►CAction | PDF action object |
CEmbeddedGotoAction | EmbeddedGoto action object |
CGoToAction | GoTo action object |
CHideAction | Hide action object |
CJavaScriptAction | JavaScript action object |
CLaunchAction | Launch action object |
CLaunchAction | Launch action object |
CRemoteGotoAction | RemoteGoto action object |
CResetFormAction | ResetForm action object |
CSubmitFormAction | SubmitForm action object |
CSubmitFormAction | SubmitForm action object |
CURIAction | URI action object |
CActionCallback | An interface represents a action callback class for performing PDF actions. Users can implement only part of the callbacks according to actual requirements |
CActionCallbackManager | Action callback manager class, It used to control customized action callbacks. It can be obtained via PDFViewer::getActionCallbackManager() method |
►CActivatable | Defines methods for activatable objects. The activatable object need to override its methods to implement the activation and deactivation operations |
►CAnnotComponent | You can use the ViewerAnnotManager::registerMatchRule to reset their default behavior |
CMarkupAnnotComponent | Markup annot component |
CActivationGroup | ActivationGroup class is extended from Activatable and used to implement multiple activation operations. Example: var activatable1 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 1>').getComponent(); var activatable2 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 2>').getComponent(); var activatable3 = pdfViewer.getAnnotRender(0, '<annotation id 3>').getComponent(); var group = new PDFViewCtrl.ActivationGroup(); group.add(activatable1); group.add(activatable2); pdfViewer.activateElement(group); group.add(activatable3); group.remove(activatable2); pdfViewer.deactivateElement(group) |
CAddBookmarkEvent | Represents an event that occurs when a new bookmark is added |
CAddBookmarkOptions | Represents options for adding a new bookmark |
CAddMarkedStateCollaborationData | Describes the data format of add marked state collaboration action |
CAddMarkedStateOperationData | Describes the details of add marked state operation |
CAddReplyCollaborationData | Describes the data format of add reply collaboration action |
CAddReplyOperationData | Describes the detail of add reply |
CAddReviewStateCollaborationData | Describes the data format of add review state collaboration action |
CAddReviewStateOperationData | Describes the details of add review state operation |
CAlertOptions | An interface represents all options of alert callback |
►CAnnot | PDF annot object |
CLink | Link annot object |
►CMarkup | Markup annot object |
CCaret | Caret annot object |
CCircle | Circle annot object |
CFileAttachment | FileAttachment annot object |
CFreeText | Free text annot object |
CInk | Ink annot object |
CLine | Line annot object |
CNote | Note annot object |
CPolygon | Polygon annot object |
CPolyLine | PolyLine annot object |
CRedact | Redact annot object |
CSound | |
CSquare | Square annot object |
CStamp | Stamp annot object |
►CTextMarkup | Text markup annotation object which contains Highlight, StrikeOut, Squiggly, Underline |
CHighlight | Highlight annot object |
CSquiggly | Squiggly annot object |
CStrikeOut | StrikeOut annot object |
CUnderline | Underline annot object |
CScreen | Screen annot object |
CWidget | Widget annot |
CAnnotationPermission | Describes the annotation permission informations |
CAnnotComponentConfig | An interface that describes all available configuration properties of AnnotComponent |
CAnnotFlag | Class with a flag number used to detect permissions |
CAnnotRender | PDF annot render |
CAnnotTooltip | Defines methods for annotation objects. The AnnotTooltip object need to override its methods to implement the show and hide operations |
CAppearanceTab | |
CBlendColorResolverOptions | Options of BlendColorResolver callback |
CBookmarkData | Represents a bookmark entry in the document |
CBookmarkDataService | Provides functionality for management and manipulation of bookmark-related data |
CBookmarkDestination | Represents information about the destination of a bookmark |
CBookmarkFontStyle | Represents the font style of a bookmark |
CBookmarkProperties | Represents properties of a bookmark |
CBookmarkUIService | Bookmark service for manipulating bookmark data at the UIExtension level. Different from BookmarkDataService, the BookmarkUIService also updates the UI and supports undo-redo |
►CCollaborationCommunicator | An interface defines several methods that user should follow to implement custom CollaborationCommunicator. Collaboration communicator is used to process and generate collaboration sessions, synchronize collaboration data, send collaboration data, and receive collaboration data from other clients |
