Foxit PDF SDK for Web
Public Member Functions | |
addAnnot (pageIndex, annotJson) | |
Add an annotation into a specified page. [Support in Server] More... | |
addAnnotGroup (pageIndex, annotJsons, headerIndex) | |
Add a group annotation [Support in Server] More... | |
addAnnots (annotJsonArray) | |
Add annotations into the current document. More... | |
addEmbeddedFile (key, fileSpec) | |
Add an embedded attachment (as file specification object) with new key name. More... | |
addHeaderFooter (headerFooter) | |
Add new header-footer. More... | |
addPagingSealSignature (info) | |
Add a paging seal signature field into specified pages. More... | |
addWatermark (data) | |
Add watermark. More... | |
applyRedaction () | |
Apply redaction in marked areas: remove the text or graphics under marked areas permanently. [Support in Server] More... | |
createRootBookmark () | |
Create the root bookmark of the document. More... | |
drmEncrypt (drmOptions) | |
exportAnnotsToFDF (fileType=0, annots=null) | |
Export annotation data in a document to a file. Not support Screen Image, Link and Sound. [Support in Server] More... | |
exportAnnotsToJSON (annotArray) | |
Export the document's annotation data to Json. Not support Screen Image, Link and Sound. [Support in Server] More... | |
exportFormToFile (fileType=0) | |
Export document form data to file. More... | |
extractPages (pageRange) | |
Export the given page(s) from the current document. More... | |
flatten (option) | |
Flatten all annotations and interactive form fields in a PDF. More... | |
getAllBoxesByPageIndex (index) | |
Gets all boxes by specified page index. More... | |
getAllPagingSealSignatures (pagingSigObjNum) | |
Get all paging seal signature object numbers. More... | |
async | getAnnots () |
Get an array of all annotations of the current document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getComparisonFilterCountSummary () | |
Get the count information for each item of the comparison result; The statistical result is the total number of document difference types, but each difference occurs in pairs, so the number of differences is 1 / 2 of the total. More... | |
getEmbeddedFile (key) | |
Get the embedded file by the specified key name. More... | |
getEmbeddedFileNames () | |
Get the embedded file list. More... | |
getFile ({ flags=0, fileName=this.getFileName() }={ flags:0, fileName:this.getFileName() }) | |
Export the PDF document object to the File object. More... | |
getFontsInfo () | |
Get fonts info. More... | |
getHeaderFooter () | |
Get HeaderFooter of document. More... | |
getId () | |
Gets the id of the PDF document [Support in Server] More... | |
getInfo () | |
Get the information dictionary of the pdf document. More... | |
getLayerNodesJson () | |
Get the document's layer nodes. More... | |
getMetadata () | |
Get metadata of PDF document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageAnnots (index) | |
Get all annotations in a specified page by page index. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageByIndex (index) | |
Get the document page [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageCount () | |
Gets the number of document pages [Support in Server] More... | |
getPageLabels (pageIndexes) | |
Get the page labels of the pdf document. More... | |
getPasswordType () | |
Get the type of current used password. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPDFForm () | |
Get form object of PDF Document. [Support in Server] More... | |
getPermissions () | |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server] If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions. . More... | |
getRootBookmark (forceRefresh=false) | |
Get the root bookmark of the document. More... | |
getStream (writeChunk, flag=0, endAllOperations) | |
Gets a PDF file stream that can be used to download documents [Support in Server] More... | |
getText (pages) | |
Gets the text content of the specific pages. The type of XFA Documents is not supported. More... | |
getTextSearch (pattern, flags) | |
Get text search object. [Support in Server] More... | |
getUserPermissions () | |
hasForm () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document contains pdf form. More... | |
importAnnotsFromFDF (fdf, escape=true) | |
Import data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. [Support in Server] More... | |
importAnnotsFromJSON (annotsJson) | |
Import data from Json. [Support in Server] More... | |
importFormFromFile (file, format, encoding='UTF-8') | |
Import form data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. More... | |
insertBlankPages (pageRange, width, height) | |
Insert a new blank PDF page to the specified pages, by indexes. More... | |
insertPage (pageIndex, width, height) | |
Insert a new blank PDF page to document, by index. [Support in Server] More... | |
insertPages ({destIndex, file, password="", flags=0, layerName="", startIndex, endIndex}) | |
Start to import pages from another PDF document. More... | |
isCompareDoc () | |
Used to determine whether the PDF document is a comparison result document. More... | |
isDocModified () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document is modified if modified return true, false otherwise. [Support in Server] More... | |
isLinearized () | |
Call this function to determine whether the document is represented in linearized (fast web view) format. More... | |
loadPDFForm () | |
Load form data of PDF document. [Support in Server] More... | |
loadThumbnail (options) | |
Loads a thumbnail for a particular page number. More... | |
makeRedactByPages (pages) | |
Mark pages which are to be redacted. More... | |
mergePDFDoc (options) | |
Merge pages from another PDF document. More... | |
movePagesTo (pageRange, destIndex=0) | |
Move the specified pages to a new index position. More... | |
movePageTo (pageIndex, destIndex) | |
Move a specified page to a new index position. [Support in Server] More... | |
removeAllEmbeddedFiles () | |
Remove all files embedded in the current PDF document. More... | |
removeEmbeddedFileByName (name) | |
Remove the embedded file by the specified key name. More... | |
removeHeaderFooter () | |
Remove all headers and foonters of document. More... | |
removePage (pageIndex) | |
Remove a PDF page by page index. [Support in Server] More... | |
removePages (pageRange) | |
Remove the specified pages by page indexes. More... | |
removePagingSealSignature (info) | |
Remove paging seal signature. All signature associated with paging seal signature will be removed. More... | |
removeSignature (fieldName) | |
Remove signature. More... | |
rotatePages (pageRange, rotation) | |
Set the specified pages rotation. More... | |
