Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Public Member Functions | |
getIconName () | |
Get the icon name of the annotation that determines how the annotation is displayed. More... | |
![]() | |
addMarkedState (stateName) | |
Add marked state with specific name [Support in Server] More... | |
addReply (content) | |
Add a new reply to the end of reply list. [Support in Server] More... | |
addReviewState (stateName) | |
Add review state with specific name. [Support in Server] More... | |
addRichText (datas) | |
Add new text data with rich styles to the end. Note: Now, only support Freetext annotation. if current annotation is a freetext and its intent is "FreeTextTypewriter", text aligment of input style will be set to all rich text strings of current freetext annotation. More... | |
exportToJSON () | |
Export annotation to a json object. [Support in Server] Override Annot::exportToJSON. More... | |
getCreateDateTime () | |
Get creation date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
getGroupElements () | |
Get the group annotations which own current annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
getGroupHeader () | |
Get the header annotation (as primary annotation) of the group that current markup annotation belongs to. [Support in Server] More... | |
getIntent () | |
Get intent name. Following annotation types have predefined intent name: More... | |
getMarkedState (index) | |
Get a state annotation by index. state model is marked [Support in Server] More... | |
getMarkedStateCount () | |
Get the count of state annotations. [Support in Server] More... | |
getMarkedStates () | |
Get all state annotation. state model is marked [Support in Server] More... | |
getOpacity () | |
Get opacity value. This property has effect on markup annotation's appearance. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPopup () | |
Get annotation's popup. [Support in Server] More... | |
getReplies () | |
Get all replies [Support in Server] More... | |
getReply (index) | |
Get a reply annot by index. [Support in Server] More... | |
getReplyCount () | |
Count all replies. [Support in Server] More... | |
getReviewState (index) | |
Get a state annotation by index. state model is review [Support in Server] More... | |
getReviewStateCount () | |
Get the count of state annotations. [Support in Server] When state model is review, the markup annotation can have several state annotations in a chain: first state annotation refers to the markup annotation, second state annotation refers to the first state annotation, etc. Just like this: markup annotation <– reviewed state1 <– reviewed state2 ... More... | |
getReviewStates () | |
Get all state annotation. state model is review [Support in Server] More... | |
getRichText () | |
Get the rich text data, including rich text strings and styles. Note: Now, only support Freetext annotation. if current annotation is a freetext and its intent is "FreeTextTypewriter", text aligment of input style will be set to all rich text strings of current freetext annotation. More... | |
getSubject () | |
Get subject string. [Support in Server] More... | |
getTitle () | |
Get title string. [Support in Server] More... | |
insertRichText (datas) | |
Insert rich text string to the place which is specified by indexs. More... | |
isGrouped () | |
Check whether current markup annotation is in a group or not. [Support in Server] More... | |
isGroupHeader () | |
Check whether current markup annotation is a group header annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
removeAllStateAnnots () | |
Remove all sate from this markup annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
removeRichText (indexes) | |
Remove a rich text string specified by index. More... | |
setContent (content) | |
Set markup annotation's contents. [Support in Server] More... | |
setCreateDateTime (date) | |
Set creation date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
setIntent (intent) | |
Set annotaions's intent. More... | |
setOpacity (opacity) | |
Set opacity value. [Support in Server] More... | |
setRichText (datas) | |
Set the rich text data with rich styles to the place which is specified by indexes. Note: Now, only support Freetext annotation. if current annotation is a freetext and its intent is "FreeTextTypewriter", text alignment of input style will be set to all rich text strings of current freetext annotation. More... | |
setSubject (subject) | |
Set subject string. [Support in Server] More... | |
setTitle (title) | |
Set title string. [Support in Server] More... | |
![]() | |
exportToJSON () | |
Export the current annotation to a Json object. [Support in Server] More... | |
getBorderColor () | |
Get annotation's border color. [Support in Server] More... | |
getBorderInfo () | |
Get annotation's border information. [Support in Server] More... | |
getContent () | |
Get annotation's contents. [Support in Server] More... | |
getDictionaryEntry (key) | |
Get the dictionary property of Annot by key. More... | |
getFlags () | |
Get annotation's flag. [Support in Server] More... | |
getModifiedDateTime () | |
Get annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
getObjectNumber () | |
Get annotation's object number. More... | |
getPage () | |
Get annotation's page. [Support in Server] More... | |
getRect () | |
Get annotation's rect. [Support in Server] More... | |
getTitle () | |
Get annotation's title. [Support in Server] More... | |
getType () | |
Get annotation's type. [Support in Server] More... | |
getUniqueID () | |
Get annotation's unique ID. [Support in Server] More... | |
isEmpty () | |
Check annotation is empty or not. [Support in Server] More... | |
isMarkup () | |
Check if current annotation is a markup annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
setBorderColor (borderColor) | |
Set annotation's border color. [Support in Server] More... | |
setBorderInfo (borderInfo) | |
Set annotation's border information. [Support in Server] More... | |
setContent (content) | |
Set contents for the currently gotten annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
setDictionaryEntry (key, value) | |
Add a new entry or replace the existing entry of the annotation dictionary. Caller could use this method to store their private data to the annotation. Do not use any standard key of the annotation dictionary, such as 'Type', 'Subtype', 'Rect' defined in PDF Reference. If any standard key is used, this behaviour will be undefined. More... | |
setFlags (flag, notTriggerEvent) | |
Set annotation's flag. [Support in Server] More... | |
setModifiedDateTime (date) | |
Set annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
setRect (rect) | |
Set annotation's rect. More... | |
inline |
Get the icon name of the annotation that determines how the annotation is displayed.