CWebSocketCommunicator | Collaboration implementation based on native WebSocket API. For compatibility information, please refer to this link: Can i use websocket |
CCollaborationData | The format of all built-in collaboration data and user-customize data |
CCollaborationDataHandler | A collaboration data handler used to process collaboration data received from server |
CCollaborationSessionInfo | An interface defines the session info including shareId and the parameters to open PDF file |
CColor | Class for processing color-related algorithms such as conversions |
CCombinePixelsOptions | Options to handle pixel-diff and combine-pixels algorithms |
CComparePageRange | Range of pages for comparison |
►CComponent | PDFUI allows you to define a component as a class inherit from Component and register that into a module to provide UI features. Each component has several 'lifecycle methods' that you can override to run code at particular times in the process |
►CButtonComponent | Defines button component,for more details on usage please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/button.html Example: <xbutton>i18n.key</xbutton> <xbutton text="i18n.key"></xbutton> <xbutton icon-class="icon-css-class-name">i18n.key</xbutton> |
CContextMenuItemComponent | Defines the <contextmenu-item> component. Example: <contextmenu> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-0" icon-class="fv__icon-toolbar-fullscreen" shortcut="Ctrl+P">i18n.key0</contextmenu-item> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-1">i18n.key1</contextmenu-item> </contextmenu> |
CFileSelectorComponent | Defines file selector component. It looks the same as xbutton, a system file selector will popup after user clicks, and the change event will be triggered and handle method of controller will be invoked with file object after select a file. Example: <file-selector accept=".pdf" icon-class="icon-css-class-name">i18n.key</file-selector> |
►CContainerComponent | An container is a component to organize widgets. You need to inherit this class and implement some necessary methods to customize your own container components.
The features that distinguish from widgets are following: |
CBookmarkTreeComponent | Bookmarks tree component for displaying and managing user's bookmarks. The component is used via the following code snippet: |
►CCommentListCardComponent | Defined as the super class of CommentCarComponent and ReplyCardComponent, encapsulationed same behaviors of them. CommentListCardComponent |
CCommentCardComponent | Defines a comment card component in the comment list tab of the left sidebar. This component are created automatically after loading a PDF page or creating or importing annotations, and after creating this component instance, UIEvents.appendCommentListComment event is fired with the current instance and the annotation |
CReplyCardComponent | Defines a reply card component.ReplyCardComponent |
►CDropdownComponent | Defines <dropdown> component. Dropdown is toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of <dropdown-button> , <dropdown-item> , <xbutton> , <file-selector> or <li> . for more details please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/dropdown.html |
CPageViewDropdownComponent | |
CPageViewDropdownComponent | |
CDropdownItemComponent | Defines <dropdown-item> component, dropdown item must be an item in the dropdown list. This component can wrapping any other component even dropdown also. For more details please visit /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/dropdown.html |
CFormGroupComponent | <form-group> component, it used to control the display of form itemsExamples: |
CGroupComponent | Defines <group> component. When the browser width is adjusted to less than 600, this component will automatically shrink. For more details please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/group.html |
CGroupListComponent | Defines <group-list> component. Group list is a container of <group> |
►CLayerComponent | Defines <layer> component. A layer component can be used to open a floating box above ather element and also can be used as a modal dialog with a optional backdrop. For more details please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/layer.html |
CContextMenuComponent | Defines contextmenu component. Example: <contextmenu> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-0">i18n.key0</contextmenu-item> <contextmenu-separator></contextmenu-separator> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-1">i18n.key1</contextmenu-item> </contextmenu> |
CLoadingComponent | A component for displaying loading state |
CTooltipLayerComponent | A tooltip like layer. Here is an example about usage on text-selection: /examples/UIExtension/customize-text-selection-tool/index.html |