searchText (pages, words, options={}) | |
Search the specified text on the specified page. More... | |
setEmbeddedFile (key, fileSpec) | |
Set an embedded attachment (as file specification object) for a specified key. More... | |
setLayerNodeVisible (layerId, visible) | |
Set the visibility of a specified layer node. More... | |
setMetadataValue (key, value) | |
Set metadata value. More... | |
setPagesBox ({ indexes, width, height, offsetX, offsetY, boxes, removeWhiteMargin }={}) | |
Set pages box. More... | |
setPasswordAndPermission (userPassword, ownerPassword, permission=0xfffffffc, cipher=cipherType.AES256, isEncryptMetadata=true) | |
Set document password and permission. More... | |
sign (signInfo, DigestSignHandler) | |
Sign the current document by the specified signature information. More... | |
updateHeaderFooter (headerFooter) | |
Modify header or footer of documents. If there is no header or footer, this function will add one. More... | |
updatePagingSealSignature (info) | |
Update paging seal signature. More... | |
verifySignature (field, VerifyHandler) | |
Verify signature's status. More... | |
![]() | |
addDestroyHook (...hooks) | |
destroy () | |
PDF document object
inline |
Add an annotation into a specified page. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | number - Specifies target page. |
annotJson | object - Annotation's json object. |
inline |
Add a group annotation [Support in Server]
pageIndex | number - Specifies target page. |
annotJsons | object - Annotation's json object. |
headerIndex | number - Indicates the header annotation's index. |
inline |
Add annotations into the current document.
and iconCategory
are specified), please call PDFViewer.initAnnotationIcons(icons) to set default annotation icons.annotJsonArray | object[] - The collection of annotations to be added. JSON object which indicates annotation's properties. |
annotJsonArray[].page | number - The page number to be added. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies] | object[]|string[] - JSON object that indicates the reply property of the comment. A string that indicates the comment's reply content. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].name] | string - New unique ID string to be set. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].contents] | string - New content string to be set. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].flags] | number - The annotation flags. Please refer to values starting from Annot_Flags.invisible and this would be one or a combination of these values. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].title] | string - Set title string. Set creation date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].creationTimestamp] | number - Set creation date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].replies[].date] | number - Set last modified date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].states] | object[]|string[] - JSON object that indicates the state property of the comment. A string that indicates the comment's state. Look at MARKUP_ANNOTATION_STATE. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].state] | string - A string that indicates the comment's state. Look at MARKUP_ANNOTATION_STATE. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].name] | string - New unique ID string to be set. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].flags] | number - The annotation flags. Please refer to values starting from Annot_Flags.invisible and this would be one or a combination of these values. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].title] | string - Set title string. Set creation date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].creationTimestamp] | number - Set creation date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].states[].date] | number - Set last modified date time. |
[annotJsonArray[].groupElements] | object[] - The child of an annotation group. |
[annotJsonArray[].type] | Annot_Type - The type of annotation to be added. If this is a new Annotation, this is a required field. Support type:
[annotJsonArray[].rect] | object - Rectangle of the new annotation. If this is a new Annotation, this is a required field. |
[annotJsonArray[].rect.left] | number - The x-coordinate of the input left-bottom corner. |
[annotJsonArray[].rect.bottom] | number - The y-coordinate of the input left-bottom corner. |
[annotJsonArray[].rect.right] | number - The x-coordinate of the input right-top corner. |
[annotJsonArray[]] | number - The y-coordinate of the input right-top corner. |
[annotJsonArray[].borderInfo] | object - set border information. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].borderInfo.width] | number - Border width. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[]] | number - Border style.Style {0:"Solid", 1:"Dashed", 2:"UnderLine", 3:"Beveled",4:"Inset", 5:"Cloudy"}. [optional] If the boder style is set to the unsupporetd type annotation, It will change to set border style as 'Solid' by default internally. For details:
[annotJsonArray[].borderInfo.cloudIntensity] | number - Intensity of the cloudy effect.Only useful when parameter style is "Cloudy". [optional] Valid value range: 0 to 2. 0 means no cloudy border effect. If the value is below 0, it will have the same effect as value 0. If the value is above 2, it will have the same effect as value 2. |
[annotJsonArray[].borderInfo.dashPhase] | number - Dash phase.Only useful when parameter style is "Dashed". [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].borderInfo.dashes] | number[] - A dash array that represents the dash patterns.Only useful when parameter style is "Dashed". [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].alignment] | number - Set alignment value. Alignment { 0:"AlignmentLeft", 1:"AlignmentCenter", 2:"AlignmentRight" } [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext. |
[annotJsonArray[].buffer] | Uint8Array - The buffer of file. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is fileattachment and screen. |
[annotJsonArray[].calloutLinePoints] | number[] - Only when the intent name of a free text annotation is "FreeTextCallout", this free text annotation can have callout line points property, and this property has effect on this kind of free text annotation's appearance. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext. |
[annotJsonArray[].calloutLineEndingStyle] | number - Only when the intent name of a free text annotation is "FreeTextCallout", this free text annotation can have callout line points property, and this property has effect on this kind of free text annotation's appearance. Please refer to Ending_Style. {freetext && FreeTextCallout}[optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].color] | string - New border color to be set.Format: 0xRRGGBB. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].contents] | string - New content string to be set. [optional] If annotJsonArray[].richText is set and annotJson.type equal to freetext, this parameter is invalid. |
