Foxit PDF SDK for Web
PDF annot object. More...
Public Member Functions | |
exportToJSON () | |
Export the current annotation to a Json object. [Support in Server] More... | |
getBorderColor () | |
Get annotation's border color. [Support in Server] More... | |
getBorderInfo () | |
Get annotation's border information. [Support in Server] More... | |
getContent () | |
Get annotation's contents. [Support in Server] More... | |
getDictionaryEntry (key) | |
Get the dictionary property of Annot by key. More... | |
getFlags () | |
Get annotation's flag. [Support in Server] More... | |
getModifiedDateTime () | |
Get annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
getObjectNumber () | |
Get annotation's object number. More... | |
getPage () | |
Get annotation's page. [Support in Server] More... | |
getRect () | |
Get annotation's rect. [Support in Server] More... | |
getTitle () | |
Get annotation's title. [Support in Server] More... | |
getType () | |
Get annotation's type. [Support in Server] More... | |
getUniqueID () | |
Get annotation's unique ID. [Support in Server] More... | |
isEmpty () | |
Check annotation is empty or not. [Support in Server] More... | |
isMarkup () | |
Check if current annotation is a markup annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
setBorderColor (borderColor) | |
Set annotation's border color. [Support in Server] More... | |
setBorderInfo (borderInfo) | |
Set annotation's border information. [Support in Server] More... | |
setContent (content) | |
Set contents for the currently gotten annotation. [Support in Server] More... | |
setDictionaryEntry (key, value) | |
Add a new entry or replace the existing entry of the annotation dictionary. Caller could use this method to store their private data to the annotation. Do not use any standard key of the annotation dictionary, such as 'Type', 'Subtype', 'Rect' defined in PDF Reference. If any standard key is used, this behaviour will be undefined. More... | |
setFlags (flag, notTriggerEvent) | |
Set annotation's flag. [Support in Server] More... | |
setModifiedDateTime (date) | |
Set annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server] More... | |
setRect (rect) | |
Set annotation's rect. More... | |
PDF annot object.
inline |
Export the current annotation to a Json object. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's border color. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's border information. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's contents. [Support in Server]
inline |
inline |
Get annotation's flag. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's object number.
inline |
Get annotation's page. [Support in Server]
inline |
inline |
Get annotation's title. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's type. [Support in Server]
inline |
Get annotation's unique ID. [Support in Server]
inline |
Check annotation is empty or not. [Support in Server]
inline |
Check if current annotation is a markup annotation. [Support in Server]
inline |
Set annotation's border color. [Support in Server]
borderColor | number|[string,number,number,number]|string - Specify border color (alpha is not supported). Supported color format:
inline |
Set annotation's border information. [Support in Server]
borderInfo | object - Border infomation. |
[borderInfo.cloudIntensity] | number - Cloud intensity, Valid value range: 0 to 2. 0 means no cloudy border effect. If the value is below 0, it will have the same effect as value 0. If the value is above 2, it will have the same effect as value 2. |
[borderInfo.dashPhase] | number - Dash phase. |
[borderInfo.dashes] | number[] - Dashes array. | | Border_Style - Border style, only Border_Style.solid, Border_Style.dashed Border_Style.cloudy and Border_Style.noBorder are supported. |
borderInfo.width | number - Border width. interface BorderInfo { cloudIntensity: number,//Intensity of the cloudy effect, only 0,1 and 2 is valid. dashPhase:number,//Dash phase. dashes:number[],//A dash array that represents the dash patterns. style:number, width:number, // unsigned integer. } |
inline |
Set contents for the currently gotten annotation. [Support in Server]
content | string - New contents to be setted. |
inline |
Add a new entry or replace the existing entry of the annotation dictionary. Caller could use this method to store their private data to the annotation. Do not use any standard key of the annotation dictionary, such as 'Type', 'Subtype', 'Rect' defined in PDF Reference. If any standard key is used, this behaviour will be undefined.
key | string - The key of the entry, whose value element will be set. It should not be an empty string. |
value | string - A wide string which will be set as PDF string object to the entry. |
inline |
Set annotation's flag. [Support in Server]
flag | number - An Annot_Flags number indicating annotation's flag. |
inline |
Set annotation's last modified date time. [Support in Server]
date | Date|number - A Date object or an integer indicating million secounds from 1970.1.1 00:00:00. |
inline |
Set annotation's rect.
rect | PDFRect - Rectangle to be setted. |