CLayerHeaderComponent | Defines layer-header component, usually used for the header of a dialog box. For more details on usage, please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/layer.html |
CLayerToolbarComponent | Defines <layer-toolbar> component. It should be used as the child of <layer> component. This component is usually used as a container of one-line buttons, and is often used as the bottom bar of a dialog box. For more details please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/layer.html |
CLayerViewComponent | Defines <layer-view> component. It should be used as the child of <layer> component. This component is usually used as a body container for dialog box. For more detail please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/layer.html |
COptionGroupComponent | OptionGroupItem multiple: multiple choice selected: default choice Example: <option-group multiple> <option-group-item selected>i18n.key</option-group-item> </option-group> |
CPaddleComponent | Defines paddle component, used to toggle content when content overflows to facilitate display of overflowing content. <div class="container" style="width: 768px"> <paddle> <div style="width: 1024px">content</div> </paddle> </div> |
CSidebarComponent | Defines sidebar component, It offers the following features: |
CSlotComponent | Defines slot component, inherits from ContainerComponent. Slot can accommodate multile child components, and inserting that into the specified position of the target component after mounted to DOM tree. A slot component needs to specify the slot name and target component name, or if the target component name is not specified, then parent component instead. Example: <webpdf> <some-component name="any-component-name"></some-component> <slot component="any-component-name" for="slot-name"> <i class="xxx"></i> </slot> <some-container-component> <slot for="slot-name"> <i class="xxx"></i> </slot> </some-container-component> </webpdf> |
CTabItemComponent | Defines tab component. Tab is one of the view of a tabs component which used to accommodate any child components |
CTabsComponent | Defines <tabs> component. Tabs is a component with a set of tab s used to switch different views. For more details on usage please visit this page /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/tabs.html |
CToolbarComponent | Defines toolbar component. This is just an div with a css class name fv__ui-toolbar. Usually it's used to customize special styles of the component in the toolbar |
CTreeComponent | The class that defines the tree component The component is used via the following code snippet: |
CTreeNodeComponent | Represents a component for a tree node in a tree structure |
CContextMenuSeparatorComponent | Defines contextmenu separator component. Example: <contextmenu> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-0">i18n.key0</contextmenu-item> <contextmenu-separator></contextmenu-separator> <contextmenu-item name="contextmenu-item-1">i18n.key1</contextmenu-item> </contextmenu> |
CDropdownButtonComponent | Defines <dropdown-button> component, Dropdown button must be an item in <dropdown>'s list, this component may act as a button or a file-selector, for more details please visit /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/dropdown.html |
►CFormFieldComponent | Defined a form field type component |
CNumberComponent | Defines number component, which is a text input element that allows only numbers and has a limited range and step size. For more details on usage please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/number.html |
CNumberComponent | Defines number component, which is a text input element that allows only numbers and has a limited range and step size. For more details on usage please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/number.html |
CGTabComponent | Defines <gtab> component, GTab is a component used to switch serval views. Different from <tabs> component, <gtab> component's tab and tab-body are separated! This allows us to define tabs more flexibly! |
CTextComponent | Defines text component. This component will localize text content via I18Next and generates an text node insert into the DOM tree, You can update content of that text node via TextComponent.setText() API. It acts like data-i18n attribute, but that clears all children elements. For more details on usage please visit this example page: /examples/UIExtension/tutorials/widgets/text.html |
►CComponentOptions | An interface that describes all basic configuration options of a component |
CButtonComponentOptions | An interface that describes all configuration options of a button component |
CDropdownComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of dropdown component |