[annotJsonArray[].coords] | Array<{left:number;top:number;right:number;bottom:number;}> - For a text markup annotation, quadrilaterals are required. This property has effect on text markup annotation's appearance. After setting new quadrilaterals, rectangle of current text markup annotation will be updated as well.In order to startCharIndex/endCharIndex priority. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is textmarkup.(required) |
[annotJsonArray[].creationTimestamp] | number - Set creation date time. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].date] | number - Set last modified date time. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].dicts] | object - Set annotation's dictionary object. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].defaultAppearance] | object - Set annotation's default appearance. [optional] If annotJsonArray[].richText is set and annotJson.type equal to freetext, this parameter is invalid. This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext. |
[annotJsonArray[].defaultAppearance.textColor] | number - Set annotation's default text color (0x**RRGGBB). [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext. |
[annotJsonArray[].defaultAppearance.textSize] | number - Set annotation's default text size. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext. |
[annotJsonArray[].endCharIndex] | number - For a text markup annotation, index of the end character. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is textmarkup. Setting both annotJsonArray[].startCharIndex and annotJsonArray[].endCharIndex will calculate the value of annotJsonArray[].coords internally and replace it. |
[annotJsonArray[].endPoint] | object - Set the end point of line.{x: number, y: number} [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].endPoint.x] | number - The value of the X-axis in the end point. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].endPoint.y] | number - The value of the Y-axis in the end point. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].flags] | number - The annotation flags. Please refer to values starting from Annot_Flags.invisible and this would be one or a combination of these values. The default value is 0. It will also not print. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure] | object - Set the measure of line. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.unit] | string - Set the label for displaying the units for measuring. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.ratio] | object - Set the scale ratio for measuring. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.ratio.userSpaceValue] | number - Set the ratio value in user space. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.ratio.userSpaceUnit] | string - Set the ratio unit in user space. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.ratio.realValue] | number - Set the ratio value in real space. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].measure.ratio.realUnit] | string - Set the ratio unit in real space. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].endStyle] | Ending_Style - Set line ending style of the end point. Please refer to Ending_Style. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is circle, line, polyline, polygon and square. |
[annotJsonArray[].fileName] | string - The file name to be set. This is mandatory when the multiBuffer parameter exists. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is fileattachment and screen. |
[annotJsonArray[].contentType] | string - Set the content type (MIME type) of the media data. This is mandatory when the multiBuffer parameter exists. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is screen. |
[annotJsonArray[].fillColor] | string - New fill color to be set. Format: 0xRRGGBB. 0 for transparent. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is freetext, circle, square and polygon. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconInfo] | object - Specifies the icon of stamp. Attention: this property will override "icon" and "iconCategory" properties. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconInfo.annotType] | string - The type of supported annot. Currently, it must be "stamp". [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconInfo.category] | string - Category which the icon is collected. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[]] | string - The name of icon. Only ascii characters are available. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconInfo.fileType] | string - The file type of icon. One of 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconInfo.url] | string - The url of icon. It supports HTTP, file, blob url and base64 url. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].icon] | string - Set icon name. The name of icon. Only ascii characters are available. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. If annotJsonArray[] is set and annotJson.type equal to stamp, this parameter is invalid. |
[annotJsonArray[].iconCategory] | string - Set stamp icon's category. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is stamp. |
[annotJsonArray[].inkList] | Array<{x:number;y:number;type:1|2|3;}> - Set ink list data.If type is "ink", it should not be an empty. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is ink. |
[annotJsonArray[].intent] | string - Set intent name. [optional]. Please refer to IMarkupAnnotationSummary::intent This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].multiBuffer] | Uint8Array - The buffer of Media. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is screen. |
[annotJsonArray[].name] | string - New unique ID string to be set. [optional] |
[annotJsonArray[].noPopup] | boolean - If true, no popup is generated,else popup is generated. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].opacity] | number - Set opacity value.only 0~1 is valid. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].startCharIndex] | number - For a text markup annotation,Index of the start character. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is textmarkup. Setting both annotJsonArray[].startCharIndex and annotJsonArray[].endCharIndex will calculate the value of annotJsonArray[].coords internally and replace it. |
