
optionsReadAloudOptions | undefined - Options of the speech synthesizer.

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