►CFormFieldComponentOptions | An interface describes all basic configuration options of a form-field type component |
CNumberComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of number component |
CFragmentComponentOptions | Component options in fragment config property |
CGroupComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of a group component |
CLayerComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of layer component |
CLayerHeaderComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of layer component |
CSidebarPanelComponentOptions | An interface describe all configuiration options of a sidebar-panel component |
CTabItemComponentOptions | An interface describes all configuration options of a tab component |
CControllerDirective | |
CCreateAnnotAddon | Annotation creates the add-on entry |
CCreateAnnotationCollaborationData | Describe the collaboration data format of create annotation action |
CCreateAnnotationOperationData | The data used to create annotation that includes annotation information and page index |
CDeleteBookmarkEvent | Represents an event that occurs when a bookmark is deleted |
CDevicePoint | The DevicePoint interface is the point information defined in px, and DevicePoint {x:0,y:0} is in the left-top corner |
CDeviceRect | DeviceRect is a definition of a rectangular range in units of physical pixels of the device. Point (0,0) is at the left-top conner |
CDigitalStampSize | Represents the size of a digital stamp |
CDigitalStampTemplate | Represents a custom digital stamp template |
►CDisposable | |
CAnnotationAuthorityManager | Annotation Authority manager class, It used to control the permission of each annotations in the PDF document. It can be obtained via Viewer.PDFViewer::getAnnotAuthorityManager() method |
►CAppearance | An appearance like a packed theme. It provides a layout template and also allows to do things related to UE in beforeMounted or afterMounted method. When the layout template is rewritten, it is best to inherit this class and override the disableAll and enableAll methods to handle associated logic |
CAdaptiveAppearance | Automatically select different appearance based on the current device type |
►CUIAppearance | An appearance like a packed theme. It provides a layout template and also allows to do things related to UE in beforeMounted or afterMounted method. When the layout template is rewritten, it is best to inherit this class and override the disableAll and enableAll methods to handle associated logic |
CMobileAppearance | Appearance for mobile-end |
CRibbonAppearance | Appearance for PC |
►CController | Controller is a base class used to implement UI component business logic. It contains the entire life cycle process of UI components. In these lifecycle methods, you can implement style adjustments to UI components, event monitoring, and destruction. The Controller provides a special handle method. The triggering behavior of the handle is defined by the component itself. It is suitable for simple component event processing, such as the click event of the xbutton and the change event triggered after the file-selector selects a file; Controller provides a special method: handle, The triggering behavior of handle is defined by the component itself, for example: the <xbutton> triggers handle on mouse click and the <file-selector> triggers handle on change event. There's two ways to reference a Controller to a Component: |
CAddCirclePathObjectController | |
CAddImageAdvController | |
CAddImageController | |
CAddLinePathObjectController | |
CAddRoundRectPathObjectController | |
CAddShapesController | |
CAddSquarePathObjectController | |
CAddTextController | |
CAddTextStateController | |
►CAnnotOperationController | It's a abstract controller class provides an easy way for sub-controller classes to take control the contextmenu-item's visibility and usability before contextmenu shown |
CApplyAllRedactController | |
CApplyRedactController | |
CCopyAnnotTextController | |
CDeleteAnnotController | |
CMediaDownloadController | |
CMediaPauseController | |
CMediaPlayController | |
CShowActionsController | |
CShowAnnotReplyController | |
CShowRedactPlaceDialogController | |
CBoldStyleController | |
CCancelCreatingDrawingController | |
CCancelCreatingMeasurementController | |
CCompleteCreatingDrawingController | |
CCompleteCreatingMeasurementController | |
CDownloadFileController | |
CEditAllObjectsController | |
CEditObjectController | |
CEditTextController | |
CFindReplaceController | |
CGotoFirstPageController | |
CGotoLastPageController | |
CGotoNextPageController | |
CGotoPageController | |
CGotoPrevPageController | |
CItalicStyleController | |
CJoinSplitController | |
COpenLocalFileController | |
COpenRemoteFileController | |
CShowAnnotFormPropertiesController | |
CShowAnnotPropertiesController | |