[annotJsonArray[].startStyle] | number - Set line ending style of the start point. Please refer to Ending_Style. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].startPoint] | object - Set the start point of line.{x: number, y: number} [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].startPoint.x] | number - The value of the X-axis in the start point. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].startPoint.y] | number - The value of the Y-axis in the start point. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].length] | number - Set line's leader line length. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is line. |
[annotJsonArray[].styleFillColor] | string - Set fill color for ending styles. New fill color to be set. Format: 0xRRGGBB, 0 for transparent, otherwise alpha will be set to 0xFF. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is polyline and line. |
[annotJsonArray[].subject] | string - Set subject string.If the value is "replace," that means that this is a Replace annotation. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].title] | string - Set title string. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is markup. |
[annotJsonArray[].vertexes] | Array<{x:number;y:number;}> - Set vertexes, Vertexes property is required for a polyline annotation. [optional] This parameter is valid only when the type is polyline and polygon. |
[annotJsonArray[].rotation] | number - Set the rotation in clockwise, Currently, only support free text, stamp, srceen annotations. for free text, srceen annotation, this should be one of these values : 0, 90, 180, 270. for stamp annotation, the value range is from 0 to 360. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText] | object[] - An array of rich text data. Now, Only support FreeText annotation. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].content] | string - Text string to be set as content for specified rich text. This should not be an empty string. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle] | object - The style data of a rich text string |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.font] | object - A valid font object. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[]] | string - the face name of the font. If it`s a standard font, the font styles and charset will not work. The standard font are 'Courier','Courier-Bold','Courier-BoldOblique','Courier-Oblique', 'Helvetica','Helvetica-Bold','Helvetica-BoldOblique','Helvetica-Oblique','Times-Roman', 'Times-Bold','Times-BoldItalic','Times-Italic','Symbol','ZapfDingbats'. While using 'Symbol' or 'ZapfDingbats, the parameter "richTextStyle.isBold" and "richTextStyle.isItalic" will not work. If it`s a custom font, you should call PDFViewer.setJRFontMap to map the available fonts. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.font.styles] | number - The font styles. Please refer to Font_Styles . |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.font.charset] | number - The charset of the font. Please refer to Font_Charset or Font_CIDCharset . |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.textSize] | number - Text size. It should not be negative value. 0 means text will not be shown. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.textAlignment] | number - Alignment value. Please Refer to Alignment . |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.textColor] | number - Text color. Format: 0xRRGGBB. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.isBold] | boolean - A boolean value which indicates whether to make text bold or not. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.isItalic] | boolean - A boolean value which indicates whether to italicize text or not. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.isUnderline] | boolean - A boolean value which indicates whether to underline text or not. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.isStrikethrough] | boolean - A boolean value which indicates whether to cross text out with strike through or not. |
[annotJsonArray[].richText[].richTextStyle.cornerMarkStyle] | number - Corner mark style which can be used to make text as superscript or subscript or not as any kind of corner mark. 1 - Corner mark style: none. 2 - Corner mark style: superscript. 3 - Corner mark style: subscript. |
inline |
Add an embedded attachment (as file specification object) with new key name.
Note: All attachments in EmbeddedFiles name tree are ordered by their keys. When a new attachment is added, Foxit PDF SDK will find a suitable place in the name tree to add it. After adding successfully, the indexes of some old keys may be changed.
key | string - The key name of the embedded file. If this is an empty string, the name of input fileSpec will be used as the new key. This new key should not have existed in the PDF document to which current attachments object belongs. |
fileSpec | object - The file specification object. |
[] | string - The file name of the embedded file. It should not be an empty string. | | File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypedArray|DataView - The data of the embedded file. |
[fileSpec.description] | string - The description of the embedded file. It should not be an empty string. |
[fileSpec.creationDate] | number - The creation date of the embedded file. |
[fileSpec.modificationDate] | number - The modification date of the embedded file. |
inline |
Add new header-footer.
A PDF document can be added header-footer sereral times. When a new header-footer is added, the old ones will not be removed but be covered by the new one if the old ones appear in the same place as new one.
headerfooter | HeaderFooter - A valid header-footer object to be added to current document. |
inline |
Add a paging seal signature field into specified pages.
info | Object - Specifies params information. |
info.pagingSigConfig | Object - Specifies paging seal signature information. |
info.pagingSigConfig.width | number - Specifies paging seal signature width. |
info.pagingSigConfig.height | number - Specifies paging seal signature height. |
info.pagingSigConfig.position | string - Specifies paging seal signature position. One of 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'. |
info.pagingSigConfig.offset | number - Specifies paging seal signature offset. Should not be a negative number. |
info.pagingSigConfig.pageRange | Array - Specifies paging seal signature page index range, like: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number]. |
info.pagingSigConfig.firstPagePercent | number - Specifies paging seal signature percent on first page. Should be larger than 0.0, less than 1.0. |
info.pagingSigConfig.image | string - Specifies paging seal signature image, e.g. BLOB URL, HTTP, HTTPS, and Base64URL. |
inline |
Add watermark.
