FoxitPDFSDKforWeb v10.0.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
FindReplaceAddon Class Reference

Provides APIs to find or replace text in the PDF document. More...

Inherits UIXAddon.

Public Member Functions

 activate ()
 Activate find and replace function. More...
 clearCache ()
 Call this function to clear the cache before each new find or replace operation. More...
 deactivate ()
 Deactivate find and replace function. Must be called after activate. More...
async find (find, options)
 Find text. More...
async replace (find, replace, options)
 Replace text. It will do find first, then replace. More...
async replaceAll (find, replace, options)
 Replace all text. It will do find first, then replace. More...
 setNeedToReplace (callback)
 A callback function to verify whether need to replace the text. It works on [replace]FindReplaceAddon#replace and [replaceAll]FindReplaceAddon#replaceAll API. More...

Detailed Description

Provides APIs to find or replace text in the PDF document.

Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
// ...
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

Member Function Documentation

◆ activate()

FindReplaceAddon::activate ( )

Activate find and replace function.

Promise<void> - Promise resolved when the find and replace function is activated.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

◆ clearCache()

FindReplaceAddon::clearCache ( )

Call this function to clear the cache before each new find or replace operation.


◆ deactivate()

FindReplaceAddon::deactivate ( )

Deactivate find and replace function. Must be called after activate.

Promise<void> - Promise resolved when the find and replace function is deactivated.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

◆ find()

async FindReplaceAddon::find (   find,

Find text.

Usually, you need to activate the find and replace function before using the APIs. For activation and deactivation, see [activate]FindReplaceAddon#activate and [deactivate]FindReplaceAddon#deactivate.
findstring - Text to find.
[options]Object - Options for finding.
[options.pageRange]Array - Specifies page index range, like: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number]. Default is all pages. The valid page range: from 0 to count - 1. count is the total number of pages.
[options.wholeWords=false]boolean - Whether to match whole words.
[options.caseSensitive=false]boolean - Whether to match case sensitive.
[options.isReversed=false]boolean - Whether to search in reversed order.
Promise<{isFound: boolean; pageIndex: number; rectArray: Array<{left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number}>}> - Find result. The rectArray is PDF coordinates.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
findReplace.activate().then(() => {
// Call this function to clear the cache before each new find or replace operation.
findReplace.clearCache().then(_ => {
findReplace.find('text to find', {
pageRange: [0, 3],
wholeWords: true,
isReversed: true
}).then(result => {
// ...
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

◆ replace()

async FindReplaceAddon::replace (   find,

Replace text. It will do find first, then replace.

Usually, you need to activate the find and replace function before using the APIs. For activation and deactivation, see [activate]FindReplaceAddon#activate and [deactivate]FindReplaceAddon#deactivate.
findstring - Text to find.
replacestring - Text to replace.
[options]Object - Options for finding.
[options.pageRange]Array - Specifies page index range, like: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number]. Default is all pages. The valid page range: from 0 to count - 1. count is the total number of pages.
[options.wholeWords=false]boolean - Whether to match whole words.
[options.caseSensitive=false]boolean - Whether to match case sensitive.
[options.isReversed=false]boolean - Whether to search in reversed order.
Promise<number> - The state of the replacement operation. 0: The target was not found. 1: Replacement was successful. 2: Replacement failed. 3: The specified target is not the one to replace. 4: An unknown error occurred.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
findReplace.activate().then(() => {
// Call this function to clear the cache before each new find or replace operation.
findReplace.clearCache().then(_ => {
findReplace.replace('text to find', 'text to replace', {
pageRange: [0, 3],
wholeWords: true,
isReversed: true
}).then(() => {
// The text is replaced
}, () => {
// Finished searching the document. No matches were found.
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

◆ replaceAll()

async FindReplaceAddon::replaceAll (   find,

Replace all text. It will do find first, then replace.

Usually, you need to activate the find and replace function before using the APIs. For activation and deactivation, see [activate]FindReplaceAddon#activate and [deactivate]FindReplaceAddon#deactivate.
findstring - Text to find.
replacestring - Text to replace.
[options]Object - Options for finding.
[options.pageRange]Array - Specifies page index range, like: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number]. Default is all pages. The valid page range: from 0 to count - 1. count is the total number of pages.
[options.wholeWords=false]boolean - Whether to match whole words.
[options.caseSensitive=false]boolean - Whether to match case sensitive.
Promise<number> - Promise resolved with the number of replacements.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
findReplace.activate().then(() => {
// Call this function to clear the cache before each new find or replace operation.
findReplace.clearCache().then(_ => {
findReplace.replaceAll('text to find', 'text to replace', {
pageRange: [0, 3],
wholeWords: true,
}).then((count) => {
// ...
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

◆ setNeedToReplace()

FindReplaceAddon::setNeedToReplace (   callback)

A callback function to verify whether need to replace the text. It works on [replace]FindReplaceAddon#replace and [replaceAll]FindReplaceAddon#replaceAll API.

Usually, you need to activate the find and replace function before using the APIs. For activation and deactivation, see [activate]FindReplaceAddon#activate and [deactivate]FindReplaceAddon#deactivate.
callback(find: string, replace: string, pageIndex: number, rectArray: Array<{left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number}>) => Promise<boolean> - The callback function will be called when a match is found. If the callback function returns true, the text will be replaced. If the callback function returns false, the text will not be replaced. Parameter rectArray is PDF coordinates of the matched text.
Example of obtaining and using the FindReplace Addon:
pdfui.getAddonInstance('FindReplaceUIXAddon').then(findReplace => {
if (findReplace) {
findReplace.activate().then(() => {
// First, set the callback function.
findReplace.setNeedToReplace((find, replace, pageIndex, rectArray) => {
// verify whether need to replace the text
return Promise.resolve(true);
// Then, call the replace API.
findReplace.replace('text to find', 'text to replace', {
pageRange: [0, 3],
wholeWords: true,
isReversed: true
}).then(() => {
// The text is replaced
}, () => {
// Finished searching the document. No matches were found.
} else {
console.error("FindReplace Addon instance not found.");

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