CShowSearchPanelController | |
CSignPropertyController | |
►CStatefulController | This Controller class encapsulates the implementation logic for IStateHandler registration and toggle event listening. A customization example: |
CCreateAreaController | |
CCreateAreaHighlightController | |
CCreateArrowController | |
CCreateCalloutController | |
CCreateCaretController | |
CCreateCircleAreaController | |
CCreateCircleController | |
CCreateDistanceController | |
CCreateFileAttachmentController | |
CCreateHighlightController | |
CCreateImageController | |
CCreateLineController | |
CCreateLinkController | |
CCreatePencilController | |
CCreatePerimeterController | |
CCreatePolygonCloudController | |
CCreatePolygonController | |
CCreatePolylineController | |
CCreateReplaceController | |
CCreateSquareController | |
CCreateSquigglyController | |
CCreateStrikeoutController | |
CCreateTextboxController | |
CCreateTextController | |
CCreateTypewriterController | |
CCreateUnderlineController | |
CHandController | |
CLoupeController | |
CMarqueeToolController | |
CSelectTextAnnotationController | |
CTotalPageTextController | |
►CViewModeController | It is an abstract template class for the view mode switching controllers |
CContinuousFacingPageModeController | |
CContinuousPageModeController | |
CFacingPageModeController | |
CSinglePageModeController | |
►CCreateAnnotationService | This is a service interface that defines the function of creating Annotation, and classes that create specific Annotations should inherit it |
CCreateFreeTextCalloutService | This is a class that encapsulates the function of creating callout annotations. It is usually used to customize the state handler for creating callout annotations. It can easily implement the process of creating callouts without having to care about more details |
CCreateFreeTextCalloutService | This is a class that encapsulates the function of creating callout annotations. It is usually used to customize the state handler for creating callout annotations. It can easily implement the process of creating callouts without having to care about more details |
CCreateFreeTextCalloutService | This is a class that encapsulates the function of creating callout annotations. It is usually used to customize the state handler for creating callout annotations. It can easily implement the process of creating callouts without having to care about more details |
CCustomOptionsUpdater | Defines the parameters in the customs object of the PDFViewer constructor that can be dynamically updated. The update methods listed here can be called at any time to dynamically update the application state. Please note that instances of this type must be obtained using the PDFViewer.getCustomOptionsUpdater() method |
CIFloatingTooltip | An abstract class used to implement floating box components displayed after text selection or other operations |
CPDFDoc | |
►CPDFViewer | Use PDFViewCtrl for the entry file |
►CScrollWrap | Scroll bar container component, Controls the scrolling of a pdfviewer view
CDivScrollWrap | A basic class to create custom ScrollWrap with specified element |
CTextSelectionTool | This class is used in text selection tools in <tooltip-layer>. For more details on usage please refer to this example: -examples{UIExtension/customize-text-selection-tool/index.html} |
CDocTextSearch | This class can construct text search in a PDF document |
CDownloadFileService | A service to download files |
CFileSpec | |
CFindReplaceAddon | Provides APIs to find or replace text in the PDF document |
CFontMap | PDF page range object |
CForeachDirective | |
CGlyphs | Font glyphs object |
►CGraphicsObject | |
CImageObject | |
CPathObject | |
CTextObject | |
CHandStateHandlerConfig | |
CHeaderFooter | PDF HeaderFooter object |
►CIAnnotationSummary | Basic annotation summary |
CILinkAnnotationSummary | Summaries of link annotation |
►CIMarkupAnnotationSummary | Summaries of markup type annotations |
CICaretAnnotationSummary | Summaries of caret type annotation |
CICircleAnnotationSummary | Summaries of circle type annotation |
CIFileAttachmentAnnotationSummary | Summaries of file attachment type annotation |
►CIFreeTextAnnotationSummary | Summaries of freetext type annotation |
CIFreeTextCalloutAnnotationSummary | Summaries of callout type annotation |
CIFreeTextTextBoxAnnotationSummary | Summaries of text box type annotation |
CIFreeTextTypewriterAnnotationSummary | Summaries of typewriter type annotation |
CILineAnnotationSummary | Summaries of line annotation |
CINoteAnnotationSummary | Summaries of Note annotation |
CIPolygonAnnotationSummary | Summaries of polygon annotation |
CIPolylineAnnotationSummary | Summaries of polyline annotation |
CIRedactAnnotationSummary | Summaries of redact annotation |