watermarkConfig | object - Document watermarking configuration. Example: { type:"text", text:"This is a watermark", pageStart: 0, pageEnd: 1, watermarkSettings:{ position:"TopLeft", offsetX:0, offsetY:0, scale:1, rotation:45, opacity:100 }, watermarkTextProperties:{ font:2, fontSize:20, color:0x000000, fontStyle:"normal" } }; |
watermarkConfig.pageStart | number - The start page index. Valid range: from 0 to (this.getPageCount() - 1). |
watermarkConfig.pageEnd | number - The end page index. Valid range: from 0 to (this.getPageCount() - 1). |
watermarkConfig.type | 'text'|'bitmap' - The type of watermark. 1."text" represents a text type watermark. 2."bitmap" represents the image type watermark. |
[watermarkConfig.text] | string - Text type watermark string. If type is "text". |
[watermarkConfig.bitmap] | Uint8Array - Image type watermark buffer. If type is "bitmap". |
[watermarkConfig.absScale=100] | number - Absolute scale, only for bitmap, and it will work while the parameter "watermarkConfig.useRelativeScale" is false. Valid range: from 0 to 100. The default value is 100. |
[watermarkConfig.useRelativeScale=true] | boolean - Determine if the scale is relative to the target page. If it is true, use the "watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.scale", otherwise, use the "watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties.fontSize". The default value is true. It cannot be set with "watermarkConfig.isMultiline" at the same time. |
[watermarkConfig.isMultiline=false] | boolean - Whether multiline watermark tiling is supported. It cannot be set with "watermarkConfig.useRelativeScale" at the same time. If the 'type' is bitmap, the larger image requires compression, which may cause distortion |
[watermarkConfig.rowSpace=0] | number - The row spacing for multiple lines of watermark. In points. The default value is 0. It will work while the parameter "watermarkConfig.isMultiline" is true. |
[watermarkConfig.columnSpace=0] | number - The column spacing for multiple lines of watermark. In points. The default value is 0. It will work while the parameter "watermarkConfig.isMultiline" is true. |
watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings | object - Watermark-related configuration. |
[] | Position - Please Refer to Position. Default: |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.offsetX=0] | number - Horizontal offset. In points. The default value is 0. It will not work while the parameter "watermarkConfig.isMultiline" is true. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.offsetY=0] | number - Vertical offset. In points. The default value is 0. It will not work while the parameter "watermarkConfig.isMultiline" is true. |
watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.flags | Watermark_Flag - Watermark flags. Please refer to Watermark_Flag. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.scale=1] | number - Scale coefficient. The default value is 1. It should be greater than 0.01f, Valid range: from 0.01 to 1. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.rotation=45] | number - Rotation angle in degrees. The default value is 45. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkSettings.opacity=100] | number - Opacity in percents. Valid range: from 0 to 100. 0 for fully transparent and 100 for fully opaque.The default value is 100. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties] | object - Configuration for text watermarking. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties.font=Standard_Font.courier] | Standard_Font|number - Specify Font object used for the text. Please refer to Standard_Font.Default: Standard_Font.courier. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties.fontSize=20] | number - Font size.The default value is 20. |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties.color=0x000000] | number - Font color<Hexadecimal>. The default value is "0x000000". |
[watermarkConfig.watermarkTextProperties.fontStyle='normal'] | 'normal'|'underline' - The default value is "normal". 1."normal":Watermark font style: normal. 2."underline":Watermark font style: with underline. |
inline |
Apply redaction in marked areas: remove the text or graphics under marked areas permanently. [Support in Server]
inline |
Create the root bookmark of the document.
inline |
This class represents a Foxit DRM(Digital Right Management) security handler, used for Foxit DRM encryption.
drmOptions | object - |
[drmOptions.isEncryptMetadata=false] | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether to encrypt metadata or not. true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata. |
drmOptions.subFilter | string - The sub filter of PDF document. |
drmOptions.cipher | number - Cipher type. Please refer to values starting from Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 and this should be one of these values except Cipher_Type::cipherNone. |
drmOptions.keyLength | number - The key length, in bytes. For Cipher_Type::cipherRC4 cipher, this value should be between 5 and 16. For Cipher_Type::cipherAES cipher, this value should be 16 or 32. |
drmOptions.isOwner | boolean - A boolean value to decide whether current user is owner or not. true means current user is owner, and false means current user is not owner. Default: false. |
drmOptions.userPermissions | number - The user permissions. Please refer to values starting from User_Permissions::print and this can be one or combination of these values. |
drmOptions.fileId | string - The file identity string. |
drmOptions.initialKey | string - The user specified initial key for encryption. |
[drmOptions.values] | object - Set the DRM value for a specified parameter. A parameter string as the key name. It should not be an empty string. Followings are pre-defined key names: Issuer: issuer name. Creator: creator of this file. FileID: file ID. FlowCode: flow code for application control. Order: order number. User: user name. ServiceURL: service URL for remote server. Vender: vender name. |
inline |
Export annotation data in a document to a file. Not support Screen Image, Link and Sound. [Support in Server]
fileType | number - Specify data file type. File_Type.xfdf or File_Type.fdf. The default is File_Type.fdf. |
[annots] | Annot[] - Specifies particular annots to be exported. If it's null, all annotations will be exported. [Not support in Server] |
inline |
Export the document's annotation data to Json. Not support Screen Image, Link and Sound. [Support in Server]
annots | Array<Annot> - An array with annots that will be exported. All annots will be exported with "null" parameters. |
inline |
Export document form data to file.
fileType | number - Specify data file type. Please refer to File_Type. The default is File_Type.fdf. |
inline |
Export the given page(s) from the current document.
