FoxitPDFSDKforWeb  8.4.0
Foxit PDF SDK for Web
CreateAnnotAddon Class Reference

Annotation creates the add-on entry. More...

Public Member Functions

 init ({ showReplyDialog, hideReplyDialog, showPopup, hidePopup, showPropertiesDialog, hidePropertiesDialog, contextMenuIsEnable, }={})

Detailed Description

Annotation creates the add-on entry.

// Normal initialization
var createAnnotAddon = new PDFViewCtrl_CreateAnnotAddonModule.CreateAnnotAddon(pdfViewer);
// Initialization with custom parameters
var createAnnotAddon = new PDFViewCtrl_CreateAnnotAddonModule.CreateAnnotAddon(pdfViewer);
showReplyDialog: function () {
// The trigger is to double-click Annot
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent.
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
hideReplyDialog: function () {
// The trigger is to delete or redraw Annot
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
showPopup: function () {
// The trigger time is to render Annot, and the popup of Annot is open
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
hidePopup: function () {
// The trigger time is to render Annot, and the popup of Annot is close or no popup
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
showPropertiesDialog: function () {
// Triggered when you right-click a property menu item in a menu
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
hidePropertiesDialog: function () {
// The trigger is to delete or redraw Annot
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
contextMenuIsEnable: function () {
// If you do not want the current right-click menu function, return false
// It's this points to the AnnotComponent
// If you call this.getModel(), you get PDF annot object.
return false;
// Currently only the following statehandler is supported
// Switch to Create Note Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Highlight Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create StrikeOut Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Underline Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Squiggly Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Replace Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Caret Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create TypeWriter Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create FreeTextCallout Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create TextBox Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Square Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Circle Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Line Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Arrow Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Polygon Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Polyline Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create PolygonCloud Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create AreaHighlight Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Pencil Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Eraser Annotation StateHandler
// Switch to Create Stamp Annotation StateHandler
pdfViewer.getStateHandlerManager().switchTo(PDFViewCtrl.constants.STATE_HANDLER_NAMES.STATE_HANDLER_CREATE_STAMP, {
category, {string} [require] Collection of icons
name, {string} [require] name of icon
url, {string} [require] url for icon. It supports HTTP, file, blob url and base64 url.
fileType, {string} [optional=pdf] Icon file type.
width, {number} [optional=150] icon's width in PDF coordernary, default:150,
height, {number} [optional=45] icon's height in PDF coordernary, default:45,
showUrl {string} [optional=url] Create the view that was displayed before.
// Switch to Create FileAttachment Annotation StateHandler
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

CreateAnnotAddon::init (   { showReplyDialog, hideReplyDialog, showPopup, hidePopup, showPropertiesDialog, hidePropertiesDialog, contextMenuIsEnable, } = {})

Initializing add-on

[options]{object} Initializing parameters for annotation add-ons
[options.showReplyDialog]{function} Customize the popover that displays the reply.
[options.hideReplyDialog]{function} Customize the popover for hidden replies.
[options.showPopup]{function} Customize the popover that displays the popup annotation.
[options.hidePopup]{function} Customize the popover for hidden the popup annotation.
[options.showPropertiesDialog]{function} Customize the popover that displays the annotation properties.
[options.hidePropertiesDialog]{function} Customize the popover for hidden the annotation properties.
[options.contextMenuIsEnable]{function} If you do not want the current right-click menu function, return false

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