CISquareAnnotationSummary | Summaries of square annotation |
►CITextMarkupAnnotationSummary | Summaries of text markup type annotation |
CIHighlightAnnotationSummary | Summaries of highlight annotation |
CIInkAnnotationSummary | Summaries of ink annotation |
CISquigglyAnnotationSummary | Summaries of squiggly annotation |
CIStrikeoutAnnotationSummary | Summaries of squiggly annotation |
CIUnderlineAnnotationSummary | Summaries of underline annotation |
CIContextMenu | This is an abstract contextmenu class. The various behaviors of the user-customized contextmenu can be encapsulated in its subclasses, and then its subclasses should be created in the XViewerUI::createContextMenu to complete the contextmenu customization. |
CIContextMenuItem | This is an abstract contextmenu-item class. The various behaviors of the user-customized contextmenu-item can be encapsulated in its subclasses, and then its subclasses should be obtained from IContextMenu::getItem by the name to complete the contextmenu customization |
CIdentityInfo | Represents identity information for digital stamps |
CILayerNode | Describes the PDF layer node |
CImageData | Image data used for overlay comparison, which can be obtained through PDFPage.render or CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData or CanvasRenderingContext2D.createImageData |
CImportAnnotationsFileCollaborationData | An interface describes the collaboration data format of import annotation fdf,xfdf files |
CImportAnnotationsFileOperationData | The data used to import annotations that includes base64 format data of the fdf, xfdf file |
CInlineColorPickerComponent | Defines an inline color picker component Example: <form-group label="Select Color"> <inline-color-picker></inline-color-picker> </form-group> |
CIPopupAnnotationSummary | Popup annotation summary |
CISignatureUI | Interface for the signature component |
CISignedSignaturePropertiesDialog | Interface for displaying the information of verified signature |
CISignVerifiedResultDialog | Interface for displaying the result of verifing signature |
CIStateHandler | Interface of StateHandler |
►CIViewerUI | This class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module, that stuffs should be customized like the example: ...otherOptions, viewerUI: class extends PDFViewCtrl. IViewerUI { ...implementations } }) |
►CTinyViewerUI | The default built-in UI implementation for PDFViewCtrl module |
CXViewerUI | This class provides an ability for user to customize the several UI like contextmenu which may be triggered from PDFViewCtrl module. You should customize that stuffs like the following example: new PDFUI({ viewerOptions: { viewerUI: new class extends UIExtension.XViewerUI { createContextMenu(owner, anchor, config) { // ... } } } }) |
CIViewMode | Layout of page view interface |
CLineThicknessValues | The line thickness of each compare type objects. By default, these values are 2 pt |
CLoggerFactory | The LoggerFactory is a utility class producing Loggers for various logging APIs |
CMarkingColorValues | The marking color(in 0xRRGGBB format) of each compare type objects |
CMatrix | PDF matrix for coordinate transformation |
CModular | Modular is an singleton class, you can access that instance via UIExtension.modular |
CMoveAnnotsBetweenPageCollaborationData | Describes the data format used to collaborate the moving annotation action |
CMoveAnnotsBetweenPageOperationData | Describes the the fromPageIndex, toPageIndex and annotation's data for move annotation operation |
CMoveBookmarkEvent | Represents an event that occurs when a bookmark is moved |
CMultimediaPlayer | An interface represents the necessary methods of multimedia player. The MultimediaPlayer object need to override its methods to implement the operations |
COnProgressListener | Register a callback that is used to get data when the progress is updated |
COpacityValues | The opacity of each compare type objects. The opacity is expressed as a percentage, and the default is 100% |
COpenFileParameter | Parameters to open file |
COverlayComparisonOptions | Options for OverlayComparisonService.compareImageData |
COverlayComparisonOptionsService | |
COverlayComparisonService | Overlay comparison function entry, this instance must be obtained through PDFViewer.getOverlayComparisonService method |
COverlayComparisonTransformationOptions | Transformation parameters of the target image data |
CPageEditorAddon | Provides page edit functionality for document operations within the UIExtension |
►CPageGraphicsObject | Represents a graphics object within the PDF page |
CImageGraphicObject | Represents a image object within the Page Editor |
CPathGraphicObject | Represents a path object within the Page Editor |
CShadingGraphicObject | Represents a shading object within the Page Editor |