pageRange | number[][]- A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which woulb be extracted. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be extracted. |
inline |
Flatten all annotations and interactive form fields in a PDF.
option | number - Specify which objects will be flattened. Please Refer to Flatten_Option |
inline |
Gets all boxes by specified page index.
index | number - Page index of current PDF document. |
Promise<{ mediaBox: PDFRect, // Media Box for page boundary cropBox: PDFRect, // Crop Box for page boundary trimBox: PDFRect, // Trim Box for page boundary artBox: PDFRect, // Art Box for page boundary bleedBox: PDFRect, // Bleed Box for page boundary calcBox: PDFRect, // Content area of PDF page minWidth: number, // Minimum media box width of all pages minHeight: number, // Minimum media box height of all pages width: number, // Media box height of current page height: number // Media box height of current page }>
inline |
Get all paging seal signature object numbers.
[pagingSigObjNum] | number - Paging seal signature object number. If existed will return paging seal signature object numbers array associated with current signature, otherwise return all paging seal signature object numbers in current document. |
inline |
Get an array of all annotations of the current document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the count information for each item of the comparison result; The statistical result is the total number of document difference types, but each difference occurs in pairs, so the number of differences is 1 / 2 of the total.
inline |
Get the embedded file by the specified key name.
key | string - The key name of the embedded file. |
inline |
Get the embedded file list.
Note: It will return the key names of the embedded files. not the file names of the embedded files. Maybe the key name is the same as the file name.
inline |
Export the PDF document object to the File object.
[options] | object - |
[options.flags] | number - Document saving flags. Please refer to Saving_Flag. Default: Saving_Flag::normal. |
[options.fileName] | string - PDF file name |
inline |
Get fonts info.
inline |
Get HeaderFooter of document.
inline |
Gets the id of the PDF document [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the information dictionary of the pdf document.
inline |
Get the document's layer nodes.
inline |
Get metadata of PDF document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get all annotations in a specified page by page index. [Support in Server]
index | number - page index |
inline |
inline |
Gets the number of document pages [Support in Server]
inline |
Get the page labels of the pdf document.
pageIndexes | number[] - Could be undefined or page number indexes array. If it's undefined, then all the page labels are returned. |
inline |
Get the type of current used password. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get form object of PDF Document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server]
If it is the owner of the document, then 4294967292 is put back to indicate full permissions.
inline |
Get the root bookmark of the document.
inline |
Gets a PDF file stream that can be used to download documents [Support in Server]
writeChunk | (options:{arrayBuffer:ArrayBuffer,offset:number,size:number})=>void - Callbacks in the form of fragment flows: function ({arrayBuffer, offset, size}) {} - arrayBuffer: fragment stream, offset: fragment offset, size: fragment size |
flag | number - Document saving flags. Please refer to Saving_Flag. Default: Saving_Flag::normal. |
inline |
Gets the text content of the specific pages. The type of XFA Documents is not supported.
pages | number[][] - The page index where content will be extracted. |
inline |
Get text search object. [Support in Server]
pattern | string - Specifies text to search. |
flags | number - The following bit of flags can be used individually or in combination. 0: No special searching options. 1: If set, match the case of keyword when searching. 2: If set, match the whole word of keyword when searching. 4: If set, match the key word consecutively when searching. For example, "CC" will be matched twice in "CCC". |
inline |
Get user access permissions. [Support in Server]
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document contains pdf form.
inline |
Import data from an FDF file specified by array buffer. [Support in Server]
fdf | File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypedArray|DataView - Specify fdf file's stream. |
[escape=true] | boolean - Skip annotationImportedEx event |
inline |
Import data from Json. [Support in Server]
annotsJson | IAnnotationSummary[] - Specify annots' json array. |
inline |
Import form data from an FDF file specified by array buffer.
file | File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypedArray|DataView - Specify fdf file's stream. |
format | File_Type - File format. Please refer to File_Type. |
[encoding] | string - File encoding. Available values are same as second parameter of FileReader.readAsText . |
inline |
Insert a new blank PDF page to the specified pages, by indexes.
pageRange | number[][] - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be inserted. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be inserted. |
width | number - Width of new page. |
height | number - Height of new page. |
inline |
Insert a new blank PDF page to document, by index. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | number - The page index for new page. |
width | number - Width of new page. |
height | number - Height of new page. |
inline |
Start to import pages from another PDF document.
insertOptions | object - Options for inserting pages. |
insertOptions.destIndex | number - A page index in current PDF document. Default value:0. If less than 0 or more than total page, will throw error. |
insertOptions.file | File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypedArray|DataView - Specify PDF file's stream where pages will be exported from. |
[insertOptions.password=''] | string - Specify document's password. It can be left empty. |
[insertOptions.flags=0] | number - Options for importing pages.0:Import pages normally.1:Import pages with layers. Default value:0. |
[insertOptions.layerName=''] | string - The name of non-selectable label or the prefix name of the non-selectable label to be shown in layer panel of application.If parameter flags is 1, this should not be empty and should be a valid string. If parameter flags is not 1, this string will be ignored. |
insertOptions.startIndex | number - The start index of a range segment. Default value:0. Support negative number, but if total page is 11, the -12 will throw error. |
insertOptions.endIndex | number - The end index of a range segment. Default value:0. Support negative number, but if total page is 11, the -12 will throw error. |
inline |
Used to determine whether the PDF document is a comparison result document.
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document is modified if modified return true, false otherwise. [Support in Server]
inline |
Call this function to determine whether the document is represented in linearized (fast web view) format.
inline |
Load form data of PDF document. [Support in Server]
inline |
Loads a thumbnail for a particular page number.
options | object - An object specifying the options for load thumbnails. The following parameters should be properties on this object. The only non-optional parameter is pageNumber |
options.pageIndex | number - The page number of requested thumbnail. |
[options.scale] | number - The scale value to render the page at. |
[options.rotation] | number - The rotation of the page. Valid values are: 0, 90, 180, 270 |
[options.type='canvas'] | 'canvas'|'image'|'buffer' - The type of returning result. |
[options.width] | number - Used to calculate the scale if scale value is not provided. If it's passed the scale will be set so the document fits this width. If both width and height are passed the scale value will be set so the document fits the box delimited by them. |
[options.height] | number - Used to calculate the scale if scale value is not provided. If it's passed the scale will be set so the document fits this height. If both width and height are passed the scale value will be set so the document fits the box delimited by them |
inline |
Mark pages which are to be redacted.
pages | number[] - page index array which pages to be redacted. |
inline |
Merge pages from another PDF document.
options | object - Options object for merging PDF document. |
options.doc | PDFDoc - A PDFDoc object which is the source PDF document. Pages in this document will be imported to current PDF document. Please keep this source PDF document object valid until current document will not be saved any more or is closed |
[options.insertIndex] | number - A page index in current PDF document, This is used to specify where the imported pages will be inserted: If insertIndex is less than or equals to 0, the imported pages will be inserted to the first. If insertIndex is undefined or equals to or greater than current page count, the imported pages will be inserted to the end. |
[options.pages] | number[] - A page index array to specify which pages to be inserted. If this pages array is undefined or empty, all page in the source document will be imported. |
[options.layerName=''] | string - The name of non-selectable label or the prefix name of the non-selectable label to be shown in layer panel of application. Default value: an empty string
inline |
Move the specified pages to a new index position.
pageRange | number[][] - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be moved. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 4, and page 5 to page7 will be moved. |
destIndex | number - A page index in current PDF document. Default value:0. If less than 0 or more than total page, will throw error. |
inline |
Move a specified page to a new index position. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | number - Index of the specified page. |
destIndex | number - Index of the destination position. |
inline |
Remove all files embedded in the current PDF document.
inline |
Remove the embedded file by the specified key name.
name | string - The key name of the embedded file. function example(pdfDoc, keyName) { pdfDoc.removeEmbeddedFileByName(keyName); } |
inline |
Remove all headers and foonters of document.
inline |
Remove a PDF page by page index. [Support in Server]
pageIndex | number - Index of the specified page. |
inline |
Remove the specified pages by page indexes.
pageRange | string[][] - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be removed. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be removed. |
inline |
Remove paging seal signature. All signature associated with paging seal signature will be removed.
info | Object - Specifies params info. |
info.pagingSigObjNum | number - Paging seal signature object number. |
inline |
Remove signature.
fieldName | string - The name of the signature field. |
inline |
Set the specified pages rotation.
pageRange | number[][] - A two-dimensional array of page indices(starts from 0) which would be rotated. Only positive integer in valid page range is available. For example, [[0],[2,4],[5,7]] means page 0, page 2 to page 3, and page 5 to page6 will be rotated. |
rotation | number - Rotation to be set. Please refer to Rotation. |
inline |
Search the specified text on the specified page.
pages | number[] - The page index where content will be extracted. |
words | string[] - Specifies texts to search. |
[options] | {wholeWordsOnly?:boolean,caseSensitive?:boolean} - The matching conditions. |
inline |
Set an embedded attachment (as file specification object) for a specified key.
key | string - The key name of the embedded file. It should not be an empty string. This name should have existed in current PDF document. |
fileSpec | object - The file specification object. |
[] | string - The file name of the embedded file. It should not be an empty string. |
[] | File|Blob|ArrayBuffer|TypedArray|DataView - The data of the embedded file. |
[fileSpec.description] | string - The description of the embedded file. It should not be an empty string. |
[fileSpec.creationDate] | number - The creation date of the embedded file. |
[fileSpec.modificationDate] | number - The modification date of the embedded file. |
inline |
Set the visibility of a specified layer node.
layerId | string|number - string ID of a layer node. |
visiable | boolean - true means visible, and false means invisible. |
inline |
Set metadata value.
key | string - Metadata key string. It should not be an empty string. Currently it can be one of the following keys: "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", "Producer", "Trapped", "CreationDate", "ModDate", "pdfaid". It can also be some other custom information keys if they're supported by the PDF file. |
value | string - An string value of metadata value. |
inline |
Set pages box.