CTextGraphicObject | Represents a text object within the Page Editor |
►CPageGraphicsObjectProperties | Defines common editable properties for page editing objects |
CImageGraphicObjectProperties | Defines editable properties for image objects in the Page Editor |
CPathGraphicObjectProperties | Defines editable properties for path objects in the Page Editor |
CShadingGraphicObjectProperties | Defines editable properties for shading objects in the Page Editor |
CTextGraphicObjectProperties | Defines editable properties for text objects in the Page Editor |
CPageRange | PDF page range object |
CPageTextSearch | Search result extractor |
CPasteCutBookmarkInfo | Parameter of the callback function triggered when pasting a cut bookmark |
CPDFControl | |
CPDFDictionary | |
CPDFDocRender | The class that controls PDF document rendering |
CPDFDocRendering | |
►CPDFField | |
CPDFSignature | |
CPDFForm | |
CPDFPage | |
CPDFPageBatchProcessor | Controls the start , flush , and end cycles of a batch processor, and calling property update methods within the batch processor declaration cycle can greatly improve performance |
CPDFPageRender | PDF page renderer |
CPDFPageRendering | |
CPDFPoint | The PDFPoint interface is the point information defined in pt, and PDFPoint {x:0,y:0} is in the left-bottom corner of the PDF page |
CPDFRect | PDFRect is a definition of a rectangular range in units of point. Point (0,0) is at the left-bottom conner |
►CPDFTextToSpeechSynthesis | The interface of the speech synthesizer. You need to implement all the methods and properties declared below when customizing the speech synthesizer |
CAbstractPDFTextToSpeechSynthesis | An abstract class that provides template methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers |
►CPDFTextToSpeechSynthesisTemplate | Template methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers |
CAbstractPDFTextToSpeechSynthesis | An abstract class that provides template methods to simplify the implementation of custom speech synthesizers |
CPDFTextToSpeechUtterance | The PDFTextToSpeechUtterance represents a speech request, It contains a piece of text content and the page number of the text content in the PDF document, as well as other relevant information |
CPDFViewerRendering | |
CPDFViewPreference | |
CPPOInsertPageCollaborationData | Describes the format of ppo insert page collaboration action |
CPPOInsertPageOperationData | Describes the information for PPO_INSERT_PAGE action |
CPPOMovePageCollaborationData | Describes the collabroation data format of move page action |
CPPOMovePageOperationData | Describes the format of ppo move page collaboration action |
CPPORemovePageCollaborationData | Describes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action |
CPPORemovePageOperationData | Describes which pageIndex need be removed |
CPPORemovePagesCollaborationData | Describes the format of ppo remove page collaboration action |
CPPORemovePagesOperationData | Describe the page range that needs to be removed |
CPPORotatePageCollaborationData | Describes the format of ppo roate page collaboration action |
CPPORotatePageOperationData | Describes the detail of rotate page operation |
CPreConfiguredComponent | It's a simple & pre-configured high-order component |
CPreviewInterface | |
CPrintUIXAddon | Represents the Print Addon in the UIExtension, allowing users to show a print dialog |
CProgressComponent | The ProgressComponent is an interface class that represents a component for displaying the progress of a task. It can be used to provide a visual indication of the progress of a task that may take some time to complete |
CProxy | |
CReadAloudAddon | Represents the Read Aloud Addon in the PDFUI, allowing users to have documents read aloud |
CReadAloudOptions | Interface describing the options of the speech synthesizer, including volume, rate, etc |
CReadAloudService | Read aloud feature service |
CReadAloudTextInformation | Defines an interface for text content page number and text rectangle boundary information |
CRegisterPrintHandlerCallback | A callback function used to PDFViewer::registerPrintHandler |
CRemoveAnnotationCollaborationData | Describes the data format used to collaborate remove annotation action |
CRemoveAnnotationOperationData | Describes the data format for remove annotation |
CRemoveReplyCollaborationData | Describes the data format of remove reply collaboration action |
CRemoveReplyOperationData | Describes the details of remove reply operation |
CSeniorComponentFactory | The Factory class is used to create high-order components |
CSeniorComponentSuperclassOptions | An interface describes configuration options to generate a senior component superclass |
CSignatureFlowOptions | An interface that describes all configuration options of customize the signature flow |
CSignatureInfomation | An interface declaration containing information related to the signature |
CSimpleEventEmitter | |
CSnapshot | Snapshot information, including the PDFPageRender it belongs to, the selected area, and the image data stream |
CSnapshotInteraction | This is a built-in snapshot interaction class, and the application layer can inherit it to implement custom interaction logic |
CSnapshotServer | Custom screenshot image storage service |
CStampInfo | This interface describes the stamp infomation |
CStampService | A singleton class, which can be obtained via PDFUI.getStampService. It can be used to obtain the currently selected stamp icon and monitor the switching action between stamp icons |
CStampStateHandlerParams | An interface represents the parameter of STATE_HANDLER_CREATE_STAMP |
CStateHandlerManager | |
►CStorageContext | Stores the context used to generate storage space names |
CPDFViewerStorageContext | This is an extension of the StorageContext interface. Storage requests triggered by business layer code above the PDFViewerCtrl layer usually carry a PDFViewer instance. Therefore, this interface describes such a StorageContext |
►CStorageDriver | Represents a storage driver |
CIndexedDBStorageDriver | The default built-in storage driver solution based on IndexedDB since 9.2.0 |
CLocalStorageDriver | The storage driver solution based on localStorage |
CStorageDriverChangeEvent< T > | Represents an event triggered when there is a change in the storage driver. T The type of the old and new values in the storage change event |
CStorageDriverRemoveEvent | Represents an event triggered when a stored value is removed in the storage driver |
CSubmitFormActionCallback | A callback function used to ActionCallbackManager::setSubmitFormCallback |
CTaskProgress | The TaskProgress interface defines a process manager |
CTaskProgress< T extends TaskProgressData > | The TaskProgress interface which defines a process manager |
CTaskProgressData | The TaskProgressData interface which defines the data in the progress of the task |
CTextSearchMatch | The match result of text search |
CTreeNodeData | Represents the data structure for a tree node |
CTypingInkSignImageGenerator | An ink signature image generator that generates image data url from specific text content and font. This class provides importFontFamily API to import thirdparty fonts globally from remote what you needed |
CUIFragmentOptions | An interface describe configuration options of UI fragment |
►CUIXAddon | UIXAddon, an addon that relies on the UIExtension of Foxit PDF SDK for Web, is packaged separately into a JS file. The applications can load this addon as needed. This class defines the method templates what a UIXAddon needs to implement |
CCustomDynamicStampAddon | Allows customization and management of dynamic stamps within PDF documents |
CDigitalStampUIXAddon | Represents the Digital Stamp Addon in the UIExtension, allowing users to manage digital stamps |
CThumbnail | Represents a Thumbnail Addon in the PDFUI |
CUIXModule | A module constructed by Modular.module is collection of components and controllers. You can register a component class or a controller class into a module then you can use your component in template. An example for registering component class and usage: |
CUndoRedoAddon | This addon provides comprehensive undo and redo operations at a global level within the document environment. It supports undoing and redoing actions related to bookmarks, annotations, and advanced editing (AdvEdit) functionalities. Users can efficiently revert or reapply changes made to bookmarks, annotations, and advanced editing tasks within the document, enhancing the overall control and flexibility of document management |
CUnit | Unit object |
CUpdateAnnotationCollaborationData | Describes the data format for update annotation action |
CUpdateAnnotationOperationData | The data used to update annotations |
CUpdateAnnotContentCollaborationData | Describe the data format of update annotation content collaboration action |
CUpdateAnnotContentOperationData | Describes the details of update annotation content operation |
CUpdateBookmarkPropertiesEvent | Represents an event that occurs when bookmark properties are updated |
CUserCustomizeCollaborationData | The format of user cusomize collaboration data |
CUserPermission | Assist in determining the permissions of the User_Permissions |
CViewerAnnotManager | Viewer Annot Manager.
The behavior of the default annot can be reset by registerMatchRule |
CViewModeManager | View Mode Manager
The default contains the following two viewmode
continuous-view-mode: Continuous page mode
single-page-view-mode: Single page mode |
CXFAWidgetInfo | An interface represents the information of widget |