options | object - Options object for set page box. |
options.indexes | number[] - Specifies the index of the page whose box needs to be updated. |
[options.width] | number - New page width (in PDF point unit). |
[options.height] | number - New page height (in PDF point unit). |
[options.offsetX=0] | number - x-axis offset of the page content box, Effective only if the 'width' and 'height' are both greater than the page size. |
[options.offsetY=0] | number - y-axis offset of the page content box, Effective only if the 'width' and 'height' are both greater than the page size. |
[options.boxes] | object - Contains different types of page box rectangles (in PDF coordinate system). This will be ignored when 'removeWhiteMargin' is specified as true. |
[options.boxes.cropBox] | PDFRect - New Crop Box for page boundary. The region to which the contents of page are to be clipped (cropped) white displaying or printing. |
[options.boxes.artBox] | PDFRect - New Art Box for page boundary. The intended dimensions of a finished page after trimming. |
[options.boxes.trimBox] | PDFRect - New Trim Box for page boundary. The region to which the contents of page should be clipped while outputting in a production environment. |
[options.boxes.bleedBox] | PDFRect - New Bleed Box for page boundary. The extent of page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by page's creator. |
[options.removeWhiteMargin=false] | boolean - Whether to remove white borders. |
inline |
Set document password and permission.
userPassword | string - user password. |
ownerPassword | string - owner password. |
[permission=0xfffffffc] | number - User_Permissions 32bit numbers, Print PDF document with normal mode. (Bit 3 ); Modify PDF contents. (Bit 4);Extract PDF contents. (Bit 5);Operate text annotations and fill in interactive form fields. (Bit 6);Fill PDF form. (Bit 9);Disabilities support. (Bit 10);Assemble PDF document. (Bit 11);Print PDF document with higher qualities. (Bit 12); |
[cipher='aes256'] | 'none'|'rc4'|'aes128'|'aes256' - Cipher type string. Available values: "none", "rc4", "aes128", "aes256" |
[isEncryptMetadata=true] | boolean - true means to encrypt metadata, and false means not to encrypt metadata |
inline |
Sign the current document by the specified signature information.
signInfo | object - Specifies signature info. |
signInfo.filter | object - Specifies signature info. |
signInfo.subfilter | object - Specifies signature info. |
[signInfo.rect] | PDFRect - (Required if fieldName, pagingSigConfig is absent)Position of signature. |
[signInfo.pageIndex] | number - (Required if fieldName, pagingSigConfig is absent) Specify a page index on which this signature will appear. |
[signInfo.pagingSigConfig] | object - (Required if fieldName, rect, pageIndex is absent) Specifies paging seal signature info. Please refer to PDFDoc.addPagingSealSignature. |
[signInfo.rotation=0] | 0|90|180|270 - The rotation angle of the signature form widget. The number of degrees by which the widget annotation is rotated counterclockwise relative to the page. |
[signInfo.flag=0x100] | number - The appearance flag for signing. Please refer to Signature_Ap_Flags. |
[signInfo.signer] | string - The signer of the signature. |
[signInfo.reason] | string - The reason for signing. |
[] | string - The contact information of the signer. |
[signInfo.image] | string - (e.g. BLOB URL, HTTP, HTTPS, and Base64URL)The image for signing. |
[signInfo.distinguishName] | string - The distinguished name of signing. |
[signInfo.location] | string - The location of signing. |
[signInfo.text] | string - The signing descriptive information. |
[signInfo.defaultContentsLength] | number - 7942 is the default length of signature contents, in bytes. It should not be less than 4098. |
[signInfo.fieldName] | string - (Required if rect and pageIndex are absent) Specifies which field to be signed. |
[signInfo.timeFormat] | object - Customize the date format. |
[signInfo.timeFormat.format] | string - The default is 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss Z'. |
[signInfo.timeFormat.timeZoneOptions] | object - Used if the date format parameter contains 'Z'. |
[signInfo.timeFormat.timeZoneOptions.separator] | string - The default is '\''. |
[signInfo.timeFormat.timeZoneOptions.prefix] | string - The default is ''. |
[signInfo.timeFormat.timeZoneOptions.showSpace] | boolean - The default is 'true'. |
DigestSignHandler | (signInfo:Record<string,any>,plainContent:Blob)=>Promise<ArrayBuffer> - The digest and sign handler. |
inline |
Modify header or footer of documents. If there is no header or footer, this function will add one.
headerFooter | HeaderFooter - HeaderFooter object. |
inline |
Update paging seal signature.
info | Object - Specifies params info. |
info.pagingSigConfig | Object - Specifies paging seal signature info. |
info.pagingSigConfig.width | number - Specifies paging seal signature width. |
info.pagingSigConfig.height | number - Specifies paging seal signature height. |
info.pagingSigConfig.position | string - Specifies paging seal signature position. One of 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'. |
info.pagingSigConfig.offset | number - Specifies paging seal signature offset. Should not be a negative number. |
info.pagingSigConfig.pageRange | Array - Specifies paging seal signature page index range, like: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number]. |
info.pagingSigConfig.firstPagePercent | number - Specifies paging seal signature percent on first page. Should be larger than 0.0, less than 1.0. |
info.pagingSigConfig.image | string - Specifies paging seal signature image, e.g. BLOB URL, HTTP, HTTPS, and Base64URL. |
info.pagingSigObjNum | number - Paging seal signature object number. |
inline |
Verify signature's status.
field | PDFField - The signature field to be verified. |
VerifyHandler | (signatureField:any,plainBuffer:any,signedData:any,hasDataOutOfScope:any)=>Promise<number> - Verify handler which is used to check signature's validity. |